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I rent my parents house and they are being "petty"?

Here's the situation.. My parents couldn't sell there house when they wanted to retire. So, to help them they set the rent at $650 and we basically "rent" their house. They relocated to NC from Ohio. Where they purchased and rehabbed a house and then because my younger brother can't do anything on his own took him in AND his baby. So, the house was too small.. They decided to build a house on some property close by... So, in short they have 3 morgages. They tried to give us a "deal of a lifetime" for their home which we live in... However, it's NOT something we can readily afford at this time. Which we tried to tell them 2 yrs. ago. So, they want to put the house we rent on the market soon...

Here's the petty part. We pay rent, utilities and try to maintain the home as best we can.. However, certain things have happened beyond our control... When we moved in the house was infested with fleas. We got rid of them and took the supplies used off the rent ($50).... The basement flooded w/ sewage and we had to buy and clean-up * it was mostly THEIR things in storage.... I also did ALL the work in filing the claim for the insurance! They got 10k and I was reimbursed $1,500 MINUS the next months rent.... The sump pump needed to be fixed so we had a friend that 's master plumber fix the sump pump/switch for FREE.. AND he also snaked the drains and pressure treated them for FREE after the flood... This week.. Our furnace went out since my MIL works for a heating/cooling company she sent a tech of hers after hours to inspect/fix our furnace.. He didn't charge us! He's also ordering us a NEW pump AND coming over for a clean/check. he's not charging us... My husband deducted $35 for a bill that's for the house.. So, my parents called and want that money back ASAP.. I think they are being petty and childish..

I was thinking I should have any work that friends/family did to the house billed and receipted... So, they can see what we do for them to keep the costs down.. I'm pretty upset they are being so childish.... The work our friends did saved them about $500 or more dollars.... They should be more thankful and resonable... Sorry this is so long... I felt the need to provide details on the situation...


To help them out with my brothers child... I've sent them clothing my children have outgrown as well as money-saving coupons...

Until recently I was a SAHM and I have just returned to work part-time- so things up till this point have been stretched to the financial limits for us as well.. We like most were/are juggling bills and trying to keep afloat... We have had a terrible stretch of "bad luck" and have had to borrow money from my inlaws.. I just think my parents behavior is petty... They are angry that we can't afford their house and they made a "bad" decision in buying as well as building a NEW house.. So, they have 3 morgages...!

Update 2:

The house is in a nice and desireable area- our rent is very, very resonable.. As they set the rent.. However, we upkeep the large property and pay utilities. My step-dad is retired he gets an army pension AND retirement pay from his job he worked at for 30+ yrs. My mother works part-time and makes a comfortable living... My stepdad makes double what we make AND he gets FREE health insurance for he/mom.

I'm not so concerned that they are putting the house up for sale we can move I just wish they weren't being so petty. As we have saved their property from disaster on more than 1 occassion saving them 100's if NOT 1000's of dollars....

Update 3:

I also forgot to mention that my step-dad gets... Social Security, army pension AND retirement pay so even retired he makes DOUBLE what me/husband make.

Update 4:

I also forgot to mention that my brother left NC and moved back to OHIO he provides no support for his son.. My parents have consistantly "bailed" my brother out of jail and other offenses throughout his whole life- While they "browbeat" me over $35 ! LIke I mentioned.... I don't care if they want to sell the house.. It's their house- we can live elsewhere.... That's NOT the point. It's the pettiness of the situation...

Update 5:

Wow, this is getting long..... Anyway, my parents neighbors moved into a newer home and put their home up for sale on/off for the past 2 yrs. In that span of time... They have had a flood in the basement which ruined the furnace and hot water heater not to mention the drywall/carpet and furniture in the finished basement... They had a deer crash through the front window, AND to upkeep the lawn they pay $100 per month... Every month they have had to pay the entire morgage the taxes on the two properties.. Which is about $1,500 per month just on that prop. alone.... So, I get what poster #2 is saying.... Though, if we moved in the next couple months... My parents would be really singing the blues.. I just want them to be more appreciative of the efforts that we make to help them save money.... By fixing what we can ourselves for little to no money.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    that is very petty...i would definitly show them how much you would've spent.i'm at an impasse with my parents,too,so i understand.good luck!

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Rent-To-Own Home -
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ~You didn't mention the size of the house or number of rooms in the house that you are renting. But even if it's a simple 2 bedroom starter home, $650 a month is pretty cheap rent for a whole house. In many places, you can't get a decent 2 bedroom apartment for $650 a month.

    Perhaps you don't realize that not only do your parents have three mortgages to pay each month but they have three sets of property taxes, three sets of homeowner's insurance, three different houses to maintain financially and only one of the properties (the one you live in) is bringing them any money toward the expenses they must put out every month.

    Since you indicate that they are retired, I'm guessing their income consists of Social Security, maybe some savings and perhaps a pension. Most retirees try to downsize when they retire because they know they will be on a fixed income. Your parents, instead, hoped to sell you one house at a "deal of a lifetime" which you indicated you could afford and told them. Then, instead of supporting just themselves on a fixed income, they are stuck with the added burden of your brother and his child. Most senior citizens only have to care for themselves, not their children and grandchildren.

    If you have paid attention to the financial crisis going on, you might want to think about the fact that your parents' pension(s) and savings have probably taken a nose dive and the income they were receiving from these investments has possibly lost (like other retirees) over half it's value. If they were planning on living on this money for the remainder of the lives, they probably didn't plan on the exorbitant increase in health insurance, including Medicare Part D plans that people over age 65 have to have.

    Perhaps your parents aren't really being "petty". Perhaps they are in a panic and financially helping out too many people. If they have to sell the house in order to survive themselves, what do you think they should do? Maybe they could sell their house and move in with you.

  • Noell
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    rent parents house petty

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