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chefaid90 asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

why is my cat always wanting food?

I have a 11 month old cat that I got from a shelter he has been checked for worms and diabetes. He wants to eat all day long. He sits at his food bowl crying. You go into the kitchen and he is all under your feet trying to get you to feed him. He will get into any food left out esp bread then he throws it up. When we eat I have to crate him since he wont leave you alone and gets in your face and tries to get your food and will take food straight out of my 4 year olds hand. I feed him good quality food and its not cheap. He is fed Blue Spa Select and is made of good things and no fillers. He is only supposed to be getting 1/2 to1 cup. I space this out over 3 feedings a day or he would drive me mad with the whining. He ends up getting about 1 1/2 cups of food. He gets 3 cans a week of Natural Balance food. What can I do to have a cat that doesn't try to eat my cabinet door to get at his food?


He is on a schedual get food at 8am 2 pm and 8 pm.

He cant eat all that canned food as it doesnt go well with his stomach and he gets the runs from it. that is why i only feed 1/2 small can 3 times a week.

Update 2:

they tell me to just keep a bowl of food out but I have put 2 cups of food in there and a matter on an hour its gone and he is still whining. I tried on another occasion and put out one of those auto feeders and he eat so much he threw up and then 1/2 hour later was back eating.

Update 3:

thank you all.

I have had the cat about 3 months now and I was wondering if he over eats because the shelter always had these big bowls of food in their cage and that he is used to eating more than I give him. He was on Blue when I got him as they said he had a sensitivity to what was in the cheaper foods. He is not over weight at all more on a slender to normal size.

8 Answers

  • jck
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds like you're doing the logical things - rationing a good food on a regular schedule. You don't say how long you've had him, but I'm guessing it's not long. Is he obese?

    We don't know what happened to him while he was in the shelter. From the 2nd link, if you page down you'll get the full article, but this part seems pertinent: "There are a number of reasons why your cat might overeat out of habit. The instinct to gorge oneself with food seems to be more prevalent in cats that have been strays or deprived of food in their early years." My cat, a stray, will beg for food even when she's not really hungry. I think it's a ploy for attention and often distract her by picking her up and taking her into another room for some interactive play - with a wand, cat dancer or chasing mice I toss around. My cat's gotten better over time although she still tries to see if she get get some extra. She's learned when I say "It's not time yet" and shake my head that she's not going to get anything and she wanders off.

    However, there are possible medical conditions that could be causing the cat to overeat mentioned in the 1st link - inflammatory bowel, food allergies or sensitivities or hyperthyroidism. While Blue Spa and Natural Balance are good foods, your cat may be reacting to something in them. (Kinda like me being allergic to my cat!)

    The last link is to an answers on google where someone had a problem with their cat eating until it got sick. Once of the responders had a list of questions to talk to the vet about which may be helpful to you too.

    Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Probably worms (especially if it's an outdoor cat), or it could be her thyroid. Your best bet is the vet. Over the counter worm treatments are fine if you know exactly what type of worm you're dealing with, but that isn't always apparent. The vet should be able to give an 'all-in-one' treatment just as a precaution, and do a quick blood test which will indicate if there are thyroid problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like he knows how to run the show! Some cats are needier than others and it sounds like your cat is really needy. Have you tried just keeping his bowl full all the time? I have 4 cats and that's the only way to keep the peace with them otherwise they cry and act really bratty!! Have you asked your vet for advise about the behavior? I hope you can get it resolved...good luck :)

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus. Many of us already have the cold sore virus dormant in our bodies, and never have a flare up of cold sores. We contracted it as children, as it is a very common virus, and children pick it up easily as they often share food and drinks, and may be less concerned about hand washing and hygiene. Cold sores can be transmitted even when the person does not have a cold sore, though it is less likely to happen then.

    remember that you can remove genital warts by surgery, freezing, laser, acid or cream but genital warts can reappear again and again because genital warts appears when your immune system is weak!

    I got diagnosed with herpes type 2 about seven years ago, when I was still in college and had a stupid one-night stand. However, Not only was I able to remove all traces of the herpes virus from my system in less than three weeks, but I was also able to start dating again!

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  • Cow
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Canned food will make your cat fuller since most it it is water.


    The canned food is making your cat sick? Try different ones like Wellness or Innova EVO.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Diabetes is usually treated through a combination of diet (low sugar), exercise and medications/insulin. Milder cases can be controlled with just diet an/or exercise while more severe cases require meds or insulin as well.

    Learn more

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just buy a automatic feeder and fill it with dry kitty food

  • 1 decade ago

    probably you give him food when he wants it, Make a schedule for feeding...

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