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Lv 5
55Spud asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Don't you find it interesting...? much the questions have changed in the Environmental section of Y!A? During the whole Inconvenient Truth craze the questions (and most answers) were of the "sky is falling" tenor. Now, there seems to be more skeptics and fewer fanatics. What changed? Are we better educated? Or is everyone looking for a new bandwagon to jump on?

9 Answers

  • David
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Al Gore did misrepresent science and use emotion way too much in his movie (which I have never seen, but have heard about and scanned the book version of).

    The people who were interested in learning more (who realized the fact that global warming is a concern of many, many more people than that single man) read books from scientists, which they found to be more down to earth than a film from an ex politician, one of the most manipulating professions around.

    Most of the skeptics however were so offended by this single man's annoying nature that they completely shut themselves out to the idea of AGW altogether and instead surrounded themselves with skeptic arguments and junk science.

    Now the debate has gotten so political, even here on Y! The skeptics assume everyone who believes in AGW is an ignorant alarmists who doesn't understand science, when clearly this is not the case. Similarly the believers see the skeptics as stubborn, closed-minded and irresponsible, when again there are many skeptics who do not fit this category.

    It's the same as the opinions most people have of the opposing American political party; to the Republicans, every Democrat is a baby killing communist, who hates profit or any form of industrialization and would be just happy if we were all hippies living in the woods. And then to the Democrats, every Republican is a war mongering, greedy, fundamentalist and unintellectual hick. While there are indeed some who fit those respective descriptions, the vast majority are not anything like either. Why this is so hard for most people to recognize I'll never understand.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think many have found a "reliable" source that lets them off the hook, so they have gone back to their lives with no change. There are others who saw the movie sought more information and have made changes and are continuing to make changes. Some have found ways to share the information, others had little patients for the absurd questions and answers and have given up and others are still on Yahoo answers hoping to share a little insight.

    I think many people have made true changes in their lives, while others found ways to justify not making any changes. I rarely bring up global warming when discussing "going green" or what ever you want to call it. I think we can all agree that we are polluting the earth and using the resources at an alarming rate and we would all be better off if we found ways to slow these things down.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think your partly right there is was a bandwagon for that movie and now that its fallen out of the spot light people that only like the movie because everyone else did have moved on but people that care about the environment have decided that its a waste of time to try to change peoples minds on yahoo answers. I bet most have moved to another place where they think they can talk to more people. Then there is a few that are doing something because they were inspired because of that movie. I bet if 100 people were inspired to do something by that movie Al gore would be happy.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Only the most devoted global warming fanatics are even listening to Al Gore anymore. Everyone else is annoyed with his hypocrisy (he could help his cause with fewer private jets and guzzling SUV's).

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    If a question does no longer interest me or I have now no longer something to declare on the project then i do now no longer hassle answering. i have were given replied your question nonetheless so it would prefer to have in contact me for some reason.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For every person who received religious inspiration from the movie 100 more were disgusted by the gross misrepresentation of science and history expressed there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What changed? I'll tell you what changed. The weather hasn't cooperated with the "sky is falling" argument.

  • eric c
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It is hard to make your case for global warming when ski resorts around the world are opening up earlier than when they normally do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yup, I actually miss the arguments, wit, and humor. No heat,no wind for the sails.

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