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Dom asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

What does it mean when my cat licks my hand, and puts his head on my face?

We’ve had our kitty for about a month now, he is neutered and well behaved (for the most part, he’s 1 so he gets into things he shouldn’t!) He is a Ragdoll/Persian mix and VERY pretty, lately though my fiancé and I have been wondering why he isn’t affectionate with us, he lets us pet him and hold him but only for a little bit, maybe a minute or two? Then he wants down, he never sits in our laps, occasionally he’ll sit NEXT to us or sleep at the foot of the bed, we play with him every day when we get home from work for about an hour/hour and a half so we know it’s not that.

The funniest thing happened last night though that I wanted to see if anyone could help me with, I fell asleep on the couch and at about 3:30am I went into the bedroom to go back to bed with my fiancé, Louie(our kitty) jumped up on the bed and crawled above our heads (He usually does this because the bed is right under the window) I was on my back and had my hand behind my head, he licked my hand about 3 times, then stopped, then licked it again 3 or 4 times, then walked onto my chest and plopped his cute little head on my cheek and slept there until the alarm went off (when I woke up his head was under my chin).

Does this mean he is FINALLY coming around to loving us as his own? Because we’ve had our doubts lately if he really cares for us (as cats do) or if he just is there for the food and water lol… We love him a lot and want him to love on us more! I was really excited last night that he decided to give me his affection, should we be expecting more of this? What does it mean exactly? With the licking and putting his head on my face? What can we do to get him to want to cuddle with us more often??

Thanks so much for the help!!


16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cats don't normally care for people they only do what they want to so don't be concerned if they don't let you pet them. Cats have several spots they love to be scratched at the right side of the face bc that is were there musk glands are and they will start to mark you by rubbing there face on you saying that your theres. Also they like to be pet under the chin.

  • 1 decade ago

    My cat has had us for 11 years now. I brought her home from the animal hospital where I worked, when she came in as a stray. She hates being held and always sleeps in the crook of my knees. In the last year, she has become much more affectionate, sitting on laps, wanting more physical contact. Some cats are just naturally stand-offish. Males usually less so than females. He may never be as affectionate as you would like, but he will still be a great companion.

    Source(s): Former CVT
  • 1 decade ago

    It's a sign of affection and love. Your cat cares about you a lot and you are very lucky. My cat does all those things too and is the sweetest cat I've ever seen.

    By the way, it's not breed- my cat is some mix we got from the shelter and does this, it's also not age, though I think cats tend to be more loving as they are older, but my cat is 10 and does this, especially at night while I'm trying to sleep, he headbutts my nose as hard as he can!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most young cats are very independent and want affection on "their" terms. As he gets older he'll mellow down.

    As for sleeping on you? Cats will do this more in the winter time because of your body heat.

    You and your cat just need to find your routine. For instance, my little boy cat is 2. He rarely sits on my lap, but for some reason he wants to get up on the desk when I'm on my computer and have me pet him, then he'll lie down right in front of the monitor and go to sleep.

    At night, or any time I go in my bedroom, he jumps on the bed and begins meowing. Then he gets onto the bed right next to the pillow. This is the spot he's "adopted" as his. He'll move around and push my hand, and generally disrupt me if I'm reading. Then he turns his butt to me, lays down and wags his tail in my face! But hey, that's our ritual.

    My other cat is a lap kitty. If I'm sitting down she wants to be in my lap (all 14 loving pounds of her). But she's 8 - and he's only 2.

    So yes, he's finally accepting you. And also the nights are getting colder. Just keep playing with him and loving him. Find those special spots on him that he LOVES to have rubed and rub away!

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  • 1 decade ago

    for the most part, its the breed of cat. i too have a persian ive had sense she was 5 weeks old. shes now 8 years old and I still have to beg borrow steal any affection from her. as long as the affection or attention is her idea, its all good, but if i initiate it, she runs away like i am going to skin her alive. lol just enjoy the affection when its offered and be grateful for it. if you force it, he will become skid-dish. My Ashley has a face i could just eat up and its frustrating when i cant get her to cuddle with me, sit on my lap or just play. She too, will lick my hand and sleep on my hip but trembles in fear if i pick her up. ive never ever hurt her. So i have a tendency to believe its the breed of cat.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well i have had a rag doll Himalayan mix and a rag doll Persian mix and they each had different personality's my rag doll Persian mix would hide everytime company was over and she would rub against me to make her seem hidden but my rag doll himilayan mix loved company she would walk up to someone and meow untill she got there attention and would lick your hand so she would get even more attention. so it really depends on your cats personality and how old they are... both my cats died at age 18 (very old for cats)

    all cats one way or another apprieciate their owners both my cats would scratch on my door every night till i let them come in and sleep with me

  • 1 decade ago

    Ultimately he's there for shelter and food; however, kittens grow up thinking we are cats. He wants to be near you and feel your warmth and comfort but on his terms.

    In my experience cats get more fond of laps as they get older. It is a good idea to handle him a lot because it is easier then to manage him, take him to the vet or administer medicine.

    One of our cats will sleep with her paws round my neck and her face on mine. Probably unhealthy, but who cares.

  • 1 decade ago

    well it sipmly means me loves you thats the cats way of saying it like a dogs is licking you a cats is rubbing on you and if it really likes you it will give you a kiss

  • 1 decade ago

    cats will get more affectionate as they get, the boyfriend and the cat will form a "pride" and the licking is it's ways of showing you that your the leader...sounds like you have a wonderful cat so enjoy!!!!!

    Source(s): have two cats....who lick and sleep with their head in my hands and the one only eats if I hold it's food dish...yes they are that spoiled!!
  • 1 decade ago

    first of all he is probally saying good morning. he is probally trying to get your attention saying heh this is what you pet me with get with it i need attentioncats are very independent and if they think they have to do something they will sometimes do the oppisite.i do not know why they think they have to craw on our heads but heh it gets our attention and i think he might be abke to feel our heart beat mine loves to get that closeness on my chest up by my head, i do not know why except that they are right up there where we can deffinately see them and know they are there. yes he is getting to know you and feel more like a part of the family. give him a hug for me.

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