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Why is it there have been no amazing miracles since the Bible days?

Especially since we have tv, pictures and internet. Don't you think it is weird that nothing incredible like parting the Red Sea, or lamp oil lasting 8 days, rainstorms of frogs, or the walls of a city falling at the sound of a horn has happened for a long time.........Why is that?


I just find it interesting that these monumental occurences were recorded in a book that many people are willing to die for, and yet in an age where information is immediate an verifiable...we have no such occurences.

Update 2:

I do not find the Miracle of the Sun credible, because again..clothes drying and sun shining is not a miracle.

Also there is such a phenomenon as group else do you explain the Salem Witch trials..You cannot equate the stories from the bible with anyhting that has occured in modern time....Me think about my friend and then her calling is not a miracle.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Where have you been? Miracles happen every day.

  • 1 decade ago

    Miracles happen every day, if you are willing to realize that there are no coincidences. We can easily dismiss coincidence after coincidence (especially when there's a string of them) as accidents, or we can realize that they are part of a purpose.

    But what you're really asking is why aren't there any open miracles anymore. There are many answers to this but one is that the history of human kinda is split up into different phases and that the time of open miracles has passed (for now) and that such open miracles would impede upon our free will. If G-d were to reveal himself openly in grand fashion it would be pretty hard to make our own behavioral choices, and the object of the world is not to make us robots.


    Such "open" miracles ceased well before the advent of modern media, TV, modern science, etc. In fact, the issue is discussed in great detail in writings taking back several hundreds of years ago when people could have still been easily 'tricked' (if you think that media prevents this). The timing of the cessation of open miracles and modern academic thought is not as tightly bound as you may think.

  • 1 decade ago

    They do occur. One of the most dramatic and best attested is the 'Miracle of the Sun' at Fatima [Portugal, 1917]. There were thousands of independent witnesses to that one.

    I mentioned this miracle in response to a similar question a few days ago and someone replied with a link to a very poor 'debunking' of the miracle. In case they do the same again, I will pre-empt them. It is not sustainable to propose that the apparition was the aurora borealis as the site is too far south and the aurora are, in any case, usually visible as a night-time phenomenon. Nor do I find the 'sun dog' explanation convincing as I have seen plenty of sun dogs and they are not particularly dramatic or noteworthy spectacles.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Miracles do not exist. When a person is cured from a usually incurable disease they say it's a miracle. NOT REALLY! There are medical and scientific explanations for such occurrences, and they do not defy laws of nature, as miracles supposedly do.

    Source(s): 23-year old Deist
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  • grnlow
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We now have the completed Bible so there is no need for miracles anymore.

    The purpose of miracles was to be a fast way to prove one had God's power and authorization to speak in His behalf. It is not like a prophet has credentials that glowed in the dark or light with a badge saying he was from God.

    Healing the sick or raising the dead served the purpose. Now we have the completed Bible, we do not need such credentials.

  • dave-o
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Because those things only happen in literature. In the real world people don't grow to be 900 years old, men can't live inside whale stomachs and burning bushes don't talk to people unless they're highly inebriated.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I heard of one miracle:

    "God grew my nail back despite the surgeon's education, surgical expertise, and his protest!" - fundie {Evidently this fundie believes that God would grow her toenail back but allows children to be raped and murdered??}

  • 1 decade ago

    It made it easy for people to make it up.

    Nowadays people are far less gullible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    are you admitting that these miracles really happened in the biblical days? or the whole thing is just a fairy tale for you ? you will find your answer there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Miracles happen. You just have to look for them.

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