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What do you think about Mormons baptizing dead Jews from the Holocaust into their faith?

This practice of baptizing others by Mormons has been going on a long time...but something about this story just seems incredibly wrong. The Jews that died were killed because of thier do this just seems sooo wrong.

I notice anything negative regarding Mormons gets reported as abuse or an inordinate amount of thumbs down...we'll see what happens here.


Old can bet if the Jews did this to the Mormons there would be "discussion" to stop the practice

It is disrespectful for the family members left behind.

If my religion called for me to dig up the graves of people and place my religious artifacts inside their coffins...people who scream desecration...its the same thing.

12 Answers

  • Tom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do they even realize that a person is to accept Jesus as their savior and commit to LIVE by the teachings or the baptism is a total waste of time? A proxy baptism to become a Christian has no more validity in making the person than it does making the person a 32" flat screen TV.

    I can only think it is being done to add members to their rolls for some reason. Maybe they want to be the victims of the Holocaust.

    I would definitely question ANY information they claim in the future.

    This practice is nothing more than fraudulent and outright disrespectful.

    I can say that I have solved the problem!!!!!!!!!!

    After reading the question, before typing this answer. I did a proxy baptism of the Mormon Church to reclassify it as a JPA member so it no longer has its base as a Christian church and its members are now all Jewish, Pagan or Allied with the two in some way.

    I am an ordained minister and one of the leaders of a neutral religious group. Although officially recognized as Wicca/Pagan by the US Military and Government, we are open to all.

    I am totally serious about having done the baptism. That I am ordained and have officially recognised church sponsorship, my baptism is of no less value than the ones performed by the Mormon church. If any mormon denies this to be valid, they admit to the idiocy of their practice.

    A note to my doctrine. It is not allowed to re-baptise or change my doctrine without a written request and written reply of agreement prior to the baptism or doctrine change from me personally. Any attempt to circumvent the doctrine and proceed without my formal written permission is invalid.

  • 1 decade ago

    It has been going on for a long time. The article is interesting because it contradicts itself. First it says to stop and then it says the Jewish community has ended its efforts to stop the practice.

    These two paragraphs are crucial: "In 1995, Mormons and Jews inked an agreement to limit the circumstances that allow for the proxy baptisms of Holocaust victims. Ending the practice outright was not part of the agreement and would essentially be asking Mormons to alter their beliefs, church Elder Lance B. Wickman said Monday in an interview with reporters in Salt Lake City.

    "We don't think any faith group has the right to ask another to change its doctrines," Wickman said. "If our work for the dead is properly understood ... it should not be a source of friction to anyone. It's merely a freewill offering."

    In short, the Jews were demanding that the LDS alter their doctrines. That is akin to demanding the same of the Jews. A major problem in anyone's book.

    Some of the material in the article is misleading. Surprisingly, there are a few non-Mormons who are doing genealogical work for their ancestors and then submit the work to have the temple work accomplished. I don't understand why they would do this, other than something is prompting them.

    As to having this particular question reported, that is unlikely as it is not disrespectful of the LDS practices and is asking for opinions. The questions that get nailed are those that disrespectfully deal with LDS practices and beliefs and responses showing no respect for the LDS religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Frankly, I am appalled to have learned this week that Mormons are going around baptising 'by proxy' dead Jews, Hindus, Muslims and so on.

    Mormons have been asked to stop doing this - and they promised they would stop, only to continue!

    They have 'baptised' numerous Jews who died in the Holocaust. For any Jew, Mormon beliefs equal IDOLATRY and BLASPHEMY. What right do Mormons have to claim AS Mormons, Jews who have NO SAY in the matter by virtue of the fact that they are DEAD?

    And they died as Jews.

    Nobody has the right to claim the souls or the names of the dead.

    Perhaps Jews should start circumcising dead Mormon men...?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is really nasty. It is a practice which many Mormons reject.

    As to whether it is disrespectful, I don't see how there can be any discussion or question. It is OBVIOUSLY a violation of common decency.

    If I ever hear about anyone doing that to my relatives I will make it possible for them to have a posthumous baptism of their own.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, Its not you I just don't click links anymore. As a Jew, I find the idea of disturbing a body in a state of rest very disrespectful. The body is to be returned to earth in a humble state, even the coffin is simple. Baptizing the body is what, put water onto the body? Once they have disturbed the body, they have crossed the line.

  • 1 decade ago

    There's no doubt it's wrong and utterly disrespectful. At the same time, since no Jews accept this concept of baptism anyway, and since no actual bodies or artifacts are involved, one could just view this as a bunch of people making superstitious gestures.

  • Aravah
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    answer: absolutely disgusting. It dishonors the memory of everyone who died in the Holocaust.

    I'd hardly call such disrespect, dishonesty, arrogant behavior an "exciting new level of faith"

    I wonder if Mormons would mind a few pagans dedicating Mormon children to pagan gods in absentia?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They do it to everyone; Jews are not singled out. According to Mormon beliefs, the dead person is free to reject the baptism. According to non-Mormon beliefs, this practice has no effect whatsoever. I don't see it as harming anyone.

    Source(s): Catholic
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Mormons certainly are taking faith to new exciting levels...

  • 1 decade ago

    That's hilarious.

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