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Look ahead to the Senate 2010 races?

I was taking a quick glance ahead at the 2010 Senate races, and it looks like at least 3 Pub senators will retire. Arlen Spector will be 80 and has cancer, and even if he did run he would likely lose to a very popular Ed Rendell. Kit Bond and Chuck Grassly may also retire with no decent Pubs to take their place, and with strong Democrat challengers.

Another interesting race will be John McCain vs Janet Napolitano, pitting an unpopular incumbent who just lost badly in the Presidential election against a very popular Governer.

Couple all this with the fact that there are no realistic challenges to any of the Democrat incumbents.

So my question is this, are you ready for the inevitable filibuster-proof Democratic Senate come 2010?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no such thing as filibuster proof. This is not Europe, we don't require all party members to hold 100% to an ideology (i am a pro-life, pro-gun, anti-gay marriage Democrat)

    Each senator will always have to worry about their re-election and nothing else, and when the national party opposes popular sentiment, they will vote with sentiment if they want to keep their job.

    If you want to see an example of a senator who always puts her state first, look at Sen. Mary Landrieu

  • 1 decade ago

    newsflash from a pennsylvanian: Rendell isn't so popular anymore. Pennsylvanians are in no way happy with the downward slant our state has taken under his 8 years of governance. Our roads are horrible, our taxes are sky high and businesses are leaving in droves. There hasn't been any indication that he even plans on running. I think he knows his goose is cooked. For christ's sake his approval rating is only 44%.

    Janet Napolitano will not be running either, she is serving in Obama's cabinet. There is no way she would give up such a prominent postion before Obama's first term is up. That would be the dumbest political move, ever.

    I think you are gravely misinformed. But hey, anyone can dream I guess.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wikipedia has a great breakdown of current crop of candidates for the 2010 race.

    Republicans may have a shot at Blanche Lincoln in Arkansas.

    Democrats have potential to swing Martinez seat in FL.

    Potential for Republican in Hawaii if 86 year old Inouye retires and popular rep gov. Lingle runs.

    OH, KY and PA are Republican risks.

    Outside chance for Reps in WA.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If they keep trotting Sarah Palin out every time there is an election somewhere I think there is a pretty good chance there will be no republicans left in elected office anywhere

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  • Oh good God.

    You keep saying "stop blaming Obama for things when he hasn't taken office yet". If we can't see into the future, how can you?

    Stop all this unsportsmanlike gloating. It's really ugly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We just had a 2year long presidential race ... how about you take a break .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nope because the 3 musketeers position is in question

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