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Why do some Christians get so angry when non-Christians use the bible to challenge their behavior?

This was inspired by another question:;_ylt=AvL9R...

Some of the Christian answers were saying how they didn't care how atheists interpreted their bible, and since we didn't believe in it we had no right to use it.

If you're going to go around preaching about your religion, you should practice what you preach. Why do some of you get so offended when we use the book that you say is the "truth" to call you out on your un-Christian-like behavior?

Just a couple examples which immediately come to mind are:

-Being intolerant of those who are different, even though your Jesus told you to love all people.


I'm not saying all Christians are like this, but for the ones who are, why so angry when we use your own book to point out your hypocrisy?

42 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Truth hurts.. :)

  • Because E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E has a sinful nature. If you truly believe that

    Christians are the only faith that has this problem, you and MANY of your other respondents need to look around. EVERYONE HAS FAULTS, HYPOCRISIES, ETC.

    Try asking this question as a follow-up to the first one:

    "...Am I, or anyone else.... perfect?

    I can assure you I'M NOT! Have I ever been a hypocrite? Yes.

    Point being, as a Christian, I am more concerned about how I TREAT OTHERS and how I TREAT GOD..... I get more accomplished for our world ... than having a "debate." My faith isn't debatable.

    Read John 3:16.... the answer is there. It's a short, sweet passage with enormous ramifications.

    I do hope you find your peace. God Bless.

    Source(s): Personal Experience & Relationship with my saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
  • I've only once ever become annoyed with someone who was an atheist using the Bible in the argument. I was only annoyed because he kept referencing passages that had nothing to do with what we were talking about then kept insisting that he was right and smarter than me. I was like, "What? That doesn't even make sense!"

    Also, sometimes people could get annoyed/angry when passages are taken out of context and are used incorrectly to support an argument that is the opposite of what the passage really means.

    They could also get angry because they are defensive and can't accept that someone who is an "unbeliever" could have knowledge about their beliefs! Some people are just prideful and can't take being told they're wrong, even if it is supported by something in which they believe. Just because they are Christian, doesn't mean they're perfect. It means they are (theoretically) trying to be.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is rich coming from an atheist. Atheists flout every commandment in the Bible and then criticize us for not obeying every one. True; Christians should be more Christ-like. But it is the height of hypocrisy to chastise someone for doing something that you do, as well.

    Have you ever been on a diet? Did you ever cheat on it? If you did, does that mean diets are worthless and that it's okay to eat anything you want?

    Intolerance is the taboo word of the world today. Calling someone intolerant is tantamount to calling them an infidel. Truth, by definition, is intolerant of error. In that respect Christians are intolerant. Is your math teacher intolerant when she checks off the wrong answers?

    However, we tolerate the existence of those who don't agree with us. We just don't agree with them. Try going to Some place like Saudi Arabia and pass out anti-Islamic tracts. Try going to China and speaking out against communism. You'll find Christians are much more tolerant than you care to admit.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is always two sides of the debate and yes why not use the Bible as that is what it is all about what is written; is it fact or is it fiction of human imagination?

    When the Bible is compared with archeology and paleontology then the Bible doesn't stand up to those criticisms of being tested by time hidden in the sands of knowledge that has exposed the truth or fiction.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because most are taking the scriptures out of context (scripturally, culturally and historically) and cherry picking to suit their needs....

    Now don't get me wrong, Christians do it too.... and it just bugs me no matter who is doing it....

    and from you first example you are confusing intolerance from not agreeing with how a person lives.... I can not agree with someone living a certain way until the world ends BUT still be able to live next door to them and be nice to them and even talk in length with them and otherwise be friends with them..... It seems to me that non-Christians confuse not agreeing with how a person lives with not liking the person at all... and there is a distinct difference in that... but I guess only people that live in this frame of mind can understand the true meaning of tolerance...

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Christian and I'm asking that you keep it up. Christians need to examine themselves, because the Lord is returning soon. However, have you accepted Jesus as your Savior since you know the TRUTH so well? Jesus said, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"

    Christians should not get angry or offended. When one knows who they are in Christ Jesus, there is no need to be offended.

    Consider the Lord Jesus, because He is very real. He went to the Cross of Calvary for you and me and He arose the third day to life from the dead. Over 500 people saw Him after His crucifixion, death and burial walking the earth.

    He made such an impression on history that time split BC and AD for Him.

    Forgive the unChristian-like behavior of those who offend you and ask the Lord for forgiveness of your sins and accept His offer of eternal life. The Word of God says that you must confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord.

    I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He went to the Cross of Calvary for my sins, He was crucified, died and buried and arose the third day. Jesus is the Son of God and God in human flesh.

    I am not a sinless human being, but my sins have been washed in the blood of Jesus and God has casts them far from me. Do I hate sin? Yes, because sin is rebellion against God and I love the Lord God.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a christian and this one is going to hurt some feelings but truth be told the bible teaches one thing that many seem to ignore both believers and non believers alike.

    2 Timothy 2:15 - Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

    Mind you alot of us believers and non believers throw the word of God around without care. Which in turn causes the misrepresentation of the word that has cause so much damage to this date.

    Now I can understand you finding verse and word that proves to a believer in this case a christian that their behavior is wrong. However, if you are using it to disprove the word itself your using it out of context. Being that this word (bible) is sacred to me and should be to christians we should all show it respect. Because as we use the word christians and non christians alike are representing the word of God and therefore God Himself. Christians are more responsible to do it honorably here because they have recieved the GIFT of SALVATION.

    There have been many times here that questions have been asked by non-believers that have had me stumped and I mean sound biblical questions. As a representative of HIS WORD, if I don't know the answer its up to me to find out and I will not be ashamed to admit I don't know. I research and find it not only for my sake but to enlighten the person looking for a response.

    It is humbling to see that so many of you non believers know the word of God better than many christians which may be another reason for the responses you have recieved thus far. Fustration on their own part to not know the answer.

    So I answered this one the best I could, it merited truthfulness.

    Source(s): christian - believer - GOD LOVER
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the average atheist actually understands more of the Bible than the average christian. So when we use it against the christians its like a big slap in the face, especially when atheists start using quotes form the bible they have never heard off in their blissful ignorance.

    Before you give me a thumbs down note that I said average. I understand it doesn't apply to all Christians.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This question is a good example of why Christians get upset about non-believers using it to "call out" a bad behavior. Because those who do, have no understanding of what it says.

    Loving someone does not mean that you tolerate all of their behavior. when someone is wrong about something, it is more loving to tell them than to say "that's okay." This is why there are shows like Super Nanny. People are trying to be tolerant of their children instead of loving.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They may not be able to actually answer your question...and they actually don't believe everything in it themselves anyway. Its not like Islam where there is one book...there are many....

    In Islam we have the sunni and the shiea but they still use the same book but that is not the case in Cristianity...

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