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Why are we here typing questions?

Are we seeking answers?

or is it we know the answer and are checking to see if anyone else has found the same answer?

Or is it we think we know the answer and are looking for others that think like we do?

So many here do not have a true answer to the questions most can not even think for themselves.

The religious and the non-religious spit a answer out that someone told them was the answer with out even thinking about it.

How many here look in to the Question examine it for all its statements and seek to answer all parts of the question with a real desire to Give a True answer?

I believe in a God that as long as you are seeking to Know the Truth it will prove he exists.

So if we really want to know the Truth why can’t we all seek it?

You see this is the Real question.

DO You Really Want To Know?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My "truth" is always evolving as a result of the thoughts, questions and "thruths" I hear from others. I do enjoy reading well thought out responses that give me something to think about. I prefer answers that don't agree with my beliefs because they are the ones that potentially offer another key to the REAL TRUTH. I'm comfortable with what I already "know" so I'm not looking for validation. Nothing is gained by that other than to realize "I am not alone." I answer questions with the same goal in mind - offer something that may help others evolve their beliefs and raise their level of awareness.

    I do agree, there are some here who's only real interest seems to be to degrade others or validate themselves. I often wonder if there isn't a better site for honest, well thought out exchanges. However, these folks are also teachers of evolution if only to help with our own patients and tolerance.

    Now, the real question is, "DO You Really Want To Know?"

    Be well!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I think that some of us are here typing questions because we want answers or advice. I also think that you're right that some people already know the answer to the question and ask it anyway to see if anyone else has found the same answer. And it is possible that some are just looking for others who think like we do. I agree that a lot of people don't have the true answer to the question and they just answer anyway without even thinking about it. I think they do it for points or something. I, for one, do read the whole question and try to answer all the parts correctly, or at least give my true opinion. I do believe that we can all learn the truth if we only seek it. But I think that most people are too lazy to seek it. And to answer your last question, yes, I really do want to know. That's why I'm here.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you are thinking too much. I am on here because I feel good about helping people, I feel that I may make a difference in somebodies life. In addition to that I am very bored and it gives me something to do for 5 min and relaxes me. How do you know there aren't thousands of other people just like me doing the same thing?

    You are on here right now just like everybody else, asking a question similar to the questions you are trying to interpret.

    If you are so into God, then you should know not to judge other people, that is God's job.

    I am a pagan by the way, but I still believe in God.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are on here typing questions to get a wide view and variety of answers from the people that they may walk the sidewalk with. This gives them the ability to see a percentage rate among all of the positive or negative feed back. If I'm not mistaking, I think it is the same way that a POLL works. You ask, and I will tell my opinion.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You sound like someone who thinks he knows the answer and is looking for others that think like he does.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    you have extra points from me!

    nobody wants to Know in this section. Who wants to know spends his time in another way. not typing and earning points. this is just a kind of pretext for those who cannot do more (at least for the moment).

    this "answers" can only show us a stage, a level of our activities.....desires, needs (especially to communicate and to spend our time somehow) can judge for your own which is the stage.....when i do this evaluation for me i m very sad ..... because this show me a low level (intelectual, spiritual, etc)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is human nature. It is what it is and it cannot be changed. As human beings, we rely on our instincts because we are animals on this planet with the adaptation of an advanced mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I was going to try to answer this, but then I decided it wasn't a real question


  • 1 decade ago

    "Seek and yea shall find".

    "Knock and the door shall be opened".

    "Even before you have asked...the question has been answered".

    I Am

    The truth

    The way

    and the Light.

    To You it has been given.

    Source(s): Bible.
  • 1 decade ago

    because we might neewd to find the others

    We might want new methods

    we might want new answers

    different way to do things


    or extend some knowledge :P

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