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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Why do people always ask questions on R&S if they aren't actually looking for knowledge?

I have seen this trend, especially in R&S, that people come on here, ask a question(usually an ignorant bigoted question), then just pick the answer that agrees with them 100%. Isnt this contradictory to the notion of questions? Aren't questions supposed to be used to gain knowledge, not stroke your ego? THOUGHTFUL answers only please.

here is a brief example(there are much worse):;_ylt=AhNN8...

15 Answers

  • Lamont
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's called "confirmation bias." A good explanation is on Wikipedia. Now you can ignore my answer.

  • Jeme
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's not just in R & S but throughout Yahoo Answers. However, when I first started posting/answering, it really annoyed me when researched and sought out helpful information, gave a very detailed answer only to find what you described in your question: a quest for agreeable opinions rather than quest for answers or possible solutions--some are simply playing around--some are soapboxing.

    There's no restriction on who asks those type questions: folks from any religions/faiths or none at all and from all walks of life.

    Again, it used to "annoy" me a bit. Now, not really because I know it's a possibility.

    Best to you.


  • 1 decade ago

    I think maybe it's because they think they already have all the answers and have life all figured out, and if you don't agree with them you're just wrong. Differing opinions are not well tolerated (goes both ways too). As a Christian, I really don't expect to have all the answers. That's why some degree of faith is always required, whether you choose to accept God or not. I hope nobody on R&S (theist or atheist) feels they have such compelling proof of their opinion that can not appreciate the doubts of others. Either way you go, you're going on faith, not absolute proof.

  • LKC
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They're pushing their views. Some of them are, anyway. In their minds, the right answers are those that are their type of answers.

    Then again, they're not truly searching for knowledge (or stupidity), but trying to spread "it".

    Way too many of these questions happen here, from both sides (or all sides).

    Just because you're intelligent doesn't mean everyone else is...

    Source(s): "There are only two things in this word that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
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  • 1 decade ago

    It's because they're not looking for information or opinions, they're trying to make a statement and broadcast their own opinion. They're treating Y!A as their personal soapbox. In any public forum, you're bound to get some people who will abuse it in order to vocalize their (often bigoted) opinions, especially with a subject matter as subjective, ambiguous and personal as religion. Y!A tries to regulate it to some degree, but there's no way that they can keep anyone out for good, and not much benefit for Yahoo! to police the forum extensively, since they're not making any significant profit on it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If i direct questions at a specific group of people, it's usually because i'm attempting to cause that particular group to have the inclination to overlook the differences between that and a different group.

    Note; I aim only for the inclination, i am not trying to force people to do anything.

    Otherwise, i enjoy throwing random bits of bizarre conceptualism for no good reason.

    P.S: Conceptualism should DEFINATELY be a word.

  • coe
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    In acute circumstances often whilst ayurved and homoeopathy fail, allopathy aspects outcomes. for this reason there is not any subject of insulting allopathy at my end. For acute circumstances, allopathy aspects mandatory outcomes. no count if, via utilising section outcomes of allopathy, I many circumstances choose ayurved and homoeopathy in persistent and trivial circumstances. Ayurveda and Homoeopathy do away with many ailments like Asthama, migraine from the muse. for this reason, those are stable pathies, no count in case you would be able to desire to now no longer assume this from Allopathy. the two have advantages and downsides. a million) If some component is life savior, is it stable to insult (I advise allopathic)? - No 2) Why we insult allopathic till now ayurveda which we never enforce in prepare under extreme circumstances ? - i do now no longer. 3) Why often those Babas and non secular human beings save insulting Allopathic drugs? - Ask them. 4) often Ayurvedic drugs are very high priced whilst located next to allopathic. yet besides the indisputable fact that those non secular human beings like babas, experts say, allopathic drugs are no longer to any extent further close to to damaging human beings. social amassing Vicco turmeric is now costs approximately 60 rs for 50 grams and soframycine is in common terms 20 rs. Soframycin cures quicker than vicco turmeric (Open project). - Ask them. 5) For persistent subject concerns like, optimum cancers and different probable deadly ailments, we've no longer have been given any way different than allopathic scientific care. - actual rather that Ayurvedic scientific care isn't guarenteed and no physique is constructive and specific with connection with the outcomes.(atleast allopathic scientific care has some certainity of scientific care- i agree that there are various section outcomes yet besides the indisputable fact that hundreds of 1000's of persons come to a determination for that) -suited rather i'm in common terms giving 2 circumstances yet you human beings now many examples. -ok 6) Ayurvedic medical doctors argue that Ayurveda is previous faith then on what commencing place those human beings declare that it somewhat is sole aspects of Hinduism? - they declare that the initiating place of Ayurveda is India and Hinduism, and that's a actuality.

  • 1 decade ago

    There's safety in numbers.

    It makes believing what you believe easier when you have others telling you that you are right.

    What makes Christians different is that as they walk with God there will come a time when God removes all those who pat them on the back and tell them they're right. They then have to go to the bible and pray and find out for themselves if they are right.

    I felt I should include this in my answer so that people understand there is a difference between knowing God and rejecting God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The purpose of R&S is ideally for gaining knowledge, but since this not monitored for factual Q&A what you pointed out will continue to occur. Seperate yourself from the herd and make use of integrety. Be true to thy self?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I totally agree with you. Every time I check out the R/S section it makes me really sad. It seems like people are just venting their anger and frustrations. But it doesn't do anyone any good to be arguing with complete strangers over the internet.

  • Andre
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I used to ask serious questions. And I always got a few stupid answers or answers that didn't really relate to what I asked.

    So now I will occasionally ask stupid questions instead, and get an abundance of serious answers. Go figure :\

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