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To All You Creationists and Intelligent Design Believers.?;_...

I am sure that most of you are very nice people in real life, and probably proficient at your chosen vocations, BUT don't you get tired of being called ignorant and stupid? Do you think that when you write all those insults off as being misguided or the voice of Satan, do you think that maybe that comes from arrogance and a false pride that you understand a truth that other people don't?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you believe in God, then evolution must be his greatest creation. It's a relatively simple system that results in a beautiful, vibrant world of life that is diverse, adaptable, resilient and even in rare occasions, intelligent.

    Isn't it sad that people are so misguided in their faith that they attribute this amazing mechanism to Satan instead of God?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) BUT don't you get tired of being called ignorant and stupid?

    To be honest, I don't run into that too much. Bach Sci in Physics maybe has something to do with that. I'm no genius, but I have had a good education.

    2) Do you think that when you write all those insults off as being misguided or the voice of Satan, do you think that maybe that comes from arrogance and a false pride that you understand a truth that other people don't?

    Well, insults are often used by people when they are confounded. This is not the only time that they are used, of course. Still, since believing that God is the creator remains a very rational position, and since attacks against that position are almost always severely lacking in logic, it's not difficult to deduce what instigates insults in such cases. In my experience, it's not Satan.


  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I get tired of being called ignorant and stupid. As an old-earth creationist who has thoroughly researched the origin of life question, I wish my belief in intelligent design would be respected. I am certainly not ignorant- I have done extensive reading on both sides of the argument (I didn't just write off those insults as "misguided" or "the voice of Satan").

  • 1 decade ago

    You sound as arrogant and prideful as the Christians you are making fun of... If you clear your mind of anger you could clearly investigate the claims of intelligent designers. Check out I embrace all science. no one knows where the first cell came from or what caused the big bang. but science can not answer the most important questions like "how to find happiness or a successful life"

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  • D.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes, actually I do get tired of being called stupid but until people realize that not all Believers are total idiots, I guess I'll have to put up with it.

  • Annie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Name calling only shows immaturity in the one who does the *calling*.. Does NOT bother me at all... rofl.... I am to old to let the *little* children get under my skin..... I know what I know.... Know what I believe.... And know who I trust..... and it is not the word of man.... I study many things..... and many things I know.... I am ignorant of a lot..... Just as any one else on here and out here in the *real* world... Those who use the word ignorant or stupid as *put downs* are insecure and probably do NOT know as much as they *think* they do...... rofl..... they are sad, pathetic people...... and so very childish...... go in peace..... God bless

  • Mike
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, people are constantly mocking me because I believe the universe is a giant fish bowl and we are all sea monkeys.

    But I just have to keep believing and know that all those 'scientists' with thier 'evidence' are bound for hell.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure, I get tired of being called ignorant and stupid, because only ignorant and stupid people would even call another person that just because their beliefs differ. It doesn't mean I'm going to stop believing what I do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Being called stupid, arrogant, etc. is a mild form of persecution. Jesus told us to expect it. The foolish will confound the wise.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What's your problem, It's called standing up for what you believer in. No I don't get tired of the insults, If I believe strongly in my point of view, Why would I care what others say ? I have to live my life by my my value system and what seems logical to me, Not what seems logical to your or others, Anyone living his life based on the opinions of others would have one chaotic sad life hence the state of our society today. God bless ! & Merry CHRISTmas !

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