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If Sarah Palin is so stupid, how did she become a governor?

Are the people of Alaska that dumb? Not to be mean, but I don't know how she won. Was it just her good looks?


I say her looks because from what I read she was a beauty queen. I am not making a personal preference to her.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, maybe Alaskans did vote her in because of her looks. Why not? Alot of people voted for Obama because of his looks. I guess it can go either way huh? Is Sarah Palin stupid? Absolutely not! The media made her out to be. I think people are just jealous of what she has done and accomplished in her short time as Governor.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe the more intelligent people view Sarah Palin as good leader. The rest of the people are casting their vote, with the general population, the ones that put Obama in office.

  • 1 decade ago

    Funny everyone thinks that way. Alaskans were looking for new leadership for our state and picked Palin. Same way the country was looking for someone different to lead the country, they way they picked Obama.

    If people stopped and actually did enough research about a question they had instead of being lazy and using Yahoo! Answers, then maybe we wouldn't have such biased people giving answers.

    Source(s): Born and raised in Alaska, didn't vote for Palin, but she isn't doing a bad job running the state.
  • 1 decade ago

    Alaska is not exactly known as a hotbed of intellectual activity. Can you name one top-tier school in Alaska?

    The people of Alaska ranked 46th in intelligence ( Of the top 10 states, 9 of 10 voted Democratic in the last presidential election.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sarah Palin is not dumb, she is just a little ditzy. im sure she is a great governor, but i don't know how great of a vp she would have made. luckily for her, she lost and can return to alaska and that wonderful view of russia from her beck yard (: lol

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Alaska also elected Ted Stevens, who is not only irredeemably corrupt, but dumb enough to think the internet consists of a series of tubes. And also, they elected Don Young, another crook. Alaska has a history of electing terrible politicians.

    Maybe it is something in the water...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All conservatives are stupid. It is a tactic that liberals use to denigrate their opponents without actually addressing issues.

    As an idiot; she is in good company. Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher and Brian Mulroney were also branded morons by their left wing contemporaries.

    I am more amazed that the left has not managed to create a new form of propaganda after all of these years. I am even more baffled that the media keeps dutifully presenting their childish spin as fact and the lobotomized followers swallow it whole.

    Aren't they the sophisticated ones?

    If you are looking for a group of moronic voters you need a bus pass to Pennsylvania. They elected a man who called them all of pact of racists. I wonder how much lead is in the water in that state.

  • 1 decade ago

    i'm glad people have an opinion but be smart people... i would like to know someone personally before I really made it look like someone was stupid. media has a way of exaggerating things... remember, they are business's too and have self interests. don't be dumb yourself! do your own research.

    Source(s): just common sense... oh wait common sense is dying, people are being controlled by mass media.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've been checking since she was nominated and I find no Nobel Prize winners have come from Alaska. I think the people of Alaska are that dumb.

  • Who gives a fvck about sarah palin? Really.

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