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I need help in what to do about someone who constantly tries to 'convert' me to Catholicism...?

Alright, this is a little awkward of a situation. I'm 22, and I live with my friend and his parents. His parents, I'm sure, KNOW we (both my friend and I) are atheist. Christmas is a hard time of year for me. The person who raised me died years back, I have no family (thus living with these people), and I'm atheist/more fond of paganism values.

Yet with the holidays approaching, things feel like they get worse and worse. I have a hard time saying anything, because both their lives revolve around Catholicism and the Church. I make sure to never bring it up, since MY beliefs are my own and private and I see no reason to antagonize them.

But as I said, it gets harder and harder. Especially since I feel the holidays are a slap in the face to my mixed Cherokee and Nordic roots. I feel that Christmas is secular now, but that it was originally "heathen" holidays that were converted to make the public respond more easily to the Christian faith.

I'm celebrating winter solstice today, but in the last week I have been given a book that basically told me the purpose of Christmas and my life was meaningless without God. I kept my mouth shut. Today I had something on my door about the Star of Bethlehem and metaphors about the Wisemen having the right attitude about Jesus before he was even born...and again today I got an article sent to my email from these people. (

Which points out a few things about how Christians can believe in fairy tales, but atheists can't...and Mr. Dawkins wants to kill off Harry Potter and that atheists disapprove of reading fairy tales to children.

I'm at my limit. I'm moving out next summer or so, but I get dragged into the holidays here against my will (even after stating I don't celebrate them)...should I just keep my mouth shut? Or should I speak up and explain my stance and that these helpful things they send me only make me more depressed, because I can't stand all the misunderstandings?


LOL, to the first answer...But Mitch, that's the thing. I am moving out next year, and other than this one issue we get along great. They're very nice people and I know they're doing it to help, even though it just makes things worse.

I do honor them. Like I said, I keep MY beliefs private because I see no reason to go out there and tell them what I really think, but when they're constantly sending me articles and whatnot that completely misrepresent my beliefs...I wonder if I should say -something-. Even just asking them not to send me such things because I disagree.

Update 2:

I'm 22 and I live with them because I had an abusive family and was running away from home to home, with no money or a job. They took me in to help me get on my feet.

Update 3:

Thanks for the actual helpful answers. I know what their faith means to them, and they are very wonderful people. But as I'm now a part of their family, and before I even moved in told them I do not celebrate the religious holidays...I'm trying to find a tactful way to ask them to drop it. I'm a curious bugger, so I always read what they give me. Maybe I shouldn't. XD

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Accept the gifts and let the dust settle. When asked about them, let the people you are living with (and in their house) know that you appreciate the thought, but you have no interest or intention to spend your time reading the material. And then offer to give the books back (even if they have writing something to you in them).

    Do not try to dissuade them of their beliefs and show respect. Otherwise, you invite criticism of your own choices. It is a bit of the old saying - what goes around, comes around. The best path to follow is one of silence, even if it is awkward.

    Since you mention Winter Solstice, I hope you are celebrating with another of your path. Perhaps you should ask them if you can spend the night of the 24th with them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I'm Cherokee too AND a Catholic. These are some of my roots.

    About your question and concerns about the holidays, especially Christmas, don't worry where the holiday itself. It'll take care of itself. But the people who are giving you all these things without you asking for is part of their duty as Christians, so it's hard to blame them. After Baptism, this is everyone's duty. They said it in their promises and swore on them, so I wouldn't take it too hard because it's nothing personal.

    If you can't read what they give you, no worries because you don't have to. Just understand that they are trying to help, not slap you in the face. I'm sure that's the last thing they would want to do to you.

    They sound like genuine people, letting you live with them and be their adopted child in a sense. To me, it sounds like they love you and really care for you.

    God bless you+


    If you wish to bring your own beliefs up then I think you should. But do this in a private manner, not during dinner. Maybe speak with the mother about it, just you and her. Hopefully she will be able to help you more than you could ask for. This will also open your "wound" up to let some healing take place (if you are hurt).

    I also think it's really good that you read what they give you...I'm impressed. It shows that you have a warm heart and not just curious.

    Still, I think it would be nice of you if you celebrated with them. I mean it's not possible that this would hurt that much. So, out of respect and gratitude and love for them, I would attend their family gatherings. No mother or father wants any of their children to be excluded, not even one.

    God bless you again+

  • 1 decade ago

    Err... well, I'm christian, but they definitely shouldn't be bugging you so much. Just tell them you appreciate that they care about your eternal soul, but you don't believe that there is such a thing. Beyond that tell them how they are making you feel. I know I wouldn't want to depress some one, but I also like to try and take care of the people I care about by sharing my faith with them. Even so, I'm sure if you tell them everything about how you're feeling and why, they will understand and do their best to chill out with the Catholic stuff they've been giving you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell him you're a Muslim and he won't dare discuss Catholicism with you.


    [4:171] O people of the scripture, do not transgress the limits of your religion, and do not say about GOD except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was a messenger of GOD, and His word that He had sent to Mary, and a revelation from Him. Therefore, you shall believe in GOD and His messengers. You shall not say, "Trinity." You shall refrain from this for your own good. GOD is only one god. Be He glorified; He is much too glorious to have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. GOD suffices as Lord and Master.

    [4:172] The Messiah would never disdain from being a servant of GOD, nor would the closest angels. Those who disdain from worshipping Him, and are too arrogant to submit, He will summon them all before Him.

    [4:173] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, He will fully recompense them, and shower them with His grace. As for those who disdain and turn arrogant, He will commit them to painful retribution. They will find no lord beside GOD, nor a savior.

    Source(s): Quran
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    this is a demanding project certainly. it isn't only sufficient to rework to Catholicism, it potential also to be a sturdy Catholic. If all you're after is to thrill your mom inlaw, i do not see any sturdy reason replacing to Catholic because of her. you could achieve this if you're confident that Catholicism is the right custom for you.

  • mitch
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You don't have to convert, BUT, you do live with them, so honoring them a little wouldn't hurt. If you don't like anything they say, its time for you to move on to your own place.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do you find it so important to protest,

    if you want their efforts to be in vain,

    develop your beliefs and mind more so their attempts are futile even if they demand you sit in a church and pray.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Resistance is futile.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    'I'm 22, and I live with my friend and his parents"

    too dumb to live on on your own ?

    only 1.5 on an Trollian scale, please try much harder...

    let's us see how many Atheists answer this sh!t in a manner deserving....

    crickets... crickets...

    Dawkins is a diseased brainless fcuk... yes, I have the evidence to prove that...

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