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Question for Pagans about names?

I've been a solitary for many years, but just now I'm getting involved with other pagans. And I've noticed that everyone seems to have a pagan name.

I'll understand if you don't want to share it, but can you tell me how you got it? Was it given to you by another pagan? Or did it come to you during meditation or ritual? Or some other way?

21 Answers

  • Gianni
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Great question and very interesting to learn how others have come by their names. My public name is actually a shortened version of the scientific (Latin) name of my power animal/spirit guide. I saw it written on a plaque at the zoo where I work and knew instantly that it was meant to be. My private name is known only to Deity and is used for solitary ritual. I discovered that name while reading a book many years ago. I liked the duality of it and the knowledge that in either context, it perfectly described my life up to that point, who I was as a person.

    I'm not sure if I know anyone who was given a name by anyone else. It's such a personal thing that I've always believed that it will come if and when the time is right. There are those who will change or add on to a name when they've reached a certain milestone on their path, like going from 2nd to 3rd degree for instance. It sometimes signifies an important event in their own evolution. Still others are comfortable using their birth name.

    If you're seeking a name, the best I can say is to open up and let it come to you. You may get the whole thing or maybe just a piece to build on or shape to suit. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    My screen name is a variation of my "other" name which is a combination of Keltic (the primary path I follow) and Asia (due to my Asian healing practice). My "other" name consists of two parts which would basically amount to a first and middle name. The second part is a combination of a particular goddess and a totemic animal. The second part came to me while daydreaming shortly after my 2nd degree elevation. Eventually I will probably meld them together into a singular name, but not until the time is right. It will probably be when I go through the 3rd degree elevation. I feel that our "name" changes as we change and it should not be forced. Our lives don't remain stagnant, so why should our name?

    I didn't feel a need for a "magical" name until I had gone through my dedication period and was well into my 1st degree - and that didn't occur until I had studied and worked solitary for quite a few years. I feel the use of another name is rather personal and don't use mine outside the coven I work with. When the time is right, you'll know.

  • Abriel
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Having a "Pagan name" is not a requirement for Paganism. Some people choose to have them, some people are given them, and some will even go so far as to legally change their names to whatever their Pagan name is. But not having a Pagan name doesn't make you any less of a Pagan. Just so that's clear.

    My name was given to me during a pathworking to answer your other question.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are several means to acquiring a spirit name, and several approaches as to what that means.

    Speaking for myself only.

    I received an image during journey work, that I translated into an appropriate name.

    Over the years, I have had times when I thought I would change it...but it is stuck on the roof of my mouth, and will not come loose.

    I have known many pagans over the years that simply choose something they like, and change it every few years or so as well.

    I also know Pagans who only share their spirit name with clan members or others that they are Intimately close to.

    There are no "hard and fast" rules.

    Ultimately it is about taking your definition of yourself in your own hands, however you choose to go about it.

    Source(s): Celtic Pagan
  • 1 decade ago

    Im sure the theory about Craft names is differnt for group to group, but heres how learnt it. Name and symbols have power. The power of the craft name is the message and meaning in has to the one assumes the name, It represents what one would like to be, to learn,. Choose this name with care for once you do reality will conform to it and a trasformation wil begain to happen, wether you know what you are getting into. The other reason for these names is to create a magic persona, this persona is use to applify the effects of ritual works, it does this when one creates a "personallity" for the name one that has more confidance, more skill,. One assumes this aspect durning ritual and truely becomes it for atleast the duration of the ritual. It weird to do at first but has very good benfit for those that are new to the craft

    Anyways that my take on it, it no way does contain any truth but personal one and that which you choose to incorperate into your reility constructs

    Mine i choose myself with numberology, meditation, and was based on things i found importent to cultivate within my subconsous mind

  • 1 decade ago

    Kaldea Morey, I have had for many, many years and recently found out that there was a Kaldea Morey from Ireland in the 1100's. I Dreamed it up I thought and have used it as my pen name most of the time. TeaWitch is just a nick name I use here to reflect the fact I own a tea business (however small at the moment) SnowFox is my other name I just use. I had a guardian spirit who watched over me when I was little until I was out of High School. I know I have another name, but I am currently unable to find it. That name I would not tell even if I did know it because I believe it is my true name and one must never give that one out.

  • 1 decade ago

    I really think it's a regional and generational thing. Modern NeoPagans living in big cities generally just use their given names, and consider "craft" names to be fairly ludicrous. But there are still some rural areas where Pagans aren't comfortable being known by their legal names, and I think that's what it stems from.

    In any event, here is the famous "Lady Pixie Moondrip's Random Craft-Name Generator" that was published in Widdershins a bunch of years ago. Very, very funny...

  • 1 decade ago

    There are various ways. But first let me say that you do NOT need a "pagan" name. It is not required by any stretch. Many, many neo-pagans use their real, 'normal' names. Please do not feel that you HAVE to rename yourself.

    Having said that, if you want another name, go ahead and pick one. Dream, mediation, suggestions from friends, phone book. It does not matter. And you do not need to keep the one you pick. You can always pick another one later. Think of it as an on-line screen name. It is as important or as UNimportant as you choose to make it.

  • Stella
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't really have one.

    I think they're best if they're unique, and not some 100th variation of Silver Moon Rainbow Butterfly, or some such silliness. LOL

    I notice a lot of people that are Pagan Recons using the names that people would have used in their particular cultural focus. I may do this eventually myself, but I just haven't found the right Greek name yet. :)

    Source(s): Hellenic Polytheist
  • 1 decade ago

    I too have been solitary for many years and just recently acquired my pagan name. Do you have a patron deity? Or a certain Goddess that you really relate too? It should be something that moves your spirit. For example mine is Gianna Bliss, which roughly translated is Gianna, in honor of Gaia, our Earth Mother Goddess, and Bliss means "she who makes me Happy" . So my name is Mother Earth who makes me happy. And it also fits my birth number. Try meditation, journeying or sweat lodge to find inspiration.....good luck and Brightest Blessings )O(

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