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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

A question to all Catholics...what do you like and dislike about being a Catholic?

I'm considering converting to Catholicism (I'm Church of Scotland (Protestant) at the moment), and would love to hear your opinions on what it means to you to be Catholic.

What do you love most about being a Catholic?

What do you dislike about it?

All answers will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you x

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer - The feeling of community with others.

    The poetry of the services. Those readings are literature,

    beauty of churches, the sense of connection with the medieval past.

    I love the music and beauty of hymn & chanting with others.

    I like the candles

    2. Dislike. - Nothing really I like everything about being a catholic.

    Being misunderstood,but it's all good.Catholic means Universal,and many Atheists say they don't believe in God but believe in the Universe.Go figure.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe the Real Presence is most important why I love the Catholic Church. There is nothing I dislike particularly about the Catholic Church. I do dislike how some people even Catholics often time present the teachings of the Catholic Church.

    I heard a former Baptist minister state that despite the shortcomings and sometimes horrible failures of the Popes in the past the Rock has always remained.

    I found what I often heard from schoolmates who were Catholic in the past were simplications of their understanding of Catholic teaching.

    Mary was something at first I wasn't so sure about but have become more and more aware of her importance as a good friend. Actually we believe everyone in Heaven is a saint and those people can help us by their prayers on our life journey. If you feel someone is in Heaven there is no reason you can't asked them to pray for you. I have had some experiences in the past 4 of 5 years that have made me aware of a friend I have in Heaven.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's good that you decided to convert. Catholicism was founded by Christ, with St. Peter as the head, or pope of the Catholic Church (Jesus chose him to continue on his work and be the leader since Jesus was going to ascend into Heaven and wouldn't be on earth anymore) before he went to Heaven. What I love most about being Catholic is that I feel closer to God when I participate and pray at Mass. I also love the fact that we have guaranteed forgiveness of sins by Jesus thru a priest, that we can ask Mary to help us, but most of all, that we can recieve the real body of Christ through ordinary bread and wine concecrated by the priest (called transubstantiation). The thing I don't like about Catholicism is how much the Catholic church changed after Vatican II. There used to always be a Latin Mass; it was more reverant and respectful than what the modern Catholic Masses are now. The modern Masses seem very much like Protestant services in some ways; that's why I go to the Latin Mass. Yes, I struggle to come to terms w/ my faith, but I try to live by this teaching/belief: "for I do not seek to undertand in order to believe; I believe in order to understand". My Catholic religion teacher told me this. It means that even though we may not fully understand something about Catholicism, we should still believe it. Don't listen to CJ or the other Catholic bashers and fundamentalists. They do not know the entire history of Catholicism, and yet, they still criticize us for being Satanists, pagans, and/or a cult. Despite many of it's errors throughout history, the catholic church made amends afterward. Research on Catholicism, especially on the Latin Mass (Fraternity of St. Peter); you should be able to find a Latin Mass somewhere where you live (now that the pope brought back the Latin Mass). God bless; I'll pray for you.

    Source(s): Catholic
  • 1 decade ago

    Iam a convert also. I love everything about the Catholic Church. I was a protestant for most of my life and could never find the truth of Jesus Christ being preached in any of the churches I attended. I went on my own path for a while completely leaving the protestant churches. Then about 3 years ago the Lord was tell me to go to the Catholic Church. I thought it over for a few days and as I was driving by the church I now attend the Lord told me to go there now. So I did and I went in and inquired what it took to become a Catholic Christian. I enrolled in RCIA that day and started that night. From the moment i walked into the church at my first Mass I felt the presence of Jesus Christ. I have found the truth of Jesus Christ and the complete fullness of Him in the Eucharist. I ask God to bless you on your journey into the Catholic Church. Welcome home.

    Catholic Christian convert

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  • 1 decade ago

    I love everything about being a Catholic especially the ask and you shall receive, because I have been forgiven for my sins and will be forgiven everytime I ask my Savior for this, even with all the wounds I have caused His most precious Body, He still forgives me and allows me to receive Him into me every day if I so chose or at least once a week. I love being a Catholic

    There is nothing I dislike about being a Catholic except for the politics and how sadly misunderstood this Church is.

    edit--CJ do you ever write anything new. It is always the same thing.

    Obediently Traditional Roman Catholic

    Source(s): Pray the Rosary and receive the Sacraments.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To respond about the catholic church being patriarchial I would have to disagree. There is only one diocese in the United States that does not allow women to serve on the altar (Lincoln, Nebraska). Women today can be a Eucharistic minister, an usher, and a server. Women can only not be a priest or deacon.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow so many things I love about being Catholic! I'm a convert and have been Catholic for 3 years now, and my life has changed for the way better! I can hardly explain how wonderful it is to be Catholic!

    I love the eucharist (holy communion) where I can be united in the our Lord Jesus Christ every Sunday! I love the community and my fellow parishoners! I love my Marriage which is a beautiful sacrament!!! I love Reconciliation (confession) where I can be obsovlded of my sins, and reunited with God!!! and so much more! I can't really think of anything that I don't like about being Catholic, oh well maybe one thing. I don't like being accused of believing false things, that would be the only thing, but as Christians we should suffer for what we believe.

    I hope the best for you and you're in my prayers! it is a gift from God that you are considering converting! Hold that in your heart!!!! God bless!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Truth be told, there is nothing I dislike about Catholicism. I converted three years ago from Protestantism, and it was the best decision of my life. The Church has changed everything. It's like finally finding home. And it's all because of the Blessed Eucharist (Jesus).

    Thank you for your question. You should speak with a priest about RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). These are adult religion classes to teach you the Faith. I went through them three years ago.

    God bless, and welcome home.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Catholic Church has defended the Body and Blood of Jesus for 2000 years, and so I suggest we are totally about Jesus. When other traditions have abandoned the Eucharist, which all the early Christians say is Jesus real and present in this world, and which the Bible spells out, the Catholics have stood up for the real presence of Jesus in the world. I think that clearly shows that we are "all about Jesus" Christians.

  • 1 decade ago

    Theres nothing i dislike about being Catholic or the Catholic church, some Protestants love to accuse the Catholic church of keeping child abusers, but there are child abusers in every faith and type of employment. Priests Ministers and teachers are the most obvious position for abusers to go for because of the trust and access to kids they have. I could no sooner deny my faith than i could remove my own spine. There are lots of arguments on what it means to be Catholic, my own personal argument is to put yourself on the cross for just a second to understand what Christ went through for us. That means taking the bad things that happen without question. The best thing about being Catholic is i could be anywhere in the world lost and alone but if i were to meet one Catholic i wouldn't be alone. Our faith bonds us and unites us. 1 and a half billion of us.

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