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A question for Muslims living in the UK...?

What way do you think your religion is perceived in the UK? I have read articles about the Muslim threat but would argue that this "threat" is only from a small minority of radicals. How do the rest of the Muslim population feel they are perceived


Thank RA

I am ashamed to say that I would have been one of those who absorbed any info given on Muslims in the media and accepted it as fact.

After takin a course on Islam in uni I have had my mind opened to how diverse its people are and how it is only a few in the religion that ruin the image for the rest. Education definitely is the way forward for showing the rest of the country that it is Muslim terrorists and not Muslims that we need to fear!

Update 2:

Khadija A - if you read my question again you will see that I am defending Muslims and saying that the majority of them are not terrorists! I was simply trying to get the opinion of some British Muslims but you just jumped in and starting defending yourself against me!

It is your kind of attitude that leads to the alienation of Muslims from other people!

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Muslims represent 2-4% of the population of Britain, I aint no muslim, but I think you will understand by that figure how the facts have been blown out of proportion. My sister lived in a Muslim neighbourhood and received cheap taxi rides and food, she was treated well, because she was their neighbour.

    I can see that a lot of Americans have been fed a pile of BS about Muslims in europe and it is heartening to see someone who is intrested in finding out the truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    I may not be a British but i noe tht many Muslims will just ignore and move on. There's no time to be feeling upset or angry.

    But everyone must understand tht hating British Muslims and wishing them to be out of Britain is definitely childish as these pupulation do contribute their effort to the economy.

    I am happy tht u understand Islam better and it is wonderful if u can pass the message to other non-Muslims who has wrong impression of Islam

  • 1 decade ago

    i like in the UK and i am a muslim! i am proud to be a muslim! how dare you say muslims are terrorist. have you seen what other people have been doing before trying to blame the muslims?????

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    england made a terrible mistake of taking muslims , and west indians in

    now with the EU open England is bombarded by white wogs from europe

    i hope these muslims, west indians and european wogs wont come and make a mess of Yorkshire where i live

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