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What do you think is the Truth? Earth is growing VS the Pangaea theory?

what do you think happened? what Idea is more believable?

This Idea that is not accepted by science as of yet. (by Neal adams)

This is the current idea of Pangaea

(what is now being tough in schools)


The Age of the sea floors show that the earth is growing.

All Neal Adams did was take the sea floor dates and rewind the sea floor growth back wards.

by the Maps science has provided showing the dates of the ages of the sea floors.

Update 3:

the things i see as a problem with the idea.

water levels? (where does it all go)

how does the earth grow with out the mass of the earth being used up?

I do not have all the answers to this.

but i do not need to have all of them to see that the earth does fit back in to one land mass with out large seas.

this is using science of the dates of the sea floors. now if you can find proof where the land in sinking all back in to the earth. (and not just someone idea that it is.) i know there are places that look like it is sinking back in but why have they not done drillings of this to see if it really is?

Update 4:

i see alot of ideas but with less proof than the growing earth.

i do know the growing earth puts alot more questions on the table. but this does not stop it from being true.

i think science is going to have to change there ideas alot.

i not getting in to how or why this can happen but that the same facts they use to show us Pangaea happend are what he is and has used to show us that all the land has and was conected and this can only happen with a smaller earth.

Update 5:


"Well if it's science your talking about, learning new things almost always brings up more questions."

Update 6:

the Mariana Trench is just an idea made up off the observations of the facts.

Someone looked at this and said this is what they think is happing so they explain it to an artist

and he draws a picture to explain the Theories of the person that came up with the idea.

How do we know what there telling us is right?

Have we scrutinized the 1st idea the same way you attacked Neal Adams idea?

I want deep scans of the earth in the Mariana Trench, and core samples of this.

If there is no proof of this idea of subduction zones then why does science support it?

Because of an artist drawings.

Update 7:

After looking at everything you are showing me as proof all i see is a lot of ARTIST DRAWINGS. with no proof no core samples or deep scans supporting there ideas just a lot of Drawings.

Update 8:

"If the earth were half it's size with as much water as it has now (oceanic water only was used in this calculation) The earth would be under three miled of water everywhere and terrestrial life would be IMPOSSIBLE. There would be no land animals or plants because there would be no land and as all of the water would be salt water a good deal of aquatic life wouldn't be able to exist either."

well maybe there was no life on the earth until after it expanded to a point.

then the dinosaurs lived for a long time and died out after the earth expanded some more.

You are saying the water would be 3 miles thick over the top of the earth?

Odd how thick is the Ice on the poles 3 miles thick.

Update 10:

Special note for Paleontologists:

It's significant to note that northeast South America and the armpit of Africa tore apart at the 68 million year color range. This brings the tear-apart awfully close to the extinction event, doesn't it? Hemispheric migration of dinosaurs between Africa and South America through this time is a given isn't it? I'm a bit confused by the news reports that question dinosaur migration across this area, aren't you?

Not the point here.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Growing earth has been debunked so many times it makes my head hurt to think about it. It defies all logic to say that the earth is getting bigger. Where does the matter to make it bigger come from? If it is old material which is just forming gaps or some such nonsense, what keeps gravity from crushing it back to it's density? If the earth is getting bigger, what keeps the crust from thinning? We know the amount of crust is static, if earth is growing it should be getting thinner and thinner. Were this the case volcanic activity would sharply increase, why hasn't it if the earth is growing?

    We can directly observe sea floor spreading and subduction. Plate tectonics is correct. Pangea existed and in about 250 million years (if my memory of Earth Science is correct) we will have another supercontinent.

    EDIT: More errors in this guy's thinking: As the earth "shrinks" in the model in the video vater disappears. Where did the water come from? The amount of water on earth is static. "No part of the seafloor is older than 70 million years old" - BECAUSE OF SUBDUCTION AND SPREADING WHICH WE CAN DIRECTLY OBSERVE!!!!!!!

    Ugh, this video deserves a power-facepalm.

    EDIT AGAIN: Why does this conspiracy nutjob think that scientists are hiding that the world is growing? He spends the first half of the video claming that the continents are not moving around, then the second half arguing that they did. He is not even internally consistant. His argument amounts to stating "subdiction did not and does not happen, because I have declared that it did not and does not.".

    "65 million years ago earth doubled in size" - Adams

    According to google the earths radius is 6,378 kilometers. This gives the earth a volume of 1.08*10^12 km^3, dividing that by half is 5.43*10^11 km^3, this gives a new radius of 5062 kilometers. This gives the half sized earth a surface area of 3.22*10^8 km^2.

    The oceans currently have a volume of roughly 1.3*10^9 km^3, adding that to the small earth volume and solving for radius gives a radius of 5065. The radius with water minus the radius without it is three (5065-5062=3).

    If the earth were half it's size with as much water as it has now (oceanic water only was used in this calculation) The earth would be under three miled of water everywhere and terrestrial life would be IMPOSSIBLE. There would be no land animals or plants because there would be no land and as all of the water would be salt water a good deal of aquatic life wouldn't be able to exist either.

    To make the story short, Adams is a moron and you can disprove his hypothesis with what amounts to sixth grade math and internet access.

    FINAL EDIT: Sea floor dates prove subduction. The ocean floor is younger near spreading centers and older nearing subduction zones.

    Source(s): Proof of subduction: During an iron fertilization experiment, subduction was observed:
  • 6 years ago


    If energy in the form of light which comes from the sun s fusion, then why can t we assume a reversible process? If mass is being transformed into light energy on the sun, why can t this light energy bathing the earth return to mass somehow??

    Also; isn t the earth constantly showered with cosmic dust? This is matter winding its way through the universe and ending up on earth. Sure most of it burns up in the atmosphere, but that is a chemical reaction which leaves residue, right? Why to we have to dig to find ancient ruins? I m not university educated, just a technical worker wondering about this stuff.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not sure. The only answer i can provide would be to those asking if the earth is growing, where is the substance coming from ?

    Dead things are the substance. Trees, animals (incl humans) are constantly dieing and new one being born. It would seem logical that all of these dead remains would take up more and more space.

    Source(s): Dunno, just a thought
  • 1 decade ago

    If the Earth is growing, then where does the extra material come from?

    His entire argument is based on the premise that there is no subduction. This is a false assumption.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Plate Tectonic Theory. I'd also like to add, it's not a matter of 'which do you think is true', it's a matter of 'which one has the most substantiated evidence.'

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Both. We are not in a vacuum, in which nothing acts upon the earth. Scientific Theories, even the best, only function in that mystical unobtained vacuum.

  • 1 decade ago

    Neal Adams gave us Joe Camel, too. He's been coasting since the 1970s.

    interesting concept, and very imaginiative. but a few red herrings undermine him. anytime anyone yells "conspiracy of science," it usually means, "I don't have any evidence!" His reliance on all-or-nothing assumptions also denote lack of credibility too.

    I'd love to see a credible effort to try to support this hypothesis! if nothing else, it makes great sci-fi.

  • 1 decade ago

    Conservation of mass anyone? I can't believe anyone believes that "Earth is growing Garbage.

  • 1 decade ago

    that's a lot of 'growing'.... I don't buy that one....

    Pangea and the other supercontinents of the past, make a lot more sense....and subduction is something we can measure!!....

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, it depends on if you want to get information from science, or get your information by making up a hypothesis to fit your religion.

    I like to get my info from science.

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