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Whats the BEST way to kill mice...people who had mice problems and cat people please read?

Let me start off by saying i have a really bad case of mice! Not because my house is dirty or anything like that but because i live close to mountains and hills and in areas mice are well populated. Anyways these damn mice are driving me crazy even to tears! They stink up my house of pee especially my cabinets and there is mice dropping EVERYWHERE! I hate them, yes HATE them with a passion. No matter how many bags i wrap my food in they still chew through them and contaminate my food. Whatever i open, if it can fit i put it into tupperware but for example lets say a bag of doritos with mini snack size bags in that bag, well that i will triple bag and still even though its never been opened the mice will chew through all the bags and eat from all the mini bags of doritos. Its so rediculous! They also jump out at me and scare the s**t out of me. For example when i go to the cabinet to get something and stick my hand in a mouse will just jump out all crazy and i scream my head off. I dont understand i am a very clean person, i dont have clutter and all my food is wrapped up good. Now i have all my food in the fridge and in one cabinet where i havent seen a mouse...its insane! I shouldnt have to live one day of my life uncomfortable because of some damn mice, smelling their pee and seeing their waste its disgusting anyone who's had a problem with mice know what i am talking about! Anyways i am going to call an exterminator but until they come i need some kind of relief. I already use every kind of trap and sticky pad. I am really considering buying a cat and getting some of those things you plug in the wall and the sound drives the mice away so my question is which breed of cats are the best mice hunters and has anyone used those plug in things i was talking about and do they work? Should i get a cat or a kitten? And if i get a kitten do i need to train it to get the mice or is it in its nature to hunt and kill them? Can anyone give me any mice killing advice i dont care how crazy or drastic? I dont have any sympathy or mercy for the mice their just mice!


Thanks guys really good advice...i have a big house with lots of little nooks and big appliances that cant be easily moved so i cant find all the holes. And even when i do cover up the holes they'll just make more to get into my house. I see new holes all the time. Also these damn mice wake me up at night and i can hear them constantly running around in the walls. I'm going to get a kitten for sure.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow. You really should not be having a mouse problem unless you have (a) all kinds of like bird or animal food or other rotting food outside; or (b) food or garbage inside the house they're getting into. For example, I keep a very clean apartment, but my idiotic landlord throws old bread outside on the lawn constantly, and this attracts mice. Also, I once found I had somehow stupidly left a loaf of bread under my sink. So I advise you to CHECK AGAIN, even if you think you don't have anything they could be eating, and make sure all your food is secure in upper shelves. They'll try to eat paper and toilet paper, too, so keep that off the floor.

    I hate mouse traps because I really don't like to witness death, but I think the snap traps are more effective and more humane than the sticky traps. Often the snap traps will kill them immediately, while the sticky traps don't.

    Consider getting some kind of sealant and sealing up obvious holes or gaps in the house and in cupboards, etc. Mice can get through even the tiniest holes, but sometimes you might be aware of more obvious holes around pipes or what have you that you could seal up anyway.

    Finally, do get a cat. Or, preferably, two, with claws, perhaps young to middle-aged, like age 2-4. :o) My two cats have been my best mouse repellants ever. Some cats (and cat breeds) are better mousers than others; if you get one, get it from the Humane Society (NOT a pet shop) and ask for one that may have previously been a farm or outdoor cat. My female Maine Coon (I recommend this breed for mousing) with claws, about 3 years old, is really great because she'll sit by the place where the mouse perpetrators are hanging out (usually a low cupboard) and then, when I leave the cupboard open at night, she'll almost inevitably catch at least one mouse that had been coming up in a hole around my pipes. I'd find something good to use for bopping the mice on the head because the cats don't always kill them and you'll probably end up having to pick up some suffering mice that you should dispatch before throwing out.

    But like Paul in San Diego says, mice really do eventually sense that you have a cat in the house and they stay away. I would actually keep the cat indoors. Cats have instincts for wanting to chase and play with small fuzzy things that dart about and squeak. You won't have to "train" it per se, and if it's a young or middle-aged cat it shouldn't "lose" its hunting skills. My cats' are just as sharp as the day I got them.


    As you can see here, Maine Coons, a sort of fluffy long-haired breed, are renowned for their mousing abilities: . My female is only part Coon, a mix. Often domestic long-hairs will have some kind of Maine Coon lineage, since Coons are native to the U.S.

  • 5 years ago

    Best Way To Kill Mice

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Best Way To Eliminate Mice

  • 1 decade ago

    I had the same problem when the pasture land behind us was put back into use, the mice needed a new place and invaded every house on our street. I used the double prong approach of going with the ultrasonic squeakers and getting a good farm (barn raised) cat. A kitten has a hunting instinct, but unless trained by another cat or taught by you, will not always learn to hunt well and to kill and eat the mice. Have seen cats that were never trained "play" with a mouse then let it go. A farm or barn raised cat or kitten will have been trained to be a mouser and will make short work of any mice in your house, let them out daily and they will hunt and kill any mice in your yard or nearby. Check at your local Farmers market or if you know farmers in your area they often will have extra cats or kittens to give away.

    Source(s): Past Experience
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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Whats the BEST way to kill mice...people who had mice problems and cat people please read?

    Let me start off by saying i have a really bad case of mice! Not because my house is dirty or anything like that but because i live close to mountains and hills and in areas mice are well populated. Anyways these damn mice are driving me crazy even to tears! They stink up my house of pee especially...

    Source(s): whats kill mice people mice problems cat people read:
  • 1 decade ago

    Get a kitten - any breed - and teach it the taste of a mouse by giving it a trapped one. But, keep it as an outdoor cat, to keep it's hunting skills up.

    I lived in a house in the country once that had mice in the walls. I tried traps and they were somewhat successful. But, there were just so many mice, I couldn't catch them all. One day, I went to a Home Depot where some little girls were giving away kittens in the parking lot. I figured, what the heck and took one. It was just a little grey female tabby, no specific breed.

    One day, when the kitten was about 3 months old, I found her playing with some little pink toy. Turned out it was a baby mouse that hadn't grown any fur yet. It was dead, but I began batting the mouse back and forth with the kitten, like a little game. Eventually, she picked it up and ran off with it. I can only assume she ate it.

    Over the next couple of months, I noticed there weren't any more mice in the walls (no scratching sounds in the middle of the night, and no mouse droppings or attacked foodstuffs in the cabinets). One day, I went into the yard and saw the cat staring intently at a clump of ground cover. Like a flash, she jumped at the clump and stuck her paw in, and out came a mouse that she had flung into the air. She just toyed with it for about 5 minutes until it was dead. She then carried it off and presumably ate it.

    Except for the ones she caught, I never saw or heard another mouse in that house again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sounds like your having fun.

    the plug in devices will give you some respite for a while but the mice adjust to the noise and come back again. i know this because my brother has mice too, he hears them under the floorboards and behind the skirting boards.

    cats all have hunting instincts but can get lazy too. males tend to be a tad lazier than females. perhaps you should in this order;

    1) plug in electronic thing

    2) get exterminators in whilst its still effective whilst at the same time

    3) find a mouse hunting cat or kitten that enjoys the hunt.

    hope this helps. oh and my brother has a cat, but she is 22 so a bit old to hunt mice.

  • 1 decade ago

    In conjunction with the "sticky" traps, place a shelled peanut like "planters" in the center and place the trap "flush" up against an outside wall. You will have more success until the "mouse man" comes.

  • 1 decade ago

    you have to stop them outside, mice run along walls. traps should be in place outside along the foundation and placed the same inside your home.

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