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I am a nurse and am frustrated with healthcare. How far do I need to go to get a dx Hypogammaglobunemia?

Possibly CVID. Family history. Two siblings have Common Variable Immune Deficiency with one of those siblings getting IVIG tx's every 14 days. Her two children ages 13 and 10 also have been dx and now get IVIG.That sis is just 37 years, now has Pulmonary, Cardio, Kidney, issues and now has just been dx with Frontal Lobe Epilepsy. My Brother also has Epilepsy but has never been dx with any Immune Deficiency. He is 40 and has only had about 6 Grand Mal seizures total.

Me-45-female the "healthiest"- Allergic Rhinitus, Insomnia, Flu-like symptoms ONLY in the Fall-Winter months, (live in Seattle), every 10 days or so, where I have low grade temp-101, body aches, etc.

But has tested NEG. to ALL IGg, IGm, IGa tests.....

What to do? I do not want to be on chemicals---

I also have blood disorder that is NOT associated with increasing my leafy greens or responds to B12 injections-Macrocytosis...

So, any Nutrition Advice?? and other advice??? Doctors? naturopaths?


I have been to an allergist, rheumatologist, and regular doc. I see my family getting skinnier and withiring away from all of the chemicals they are on. What tests should I be asking for? The last doc was overwhelmed by my family history. He charged me $300 for telling me to go somewhere else-he didn't know what to do.

Update 2:

**ExNav-Thanks! I should have added that I was tested for lupus with a negative result. I am sick in bed again- (In the winter months, every 2 1/2 weeks, flu symptoms, then goes to Upper Respiratory-exhaustion-out of commission for 3 days. Just got another referral for a another immunologist next week. So you think Hematologist? It's worth a shot. Thank you!

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We suspect this may be Lupus. If you are neg for gamma and hemo tests this leads away from Hypogammaglobunemia.You definitely have the family history. The reason we suspect Lupus is because it mimics so many other diseases/symptoms and because hypogammaglobunemia is so rare. You might try a hematologist for a DX.

    Source(s): my dad's a PA.
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