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What is falling from grace?

Grace is a person, the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:17)

Jesus is in heaven sitting at the right hand of the Father (Hebrews 1:3)

So grace is in heaven and we can fall from grace.

Being in Jesus or in Christ is being in grace.

When we do not walk in Christ or in the Spirit we fall from grace.

In Galatians 5:4 we fall from grace when we attempt to be justified by the law. This is trying to be justified by our own efforts to fulfill the law. This amounts to not being in Christ and accepting God's righteousness in Him. Most important it is God Himself who puts us in Christ (1 Corinthians 1:30) so our default mode, if we let go and let God is always in Christ. What do you think? God bless you.


DougLawr: Our new nature in Christ is as the last Adam as a life-giving spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45) Our old man (the first Adam) is crucified in Christ and we are dead to sin (Romans 6:2,6). When we are in Christ we are led by the Spirit and we cannot sin. When we are in Christ as Jesus is so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). When we are in Christ the law of the Spirit of life sets you free from the law of sin and death and you will never be condemned (Romans 8:1,2). God bless you.

Update 2:

minou: Everytime we sin all we have to do is to walk back in the light and the blood of Jesus will conitinually cleanse us from all sin. To be in the light is to be in Jesus as He is the light (John 9:5). God bless you.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    From what you have shared, I believe you are familiar with the gospel revolution that is going around the world in these last days. You are blessed to have heard the good news of grace of Christ, which sets many people free from bondages and fall in love with Jesus afresh as they see His love, mercy and goodness. :)

    According to Galatians 5:4, when a Christian tries to keep the law of Moses in order to be justified or made righteous before God, he has fallen from grace. The common misinterpretation of this verse is that when a Christian sins, he has fallen from grace. That is the mindset of the world. But we are not of the world, and we need to go by what God's words say. :)

    "You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by the law; you have fallen from grace." (Galatians 5:4)

    Paul wrote this to the Galatians who had departed from grace to go back to the law, when the legalistic Judaisers told them they must be circumcised in order to be righteous and maintain their salvation in Christ. So "fallen from grace" is not about committing sins, but attempting to do right, thinking that by doing right, it makes you right with God.

    We are all for right doing, and we are all for holiness. But true holiness is not based on our performance or conduct or outward appearance. True holiness is a Person, and His name is Jesus Christ. Christ is our Wisdom, Righteousness, Holiness and Redemption. (1 Corinthians 1:30) Just as Grace is the Person of Jesus Christ, as you have mentioned. :)

    The good news is that once you have fallen from grace, you have not lost your salvation. To fall from grace is to fall from a high place. It is different from backsliding which is on a level ground - and in fact, the word "backsliding" is never used for Christians in the New Testament, isn't it interesting? :) Jesus also said to the church of Ephesus, "Remember therefore from where you have fallen" (Revelations 2:4) The solution to "fallen from grace" is to repent (change our mind) and believe the gospel - that we are the righteousness of God in Christ, not because of what we do or don't do, but because of what Jesus has done at the cross. (2 Corinthians 5:21) When we believe the truth, we will walk in true holiness; we will walk according to the Spirit (faith-righteousness) and not according to the flesh (self-efforts or works-righteousness), and we will bear the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)

    Thanks for the question. God bless you. :)

  • minou
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My ignorance about all religious things is certainly what will save me. As I said in other answers. I certainly acknowledge that I am a sinner. So my opinion is that I fall from grace every time I sin, that would be many, many times. However, having children myself, I know that no matter what they do, I will always love them and will always want the best for them and I am just a human being. Why would God, who is love and perfect, want His children, every single one of them, to have something terrible happening to them? Personally I'm a Catholic but I'm no better than anybody else. I'm sure there are better people than me everywhere whatever they believe(meaning other religions or non believers included). Since, I myself believe in God, I also believe that He loves all His children.

    Source(s): Just my little human heart.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is bad but it's not as bad as actually dying and falling into the pit after it's too late.

    It is basically just failing to do God's perfect will and it's more than one time. It's a continuous cycle and it brings in more sins so that you need to do some deep repenting and spend much time with the Lord and maybe get a mentor or counselor in order to get restored. You would need to get into a support group most likely and do everything you can to get back into the divine order that God intended for you so that you can glorify Jesus again.

    As long as we didn't deny Christ there is hope.

  • Hogie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well worded. To try to follow the law is to not follow Christ through faith, through the influence of the Holy Spirit. The law was what the people were kept under until the faith revealed by Christ.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your transgressions and failings may be constantly in front of you. At times you may feel like the prodigal son described by Jesus. When this young man returned home after disgracefully squandering his inheritance in foreign places, he exclaimed to his father: “I am no longer worthy of being called your son”! (Luke 15:21) This young man had the right attitude, however. He neither rejected his father’s kindness nor tried to presume on it. So his father lovingly received him back into the household. (Luke 15:20-24) Jehovah is happy to do the same today for sinful people who earnestly try to do his will.—Psalm 103:8-14; Isaiah 55:7.

    Jesus :Remember those doing the will of my father Will be remember that the son who stayed ,Worked at doing his Fathers will, Which is not easy work...Here is where Christendom falls far short of What Jesus says, Read John 17:3,6,25-26

    Source(s): I am one of JWs
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that you fail to take into account man's fallen human nature ... a nature which makes it so easy to sin that sin ... not righteousness ... comes naturally.

    Keeping that fallen nature in check and maintaining divine life in the soul is the primary purpose of the authentic Church, which is the universal sacrament of salvation and the primary channel of grace in the world, until Jesus comes again.

  • If you were dating a woman named Grace and you bought a lottery ticket while in the store with her, let's say you won $40,000. You got so happy, you jumped into Grace's arms. She, being 5'1 and 105lbs dripping wet, couldn't hold you and you both crashed to the floor.

    Effectively, you fell from Grace.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We have to remain cautious in this world in order to not to get defiled. When we fall back to sinful nature, we lose our grace and we become unable to remain closer to God. So it is very important for us to remain watchful of our desires and thoughts. We must not give any importance to the life on earth at all, and that is the only way to remain closer to God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Falling from grace is a child of God who did something like Ted Haggard (had sex with a male prostitute). Or some other kind of scandal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus is in heaven sitting at the right hand of the Father...but christian tell me there is only one God almighty??

    Both people are almighties???....but I thought that is been Polytheist?

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