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rotator cuff tear...ouch!?

Has anyone had a partial rotator cuff tear?

What treatment worked?

I have tried high dose steroids with no effect and still have a lot of pain


(Hard to rest it with a 5 yr old and 19 month old toddler)

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is a very serious injury. It takes a long time to heal and unfortunately some never heal completely. You may always have problems. Exercise is the best thing for it. Lifting your children may be painful but in many ways it could enhance the healing of your arm. There is a limit as to how much weight would be ok but I would ask my doctor. Surgery is your only other option. But, I would see what the chances are of a complete recovery before I would consider it. It is usually the last form of treatment and surgery does not always correct the problem.

    I can sympathize with you. Had a friend who had the same problem. Still gives him problems after a year. It really never heals back to normal. Unless you have a mild problem. But, it does not sound like it based on your treatment.

    Best wishes and get well soon.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Stop Shoulder Pain Permanently -
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    See your doctor. Rotator cuff troubles can be very painful. Our shoulders are involved in almost everything that we do with our arms, whether it is lifting, pullling, putting on a shirt, etc. You could also see a chiropractor. They helped me with ultrasound treatments. Also, putting ice on the area should help a bit. 5 minutes on, then 5 minutes off, then 5 back on. You can use a bag of frozen peas as that will conform to the shape of the shoulder easily. Or use frozen ice packs. Whatever you use, wrap in a dish towel. Be careful when sleeping. Try not to roll on the affected side as the pressure might cause the pain to flare up. Take care when getting dressed or doing anything that involves reaching, lifting, etc. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dangle your arm. Do not let your shoulder stay in the same position. Your shoulder will literally "freeze" and will be immovable. This is called "frozen shoulder." To prevent this, dangle your arm loosely. This will put weight on the shoulder. This will keep the shoulder mobile. It will also reduce pain. Or try searching for homeopathic remedies products that will help you to cure rotator cuff naturally.

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  • 1 decade ago

    surgery is your best option, it is very painful, but you will be glad you did it

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