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Bob asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Would you give the dog back?

If you adopted a dog from the pound and found out two days later that it belonged to someone, would you give it back?

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. I'd most definitely give the dog back. I know that if I were in their position and my dog had been adopted before I found him, I'd want, more than anything, for the new owner to give him back to me. Dogs are a part of our family.

    I feel that this woman has no bond with the dog. She hasn't even had the dog for long, and she refuses to give him back to his proper family? What gives her the right to say that the dog would be better off with her? The man offered to pay for the dog of her choosing, yet she still won't give in.

    It's a very tough situation, and I'm sure it caused a lot of heartache. There's, legally, a right decision. There's, morally, a right decision. If I were the woman, I'd much rather give the dog back and know I did the right thing than stand by the legality of the adoption and break their hearts.

  • 1 decade ago

    As hard as it is to do it, I would still give the dog back to it's owners. But, I would find out the circumstances on why the dog was in the pound in the first place. Most likely it was picked up from wandering around. (just a guess) If they let their dog just run the streets, I'd have another opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I guess if you were generous enough you would. But then I guess you might want to keep it I mean you paid for the adoption fee and everything. But then you know the dog now legally belongs to you. So it is up to you. If there is a strong bond between you and the dog, then I wouldn't. But then if you feel you don't like the dog or anything, give it back. Cause you know, imagine how heart broken the previous owner must've been. But if I were you, I would probably ask them for like the adoption fee or go to the pound and then you can resolve the problem there. Maybe you could get another dog.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd find out how it ended up at the pound first. If I lost a pet, I'll guarantee I'd notify the pound before the dog made it there, so there would be no questions as to who it belonged to. They certainly wouldn't have to go thru the adoption process to find it a home.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She's supposed to be a nurse and the last time I checked nurses are supposed to the epitome of compassion, she should have enough compassion to understand that the dog belongs with his REAL owner the young woman and that after all she's been through she should have the one bright spot, the dog, back!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes! It sounds like the owner was going through a tough patch and allowed her father to keep him for a while. It seems like the dog is a crutch for her and I think she would be very to have it back. I am sure the money would be returned that was paid for the dog. But yes, GIVE IT BACK!

  • 1 decade ago


    Especially, since the article makes it sound like she barely even HAD the dog before she was asked to give him up.

    It would be dissapointing, but there are soo many other dogs out there in need of homes--she could find something if she was willing to put forth some effort.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if it were only 2 days yes. but if i had the dog for 3 or 4 weeks it would be hard, but even so, i would probably give the dog back because i know what it feels like to lose a pet, well she didn't get lost...she came back, but still i was so worried for those 10 mintues...i ran through the woods and neighbor hood calling her name. i can't imagine if someone had taken her and wouldn't give her back!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Under the circumstances in the article; yeah I would. She had the nerve to say the dog was thin and matted when the medical intake form and the picture of the dog taken when it arrived say otherwise. There are THOUSANDS of other dogs in need of homes who don't have an owner trying to reclaim them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, this dog wasn't even living with the new owner yet, right? It was still in the shelter?

    I would for SURE let the family have their dog back.

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