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×♥× Anime Poll #40 --Appetizing Anime-- ×♥×?


*throws my chapstick at you*


Merry Easter~

It's a chapstick stick. XDD It looks like this un' ::

Ohohoho. It's got SUNSCREEN built into it. ^O^

Don't get chapped lips. It's really nasty. My friend's lips are always flaky, so don't be like her~



What food that you've seen on an anime looked appetizing?

(I like it when there's STEAK XD)


Who's the most annoying person in your life right now?




Akuma... I found the hearts~ I accidently sat on them:


♥♥♥ bai bai


18 Answers

  • juulen
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's a chapstick stick. XDD It looks like this un' ::

    --It looks hideous.......

    Ohohoho. It's got SUNSCREEN built into it. ^O^

    Don't get chapped lips. It's really nasty. My friend's lips are always flaky, so don't be like her~

    --Mine are already kinda dry a little......I use Labello! And there's like 3 mm left.....



    What food that you've seen on an anime looked appetizing?

    (I like it when there's STEAK XD)

    --The food that Nana Sawada makes! I mean in that ep of KHR when she said that Tsuna's dad was finally coming home after 3 years or something! Did you see all that food on the table?!!

    Other than that, why not Bianchi's cooking!! Poison Cooking!!!!! *shoots food into everyones mouths* See it wasn't that bad~ ^_^



    Who's the most annoying person in your life right now?

    --........Oh yeah. -___- My sister.......she's an alien, did you know that?

  • 1 decade ago

    Im all good thanx. I got a Cherry chapstick. Very nice!

    Ow! that hurt! But the sun screen is wicked! *Looks around then steals the chap stick*

    Ugh i see people on the streets with chaped lips all the time and i have to say it isnt nice.


    What food that you've seen on an anime looked appetizing?

    (I like it when there's STEAK XD)

    >>I like the food that the hot girls serve when the main character goes to some resturant or something like steak i guess ^_^


    Who's the most annoying person in your life right now?

    >>Thats easy..My sister LoL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    'eya!! =]


    *throws my chapstick at you*


    Merry Easter~

    It's a chapstick stick. XDD It looks like this un' ::

    Ohohoho. It's got SUNSCREEN built into it. ^O^

    Don't get chapped lips. It's really nasty. My friend's lips are always flaky, so don't be like her~



    What food that you've seen on an anime looked appetizing?

    (I like it when there's STEAK XD)

    anything, really, im watching death note again and L's eating his cakes! ahhh! im so hungryy! *drools in the keyboard*


    Who's the most annoying person in your life right now?

    My so-called bestfriend! She almost- well she decided that it was time for our bestfriend to break up with her bf, so she did, even the girl didn't agree to it. grrr! >=[



    see yahh!!



  • 1 decade ago


    What food that you've seen on an anime looked appetizing?

    (I like it when there's STEAK XD)

    - Spaghetti


    Who's the most annoying person in your life right now?

    - My ex- best friend



  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Here's a funny fact: I use to call chap stick chop stick when I was younger.


    What food that you've seen on an anime looked appetizing?

    (I like it when there's STEAK XD)



    Who's the most annoying person in your life right now?

    -you...jk, anyone younger than me (like those new born teenagers)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Chapstick! XP Mine is minty ^.~

    *throws random peanuts at you*

    o.O'''....I'm starting with the Q now >.<


    What food that you've seen on an anime looked appetizing?

    (I like it when there's STEAK XD)

    >>Everything O.O....why does anime food looks so good >.<....Makes me wanna eat my screan O.o...''''


    Who's the most annoying person in your life right now?

    >>My friend <.<...she keeps yelling and stuff for no reason!! >.<

    -have a nice day~! =D

    Source(s): !~!ME!~!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey, nothing much, just got wacked by this whole week.

    Merry V-day


    What food that you've seen on an anime looked appetizing?

    (I like it when there's STEAK XD)

    ~~~Baos (cha su)


    Who's the most annoying person in your life right now?

    ~~~Someone who I really want to just forget about completely.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    O.o" i have that.. lol seriously i do XD but in cherry flavour

    DX yeah chapped lips arent nice phew..good thing me dont get them hugs chapstick*


    What food that you've seen on an anime looked appetizing?

    === O.O" i love yeah grilled steak lol then you see the steam from it then..yummm it makes me feel bad when the anime character eating it is enjoying it so much DX

    === non anime: lol those big buffets in harry potter gawd that practially made me starved for anything


    Who's the most annoying person in your life right now?

    ===that guy who deletes our polls/surveys

    bye. hey where's the hearts thingy? *looks around* *looks under the carpet for it* T-T

  • 1 decade ago

    YAY!! Chapstick!! WooHoo!!

    thanks!! my lips are very chapped!!

    *eat's the chapstick*


    Happy Coloring day!! Yay!

    i'll do my best not the be like ur friend!! XP

    let's begin!




    What food that you've seen on an anime looked appetizing?

    (I like it when there's STEAK XD)

    ---> Matize Datiku?? idk how to spell it! but it was a sweet dessert! yummie!!


    Who's the most annoying person in your life right now?

    ----> my little sister T.T


    ♥ Bai!!

    ew you sat on these!! Jk

  • Kurai
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    What food that you've seen on an anime looked appetizing?

    This...and there was more


    Who's the most annoying person in your life right now?

    past, present and very likely the future, my younger sister

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