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My views on abortion may have changed. What are your thoughts?

I have always been pro-choice. But my views may be changing.

In the hospital where I work, we had a woman "give birth" to a 16 week fetus. She was four months pregnant. In medical terms, this is not a "viable fetus." That means the baby will not live, even with the best medical care. Now here is what may be changing my mind.

We kept this fetus in our morgue for a few days. The mother named the "baby" (which never took a breath). She arranged for burial and possibly even funeral services. Well, when the funeral home came to pick up the "baby" I saw it. It was a tiny tiny little baby. It had fingers, hands, arms, ears, nose, legs, feet. It was fully formed. Now let me tell you - it's not the same as seeing it in a book. It really touched me differently.

I believe in abortion.

There are way too many unwanted and/or uncared for children on our planet. They end up on drugs, in jails, on the streets, addicted when they are born because the mother did drugs while she was pregnant. This is no way for a human in our society to live. But kids do not have a choice. Therefore, I think we, as adults, should have a choice. I do not believe it should be used as birth control. And I also FIRMLY believe that the "father" should have some say or rights in the decision making.

I'm just not sure where we should cut it off. At four months pregnant - well - I described what I saw. That was a baby. It could not live on it's own, but it was a baby. Not a fetal blob.

I'm gonna get all kinds of answers from religious yahoos who say simply "abortion is wrong" and other people who will say "the woman has a right."

What I want you to do is simply THINK about it. Read the paragraph again. Hands, feet, nose, eyes, ears, mouth - formed and easily recognized. Think of all the unwanted children - and their quality of life. And, please give your thoughts here. Let us all learn and grow.



Awesome answers so far. Thank you all for sharing. Most answers are very enlightening. Like everything else in life, I think we need to look at all angles and make our own decisions. I'm impressed with most of the answers so far.

FYI: I am an adult single straight male. I have had two partners in the past who have had abortions. One with my consent, and the other I was against. It is this reason that I think the father should have some rights as well.

Keep answering - and thanks. This makes for great reading.

Update 2:

And then it changes. Much less intelligent answers. Check out the last few.

Let me assure you - the 16.2 week fetus/baby that I saw was formed, and probably about 7 inches long. MUCH larger than a golf ball. Belly button cord clamped and everything.

I'm still pro choice. But thus far, think it should be limited to first trimester for elective abortions. There still needs to be a way to get the father involved though. I'll probably post another question on this one later.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've known about this for a long time. They get a heartbeat shortly after conception, which in my opinion means they're a living human being. As far as that goes, from the moment they're there they have a soul.

    There are four kinds of people when it comes to abortion topics, in my opinion.

    Pro-abortion: No, not pro choice, pro abortion. I had a friend once who blatantly went around talking about how she was pro abortion, and it grossed me out. She thought abortions were a good form of birth control. She wasn't really rooting for the rights of women or individuals, but more for the right of killing a fetus / baby.

    Pro-choice: These people realize that it's a free country and we all deserve to make the decision on our own. They sometimes say that it shouldn't be used as a form of birth control, sometimes they just leave it at "It's the womans choice" and leave the rest alone.

    Pro-life: These people believe that abortions shouldn't be accepted. They all have very valid reasons for their beliefs, just as people who are pro-choice do.

    Pro-common sense: They don't look at the abortion problem straight on. They look at how abortions come to play. Most of the time an abortion is done because the people didn't use adequate protection. Very rarely because of a malfunction with protection, no matter how many people lie and claim that was it. These people realize that if people were to either close their legs or use protection, there wouldn't be any pro-life or pro-choice because abortion would honestly be done because it needs to be done.

    I am pro common sense.

  • 1 decade ago

    What you saw was a second trimester fetus. Yes, they have all the parts. I still think they should cut it off at the third trimester. Partially because some women, believe it or not, do not even realize they are pregnant until the start of the second trimester. Also, just because it looked like a baby does not mean it was one. It is obviously not yet one because it could not sustain life outside of the body. Internally it was not finished forming. A doll can be fashioned to appear just like a baby but it is not one. It is still a doll, no matter what it looks like.

    I personally don't think I could have an abortion but I do believe in the right to choose. It is sad for those who wanted to have a baby and miscarry. My sister miscarried at 4 months and it was devastating because of the hopes and dreams that are destroyed when one plans for a baby. I can understand naming it and burying it because to them it was a baby in the making. They had planned for it and they need to grieve the loss of what could have been. They even loved it because it was going to be their baby. The true fact is that it was still a fetus when it died. This does not make it any less painful. A mother who WANTS to have a baby will bond very fast to the fetus and the baby that might be. However, if someone does not want to have a baby and is forced to carry it, most likely will not.

    I believe in God and there is no place in the Bible that says that abortions are against God. There is only one reference to a fetus death in the entire Bible and it basically said that if the fetus was killed by someone that the killer would have to pay whatever the husband decided. However if he killed the wife, it would be an eye for an eye and a life for a life. This shows that in the Bible although life is precious, God deems the mothers well being above the babies.

    EDIT: For those who are all don't kill the babies. Look at the number of abortions that are performed annually. Then look into WHO is going to adopt all those babies if they are born? Who could possibly take them all in and care for them? There are not enough adoptive families out there to handle that many uncared for children. Would YOU be willing to take in two of them just to help with the surplus? I know I don't want another.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Firstly, what you saw was a baby human. Of course it will look human. Therefore, (sorry, but...) abortion is wrong.

    Yes, a lot of kids will have tough lives. Wanted or unwanted, planned or unplanned, that's a simple fact.

    Homeless people have tough lives, but you don't hear many rational people offering death as a solution for that.

    I think one of the most important things to look at about abortion is the motives of anyone advocating or speaking out against it.

    The "pro-choice" side is usually suggesting things like you've described above, that in "today's world, it's probably better..." and evoking images of babies addicted to crack and all the worst images of a child growing up they possibly can. How many drug addicts have you seen getting abortions for the sake of the child not to grow up in "today's world" rather than the simple fact that having some kid to feed would be too much of a pain in the *** for them. The motives, deep down are usually very, very selfish.

    What do "pro-lifers" have to gain by standing outside of abortion clinics singing "Kumbaya" all day. They know that the more unplanned pregnancies that they actually save, the more of their tax dollars will get spent on welfare and other social programs. They stand to make no money from a child being born. The motivation would certainly seem to be a pure, honest desire to defend the defenseless, to protect what they truly believe is right.

    I don't know; I guess I just hope that's the food for thought you were looking for, and congratulations on your recent epiphany. I suspect you've turned a very important corner in your own quest for truth.

    Oh, and by the way, I'm not at all religious; I just don't believe we have the right to take human life.

  • 1 decade ago

    Abortion is definitely a conflicting issue. I agree abortion should never be a form of birth control and I strongly believe a woman has a right to choose. Hopefully women who choose to end their pregnancy do it before their first term and I know some women don't. I have else heard of the cases where women are forced to abort when they are in their third trimester because the mother's life is endangered, that's understandable.

    The cut-off...that's a hard one. The only reason I wouldn't like our government to create a cut off (although they already have) is that they might get too comfortable and little by little they'll be taking away women's rights.

    Like I said abortion is a difficult issue. As you describe it, it definitely made think about my opinion on abortion, but I continue to strongly support a woman's right to choose. I do hope that women of all ages are well informed about safe sex. Safe sex can prevent and reduce abortions.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am pro-life. That's what I believe. I believe in life. Did you know that a baby's heart begins to beat 18 days from conception, and by 21 days the heart is pumping blood through a closed circulatory system? 18 days from conception!

    Yes, there are many abandoned, mistreated children. There are also so many hearts being stopped. But do you think that is going to change if abortion is made illegal. There are always going to be abandoned, mistreated children. Having an abortion or not having an abortion will not change that. The only thing we can do as a society is to provide ways out for those children. Women can give a child to a hospital, no questions asked. The police are there to lock away parents who abuse their children. Abortion or no abortion, there will always be bad people out there treating children badly. But the first step to stopping the mistreatment of children is to stop killing them before they are even born.

    Since when did we as humans decide we had the right to play God? Oh sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned that. So many people now openly deny Him. So I guess God is irrelevant these days...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do believe in a woman's right to choose, however I believe that choice should be made VERY early in pregnancy. I think that once there is a heart beat abortion should not be an option (unless for medical reasons). It is a subject that I am passionate about, just as it seems you are, but I do feel there needs to be limits. I think that it is sad to see abortion used as a form of bc. I think that the decision needs to be made in the first month and a half- at least.

    It must have been very hard to see what you saw, but at least you are taking it and growing from it. Lots of others wouldn't even think twice about it. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.

    Source(s): 28 weeks prego with #1!
  • 1 decade ago

    My thoughts are changing too--I don't know if it is because I am getting older or science is catching up with us. I believe that women should have a choice when it comes to rape or incest, however I realize that this will turn into many false accusations too unfortunately. I think a line is hard to draw, although I think one should be drawn. I think that a baby is one of the most amazing things that can happen in this world. Really, it is amazing. I think that there are a lot of children who live in horrible situations--I think this is where society needs to step in sooner, just not for an abortion. But this is difficult too. Social services step in way too late in a child's life when there are problems, causing children to be scarred for life in many cases. This is something that definitely needs to change. For me, if I were to get pregnant, I could never do it, expected or unexpected. I don't like abortion and don't think it is a good thing. It must have really been life changing to see that fetus, I know that even watching shows on TV amaze me.

  • 1 decade ago

    After having my daughter it confirmed to me that abortion is wrong. I know at 10 weeks there is a heartbeat and at 9 weeks the baby will move away if touched through the uterine wall, and can spontaneously move as well. I watched an abortion video online with an open mind once. It was the probably the worst thing I have ever seen. Some they showed were trying to get away. And they did look like babies...tiny hands, feet, eyes, ect. like you said. As for not being able to handle or want the child there are plenty of people who do want children and can't have them. So I am for adoption.

  • cblrdy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    That's such a tough decision. When it's an abortion because someone has a change of heart or is negligent it's a bad thing. I say that because there are so many kids born who aren't wanted then turn out to be good citizens. Most people were not planned if you ask around. And you can ask anyone who was not wanted as a baby if they would prefer to not have been born if abortion would be better.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm very religious, but I still feel as if a woman does have a right to choose. Its her body and she could do what she wants with it and face the consequence on her own. If the woman is not exactly ready for the child or cannot support it, she should get an abortion. It may be the more humane thing to do because the child would live a life of poverty and suffering.

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