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Is this a Thesis statment with a blueprint?

Reality television can cause negative effects on people by alluding, imprisoning,and sidetracking them. Is this a thesis statement with a blueprint?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes it sure is. Your Thesis is Reality television can cause negative effects on people. You have established your declaritive sentence and your opinion on it. Your blueprint is your added support to the Thesis which is alluding, imprisoning, and sidetracking them. You get your blueprint from brainstorming on everything you know about reality television. Take the main 3 points you come up with and add them to your Thesis and you therefore get a Thesis w/ blueprint. Dont mistake your blueprint for your outline!!!!

    Source(s): Eng 101 and I'm working on my Thes is w/ blueprint also, good luck!
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