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Lv 5
Mikira asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Should the electric company be sued?


Panurge - Even though I don't like the idea of complete socialism, I can see in a case like this one where it would be beneficial. In Minnesota we have a rule tha you can't do anything that would turn off the heat in the winter. I guess Michigan doesn't have such rules. I would also hate to be the guy who had to put that limiter on the guys house. Even if this doesn't get tried by any human court of law that person is going to have to live with the grief that he caused somebodies death.

To the first three that answered this question. I only wish he would have let his neighbors and friends know he needed help paying his electric bill. I'm sure people would have pitched in to help him pay it sooner. But he must have been the type of guy who didn't want to ask for help, since the article states he had a wad of cash paper cliped to his electric bill.

Update 2:

Ben the problem is that you have to be careful of when you do things that cut off or limit power to a persons home. We all know electricity isn't a right, but it is part of the equation when it comes to keeping a house heated in the winter time. Maybe when they put the limiter on they should have been more helpful on things he shouldn't use while it was on his home.

Update 3:

Antarctica - I can't help but hope that for them too. However sad it is to admit there are cold hearted people in this world who will always miss the point of psychological question. I only asked it in the GW section due to this is where all the people I know on Yahoo Answers hang out.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We have a responsibility to care for the elderly. After all they cared for us. I've never been a supporter for complete socialistic support, and do not see it as a necessity. As (Jame's) mention most states have not only programs. But also laws that place restrictions on utilities to terminate service to the old, sick, and the working destitute.

    I expect major changes as social and economic problems compound. Whether or not it becomes a beneficial service or another bureaucratic blunder....remains to be seen.

    As far as suing the utility company... "I'm against the way it was resolved."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i know that here in Kalifornia, at least where i have lived in the general LA area where SCE and the Gas company operate there are special rates and provisions made for qualifying elderly and low income families just for this reason. I am not sure but I think there is a small charge on all bills in order to help cover the costs of the program. In snow country i would think a program of this sort would be more critical than it would be here in sun city where it rarely gets under 50 even on cold nights!

  • JimZ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't think the electric company should be sued but there should be certain mechanism to ensure this sort of thing doesn't happen. He was 93 and perhaps he simply made poor decisions. My wife's parents are very wealthy but they seem to prefer to shiver than turn the heater on. I could see that happening to them if they didn't live in Southern California.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope, the global warming believers should be sued, that guy probably thought he'd be fine because of the unseasonably warm winter we're having.

    But it's BS. Nobody in Michigan heats with electricity. Really.. it's too cold.

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  • Ben O
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It is tragic when someone freezes to death in their own home, but what can you do? Electricity isn't a right, you have to pay for it.

    The poor guy probably didn't know how to reset the cut off switch. I suppose in this case, the death could have been prevented if the cut off switch reset itself automatically after a time delay.

  • eric c
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes they should be. Nobody deserves to die because they are poor.

    Many supporters of global warming like to present opponents as evil. But this is the exact type of situation that causes many of us to be concerned. A carbon tax will raise the price of electricity and will cause many poor people to endure hardships if they are unable to pay their bills.

    So please, if you do support a carbon tax, make sure that there is a carbon tax credit that will return the money back to lower income people, so they can pay the increase in energy prices.

  • 1 decade ago

    He had no living wife or kids. Who's going to sue on his behalf?

    The facts of the matter are: Cold kills, and old people die. The electric company is not responsible for winter or the aging process.

    I am not required by law to be connected to the power grid. Until I'm required to be dependent upon government-owned companies, the companies have no obligations to me (other than to give me what I pay for). It's the best system devised for a free nation, as we are each responsible for our own welfare.

    This grown man had ample opportunity to better his situation. Let's not treat this man in his death as a child.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I am saddened by this story.

    Yes, the City (the entity that provided electric service to the victim's home) needs to be held accountable.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why? Should Mcdonald's be sued because they didn't give free food to a homeless man that died of starvation? The power company is a company. Like other companies they are there to make money. They are not required to give away their product for free.

    I know it sounds heartless but it's a fact.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do hope the first three answers live to be 93 and see just how difficult it is to do things, here's hoping they are struggling to pay bills and then some smartarse say's to them "NO in America your SUpposed to PAY your bills." that would be poetic justice.

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