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Dana1981 asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Why do you think global warming deniers can't learn the difference between weather and climate?

There is one particular answerer here who thinks he can tell how the global climate is changing by looking out the window, and suggests that if global temperature data shows that the planet is warm right now, it must be fraudulent and falsified.

I have never seen a fellow denier correct his failure to differentiate between weather and climate, and they frequently agree with this error.

The difference between weather and climate is one of the most basic concepts when it comes to climate science. Deniers have been provided with examples of hot conditions on other parts of the planet (for example, heat waves in Australia) as some areas experience cold weather. Yet they continue to not just fail to differentiate between short-term and long-term, but also between local and global.

I know as well as anyone that when a person is in denial, he can convince himself of a lot of ridiculous things. But how can deniers fail to learn this exceedingly basic concept, that your local weather doesn't tell you anything about the global climate? Or if some of them do understand the difference, how can they consider themselves 'skeptics' and yet intentionally perpetuate this gross error?


James - I dare you to find one instance of a hot summer weather event which I even suggested was due to global warming.

Update 2:

Jim - are you really so obtuse that you think criticizing the denier inability to differentiate between weather and climate is attacking the person and not the argument?

Update 3:

Benjamin - I believe ad hominem is a reply to an argument *or* factual claim with a personal attack. Obviously the deniers aren't making a factual claim, but they are making an argument.

However, I have responded to this argument by explaining the difference between weather and climate hundreds of times. So now I ask why the deniers have not learned from this rebuttal. It's not an attack, it's a question, and a perfectly valid one.

I do not accept the answer "your side does it too" as a valid answer from anyone over the age of 5.

20 Answers

  • David
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think eric c nailed it. Most skeptics don't read scientific sources, they get their pro-AGW information from idiots in the media or their idiot friends who know nothing about the issue. How many times did you hear someone saying Katrina was the direct result of global warming? Or someone saying "global warming" as a half serious response when someone else asks "why is it so hot outside". As a Floridian, I can say I hear that about 10 times a month during the summer, as if some time between 2006 and now they forgot that Florida always feels like hell in the summer. Every time there is a heat wave or a hurricane coming, some nun-bum hipppie starts talking about how evil Bush is, or why don't they just ban coal burning tomorrow, or some other mess.

    Of course if that is the only kind of AGW exposure you get, you will assume it is the only AGW arguments there are, so ranting that "it is so cold and snowy today" then seems ample argument against what you perceive to be the main evidence of AGW--ie, that 6 months ago "it was hot and stormy...therefore global warming is real"

    Source(s): ...pirate man above me is the prime example of what I just described.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Climate refers to the sum total of weather conditions over a large area for long period of time. Whereas weather refers to the state of the atmosphere over an area at any point of time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    James came closer then you might have realized. Most are jerking your chain as a retaliatory response. You may not have done so per say, other then as a example of probable outcome to CC. While others seem to have lost the meaning through misguided context. I'm surprised that advocates seldom mention noise, and degradation in modeling. It would under all likely hood help those who have questions.

    NOAA does offer a different set of climate maps(years -weekly) for obvious reasons. These are a necessity for certain business based institutions (e.g. insurance, construction, agriculture). "BUT" there's always a disclaimer to validity and accuracy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they are idiots.

    And just for the record, an Ad Hominem does not mean “attacking your opponent”. It is replying to a factual claim by attacking the character or source making the argument.

    Hence, if there is no factual claim, then there is no Ad Hominem attack. If someone continually “confuses” weather and climate, then I have the right to call them an idiot.

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  • T S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Why do you think the Global Warming Cult cant learn the difference between weather and climate?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And that's different from AGW activists how?

    - They point to short-term weather as "proof" of "climate change."

    - They ignore global temperature data UNLESS it's fraudulent and falsified. (like including past records of Arctic stations no longer operating - a BIG & OBVIOUS statistical no-no)

    -I have never seen an AGW activist differentiate between weather and climate. ALL weather is said to be due to AGW.

    - The difference between weather and climate is one of the most basic concepts when it comes to climate science. AGW activists have been provided with examples of cold conditions on other parts of the planet as some areas experience warm weather. Yet they continue to not just fail to differentiate between short-term and long-term, but also between local and global.

    - I know as well as anyone that when a person is insane, he can convince himself of a lot of ridiculous things. But how can AGW activists fail to learn this exceedingly basic concept, that your local weather doesn't tell you anything about the global climate? Or if some of them do understand the difference, how can they consider themselves 'scientists' and yet intentionally perpetuate this gross error?

  • 1 decade ago

    Dana I'm sorry but I'll disappoint you.

    I was a GW believer before, but I had to change camp. Because this is the coldest January in my life. All these years in Florida, and I've never experienced so cold weather like now that I'm on that trip to... Alaska! Greetings!

    Source(s): My shivering body
  • Nata T
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    for the same reason you insist that Climate in under my control and I can change it. Both weather and climate are not controllable by man. They can be observed, they can be quantified with measurements, but climate is arbitrary and weather is exact.

    Do you get this? Didn't think so.

    Anyway, because climate is arbitrary, you declair in your highest shrill voice that it's bad, we will die unless you listen to me. That makes you no different than a religion that has set an arbitrary end of the earth time and is out to warn us of doom. Neither you, nor the religious fanatic are any different.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh, "master of science" -- here's a lesson. (Keep up)

    I do KNOW that it was 90-120 degrees EVERYDAY during the dinosaur era of MILLIONS of years.. (that's 100s of millions, to our mere 10,000s as humans, by the way). Some parts of what's now the American west, like Montana and Idaho, were pure swamp and actually underwater. Under 100s of feet of ocean & seas.

    How does this jive with your global warming?

    I think the earth is generally FAR hotter than it's been for 100,000 years now.. and we also KNOW that volcanoes & wild fire & living organisms contribute 97% of the Earth's carbon in the atmosphere -- although there's more money in fingerpointing to autos & factories... while Al Gore nicely ignore things, like BENZENE and cancer-causing pollutants (because there's no money in it). It's easier to say Big Oil or George Bush and not report on Gore's OWN 8 years in the White House, and 20 years before that of sham meetings and scant action. He's built and image, and cashed in. Others use him for their ways & means -- and meanwhile EVERYTHING ON THIS PLANET is far bigger than humans and human comprehension.

    India was an island off Africa, and now is the result of smashing into Asia with such force, that the Himilayan mountain range is the world tallest -- and this was done, without anything driving SUVs. (The same ones that Al Gore had a hand in, when they made it OK for soccer moms to drive mega-ton SUVs that got 9-11 mpg, and back over their kids in driveways across America.. or, doesn't anyone recall the 90s?).

    Anyways -- climate and weather are factors of CURRENTS and air/water movements that have EVERYTHING to do with POLARITY and magnetism. Two topics never, ever talked about, but certainly are A 1 and A 1-B of how the land and earth were shaped. Why Africa & South America aren't joined no more. And why there was even ICE where we now decry iceberg breakway, etc. etc.

    Tomorrow, if the poles SHIFT, anything can happen. The earth shakes up LIFE for another of 'who knows' how many times.

    And it has nothing to do with you, me, Al Gore or the tea in China.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have theory

    Americans are full of mercury ,

    this must affect them

    ,getting bloated in very hot weather or shrinking when it is cold


    now it the time of the shrinking .

    So we cannot expect to much reason.

    wait till it gets hot

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