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What defines great service from your waiter/waitress?

I wait tables for a living, and I consider myself pretty good at my job. However, there's always room for improvement. What do you notice that makes the difference between good and excellent service when you go out to eat?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Congratulations on taking the initiative for asking this question. To me it shows that you've got the potential of being a superb server.

    You've already been given some excellent pointers by others, and I'll attempt to not repeat too much, but will relate what I personally relate to.

    First is a warm and friendly greeting. This can start from a distance by just acknowledging the arrival of your diner with a slight wave and a smile signaling that you'll be there quickly if you're engaged in doing something else.

    Make helpful suggestions if you sense they're wanted. If you're not sure, you can simply ask.

    Compliment people on their choices, especially if you know from experience that they have chosen something good. Or you could say, Great Choice: That's one of our most popular dishes.

    Even if there is no great rush, try to give guests an idea of how long it will be to prepare their dish and keep to your word. If you say 5 minutes, and it's not ready, show up and tell them how much longer til it is, and bring or offer something to "keep them going" in the meantime.

    Depending on the circumstances taking time to converse with your guests may also be a good addition if the client is open to it.

    I hope these help.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am picking when I order (you know the type, add this, sub this) so I really notice if the server gets my order right because it doesn't happen that often. I always tip extra if they do. I have also worked in restaurants, so I do know it isn't always the servers fault. The cooks can mess that stuff up too. It just helps if the servers check to make sure the order was made right before they bring it out. Also, be sure and remember the sides of sauce. Ranch is important! lol

    I also notice if I don't have to wait for a refill, but I'm sure you already know that! lol I guess I personally don't really care a whole lot about the friendliness of the server, as much as I do getting the right food. Time really isn't an issue, as long as the server communicates with me if there is an issue. If the kitchen is backed up or you are busy, no big deal, just make an effort to let me know you haven't forgot about my table and it's all good!

    It does suck though when I'm waiting for a refill and the server can be seen chatting by the wait station with a co-worker for ten minutes!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    first off seat people quickly give them their menus and get their drinks quickly

    give people at most 5 minutes to decide what they want and go back to table and see if they are ready

    take order make sure food comes out quickly after it is delivered walk away but return in about 2 minutes to see if they require something else

    if not let them enjoy food

    you can walk by table checking to see if the drinks are filled

    but do not need to ask just use judgment i9f glass is almost empty then you go by and ask if want another drink

    after they done eating immediately pick up dirty dishes and clear tables of garbage

    offer dessert

    pay attention when you think they are finished go over and ask if they would like anything else or want the check

    if they want check leave the bill at table do not stand and wait by table leave and give a couple of minutes if they put cash or card on table then you go back and get change quickly

    when you see them stand to leave be sure to say thank you and say good bye with a very nice smile

    i have been in the business for 25 years and this is what i see gets the best results

    good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Remember guests names, and their quirks if there are any. Heres a move that will get you a good tip. A small PDA, during the dessert- coffee time, or before main meal. Crack a joke, big smile and a light touch on shoulder or arm. A handshake would work too. Some small PDA and a smile makes the guest feel special and we all want to feel special. ALWAYS "read" your table. There's a scenario that suits every type of guest, even the *******, that will increase tips. I just got my year end numbers. My tip average for the entire year is 20.59% Its the small things people appreciate. Good Luck

    Source(s): experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    first of all, smile and be friendly, even if you're having a bad day. the public doesn't care. fast service means satisfied customers. never leave dirty plates in from of the person when they're finished eating. there's nothing more disgusting than staring at picked-at food. make sure the customers are never out of beverage. don't wait for them to call you and say they would like their check. when they report a problem, scknowledge that there was a problem made. if it wasn't your fault, don't say that. i've been a waitress, so i've been faced with these situations.

  • Linds
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Not having to wait long to get water when you first sit down. When the waiter doesn't bug us too soon or too late about what we'd like to order (when we close and set down our menus, we are ready to order!). Drinks are refilled or offered without us having to ask. Food comes in a timely manner and the waiter doesn't bring a course too soon - appetizers first, then salad, THEN dinner (I hate it when my dinner is brought to me when I'm still eating my salad!). When they bring the check, the waiter is prepared to take my card and charge it right away, as soon as I offer it. And, of course, a friendly attitude! No one likes a snobby, annoyed or "too-busy-acting" waiter (they might really be busy, but they don't need to be rude)!

    Last time I ate out with my whole family (hubby, mom, her boyfriend, grandma, cousin, sister), nothing was going right! The waiter acted so busy and rude! He removed my drink (presumably to go back and refill it) and didn't return it until I asked for it 5 mins. later! Everyone's food was brought out, exept for mine, and the waiter told me that mine would be right out. I told everyone to please eat. 15 minutes later, still no food for me, everyone else (except my hubby) was finished eating, my hubby's food was cold (he's such a gentleman, he won't take a bite until I have), and there hadn't been any sign of our waiter. Finally we called over another waiter and asked for the manager... the manager came out and said, "Oh, yeah, he screwed up and didn't put your order in." The waiter should've admitted his mistake up front, instead of saying "It'll be right out"! I expected a 2-3 minute wait! It was terrible! By the way, I was 8 months pregnant at the time - very hungry!

  • 1 decade ago

    I like wait staff to be prompt with my drinks. Bring extras that I ask for like lemons for my tea (hate it when they forget). I don't like when my waitress doesn't serve me my food, but someone else does (lots of places do this). Proper orders, bill in a timely fashion and my plates cleared before I get the bill (lots of places don't do this).

    I do know there are people out there that don't or won't tip, but I do. I base my tipping on 25% at first, then the waiter can only bring it down.

  • Andy S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Minimal wait to have your order taken. Never having to ask for a drink refill. Polite, friendly and minimally intrusive. Willingness to correct an issue if one comes up. That's what I consider great service; even if the food is lousy I try to tip appropriately.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not just all about the way of professional serving that amazes the guests but also by engaging to them. By this way, you will not just know them very well but you will know their needs too even though they don't ask for it and it leads to anticipation- It is always nice to receive surprises, in this case it is by means of initiative.

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