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Has the GOP shot themselves in the foot by no one voting for the stimulus?

An interesting point was made on the news last night. The House Democrats made some concessions on the bill to attract Republican votes and give them more of what they wanted - more tax breaks (including corporate tax breaks, which I think we have enough of already), took out some spending, etc.

Even so, the House GOP laid a big goose egge - zero votes.

As one commentator said, "Hell hath no fury like a majority party scorned". Why should the senate Dems keep in any of those concessions if 1) they aren't going to get any Senate Republican votes, as was indicated by at least one Senate Republican, and 2) they can pass the bill without them?

I think the Senate bill will now see more spending for infrastructure, and no corp. tax breaks.

And how do these GOP representatives and Senators tell their constituents that they voted "No" on a bill that is not half bad?? There are actually commercials being aired in some states to get people to call their Senator and tell them to vote for it.

I think they will regret being obstructionists come the next election. It's also pretty sad that they seem to be following Rush's orders to vote no for everything that Obama proposes.


A disastrous bill? I understand there are some weird things in there. But it's proven that $1 of spending = $1.50 stimulus, while $1 of tax breaks = $0.75 of stimulus.

Spending generates more stimulus than tax breaks, even if it takes longer to get going.

Update 2:

I also find it funny that the GOP is "coming back to their conservative roots" only when a Democrat is President. I call that spite.

Update 3:

Any Democrats I hang out with are moderate Democrats and have been life long Democrats. Sorry to disappoint you.

37 Answers

  • Don B
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are being Obstructionists

    They had no trouble voting for a bailout for their rich constituents


    when it comes to the Average America


    $71.5 Billion Extend and raise jobless benefits

    (needed badly after GOP Policies have killed job market)

    $153.2 Billion subsidize health CARE for jobless AND help States with

    Medicaid, other health programs

    $103 Billion Fund construction project and repairs (highways bridges)

    (AGAIN--needed badly after Bush neglected infrastructure)

    $159 Billion Provide School Grants (is something wrong about


    $53.4 Billion support science facilities---high speed net and other

    environmental/energy programs

    $13 Billion Repair and weatherize public housing, help homeless

    repair foreclosed homes

    The rest is in tax cuts

    so quit crying about PORK

    America NEEDS this Package

  • 1 decade ago

    Not at all.. they have finally realized that they were put there for a reason... to ensure that the legislation passed is good for America.... you have to acknowledge that 11 Democrats also voted agianst the bill because it is TERRIBLE... little stimulus and a LOT of pork... This bill will not do what it is said it would, it can't because a majority of the spending doesn't take place for YEARS ahead, a Lot of the earmarks cannot affect the economy (National endowment for the arts for one) Even the earmarks for alternative fuel research are too little and available too late too energize that industry... a bill thats "not half bad" still is too bad too pass.... make sure that it will do what it is supposed to, gut the pork from it and I am sure that many Reps would climb aboard to support it.

    EDIT: "A disastrous bill? I understand there are some weird things in there. But it's proven that $1 of spending = $1.50 stimulus, while $1 of tax breaks = $0.75 of stimulus. Economists agree that the bill as written will do little to stimulate the economy. Yes spending does equal stimulus... if spent in areas that can create sustainable jobs... this packet does NOT do that... while there are some important parts of this package that should be passed quickly, including the increase in unemployment and tax cuts, MOST of it should be tabled indefinitely.

  • Pablo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The fast way to a one party system is to forget who voted for you and the good of the country. That will not happen, but when we need to get government working in the first one hundred days they should support the country. Tax cuts and breaks will not help unemployment, Pork barrel spending will not help, Giving money to the banks will not help unless it is the payments we owe, The infrastructure is going to take to long. We need the new newer newest deal that gets people to work right away. Send in an idea for what the country needs and get a check and then prove it was worth the paper it was written on by paying it back. Maybe the banks and insurance companies should go out of business and we develop federalism that works like the post office yea right that can not keep out of the red either.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. The Republicans are acting very responsibly. The Dems are trying to jam this down everyones throat while screaming that the sky is falling, this has to get passed right away, etc.

    You can't spend your way out of a recession. The first round of bailouts were a joke. If we are going to do it again lets make sure that the money will be spent wisely and not hoarded by the bankers.

    I would look for a compromise bill in the senate.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Boy, it extremely is humorous. Atheists are the blame for the upward thrust of militant Islam? attempt taking a background type... do you be conscious of what extremely is accountable for fanatical Islam? Our dependence upon oil. center jap governments have easily no prefer or regard for his or her human beings, via fact they pull money directly out of the floor. We unconditionally help those oppressive dictatorships (Saddam Hussein, the Shaw of Iran, the Saudis, etc.) via fact we prefer their oil. with a view to deflect grievance faraway from themselves, those comparable oppressive center jap governments that count on us for his or her livlihoods, do each thing they are able to to refocus their citizen's anger and hatred on the USA and the West. it extremely is a vicious cycle which could not be broken.....till an Atheist or different Rational Being will become President makes use of the money at present being spent on Bush' Holy war to alter usa from oil to hydrogen or another renewable potential source. (of course, lots harm has been achieved so a good distance (and made lots worse by potential of the Christian Bush administration), that the subject would desire to under no circumstances be fixed without a nil.33 international war that crushes Islam, the comparable way the Japan develop into overwhelmed in WWII. yet a diplomatic answer may well be lots extra advantageous for all those in touch.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why would any Republican vote for it? The Democrats flatly refused any kind of negotiations or debate on the spending. It's a horrible bill that spends only a few percent of the trillion dollar price tag on anything that will actually stimulate the economy.

    The bill will get passed, there aren't enough responsible politicans in Washington to stop it. It will also fail to accomplish anything, other than massively increasing federal debt. And in the next election the people who opposed it will be looking pretty good.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you bother to check out the republican alternative plan? More jobs less money...until you do you have no idea what's what to even ask a question. Truth is the bill was written by the democrats only, voted for by the democrats only and is the biggest failure of a bill in history. Obama wanted bi-partisanship and pelosi denied that. So instead of a good bipartisan bill for a stimulus, Obama got a bi-partisan vote against him...duh

    BTW Rush and his followers aren't the only conservative/ republicans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, What Republicans have done is not voted for a bill they know will fail and placed all the responsibility on the Dem's so that when this bill fails, It will be all on them . Why do you think Obama was trying so hard to get Republicans on board ? Because he's a nice guy and wants them to share the glory when it's a big success ? If you believe that I have some swamp land to sell you. He wanted them on board so that not IF but WHEN this bill falls flat on it's face, He can say " Well the Republicans voted with us Dem's too , You can't blame it all on us Democrats" That's why . God bless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Look I am all for the government giving the economy a kick in the pants. However we already spent $750 Billion in TARP money and it hasn't helped. So instead of being in a huge rush to get this done, why don't we slow down a little and look at what is in this bill.

    Only 12% of the bill is for actual worthwhile projects. The rest is for wasteful spending. Read the Wall Street Journal to see what they said about it. The link is here:

    Let's at least be responsible. This is a democrats gone wild bill. Sorry!

  • 1 decade ago

    Time will tell... If, as many who actually understand the economy, suspect and this bill just drives us even deeper into a depression AND when all the true pork that is built in to it is finally revealed, the Dems will have NO ONE to blame but themselves.

    A few concessions does not make up for a truly disastrous bill, my friend.

    Edit: "...A disastrous bill? I understand there are some weird things in there. But it's proven that $1 of spending = $1.50 stimulus, while $1 of tax breaks = $0.75 of stimulus..."

    PROVEN?? LOL! I'd sure like to see that proof!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In a recent poll, over 50% feel there is too much spending and not enough tax breaks for individuals in the bill. 29% approved. Most of what's in this bill has nothing to do with stimulating the economy. The longer it's debated, the more the American people see that it's just another wasteful Democratic wish list. This is why they want to rush it through so quickly. We'll see what happens in 2 years...

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