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Any ideas for a dog that is dominant/aggressive with some other dogs?
I have a 3-4 year old terrier mix (she has Boston in her and St. Bernard according to DNA - but who knows). She is a spayed female about 37 pounds.
She rarely gets along with female dogs, but has played very well with a male boxer and a male Mastiff. One male lab she does't get along with, but he's a brat. She plays fairly well with neighbor's male dachshund for hours at a time (some occasional growling, but it gets resolved) and was excellent with a small female puppy.
The problem is I never know. Sometimes she just gives off the dominant vibe and gets snapped at. Both of my brothers have female dominant dogs and can't bring them over to the house. We've tried having them in the same room on leashes, both will be quiet and lying down, one flinches and the other goes for the jugular. So for Christmas this year, one was with us, one in a bedroom and we had to switch and endure barking and whining.
My dog has taken obedience classes, and did get attacked by another dog (I think on general principle because of my dog's general attitude). She had submitted to this dog at one class, then the next they went at each other - but it was mostly bluff as no one was injured (and the trainer pointed that out to us). But still....
I know one of the dogs in the family has never had obedience and has no idea what a leash is and has never been on a "walk" in her life. That's a border collie. The other dog is an Australian Shepherd who is pretty good obedience wise, but does have her moments.
Short of taking her to Cesar or Victoria, Any ides on how to get 2 dogs to be more tolerant or is it probably not going to happen once the aggression has started?
2 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat are some good ideas for ice breakers or activities at a business meeting?
My department is having a global meeting in June, and there will be about 150 people from US, Asia and Europe attending. I'm helping to plan it and am looking for some ideas for ice breakers (since we don't know the folks from different countries well and we have some new hires).
Last meeting we all had a sheet of paper and markers and were asked to draw what represents our idea of a perfect vacation, our hobbies etc, and one or two people from each table shared with the group. We also had an Elvis impersonator for fun, but we found out that didn't go over too well with the last VP. ha ha
Our VP also wants to have a cookout by the hotel pool (she was hoping to be able to do that on the beach, but we can't) with games and stuff to do while hanging out.
The meeting will be taking place at the hotel that everyone will be staying in, so there's no travel time or people having to leave or anything like that.
Any ideas?
2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agoWhat happened that now makes it illegal to ship wine to NJ?
September of 2008, I was in Napa and bought wine at several wineries to ship home. I live in PA (where stupid blue laws have always prevented you form shipping wine there), so I sent it to my brother in NJ. No questions, no problems.
Recently I wanted to order some of that same wine again, and NJ is now on the list of states they can't ship to. When did this happen? I'm especially surprised since the state doesn't control liquor sales there like they do in PA.
Personally, I think it's a crock and I should be able to buy wine from an out of state vintner and ship it to my house for personal consumption. Especially when you're limited to the crappy selection that PA "Wine and Spirits Shoppes" carry.
2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoIs it possible to find clothes made in the USA anymore?
It seems that 98% of the clothes I look at are made in China. the other 2% are made in Malaysia or Hong Kong. My Levi jeans are made in freaking Jordan.
I walk around Banana Republic, Ann Taylor, White House/Black Market, whatever - all made in China. It depresses me. Especially when they want $108 for a synthetic blend dress? Don't they make clothes in China so they're cheaper?? I'd pay that for a synthetic blend dress made in the USA, but not China.
I know companies like Three Dots are made in the US, but I can only wear so many t-shirts.
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade agoSo it's okay for Rush to use the word "retard", but not Emmanuel?
She defends Rush and criticizes Emmanuel. Interesting. I fail to see the difference that she weirdly tries to describe here.
I guess if you agree that people are retards as well, it's okay to say it.
"But the former governor went to great and sometimes awkward lengths to insist that when conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh used the same exact term to describe the same exact group, it was simply in the role of political humorist.
"They are kooks, so I agree with Rush Limbaugh," she said, when read a quote of Limbaugh calling liberal groups "retards." "Rush Limbaugh was using satire ... . I didn't hear Rush Limbaugh calling a group of people whom he did not agree with 'f-ing retards,' and we did know that Rahm Emanuel, as has been reported, did say that. There is a big difference there.""
9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoAny wineries near Santiago for wine tasting/touring?
HI - I'm going to be in Santiago on business in February. My colleague and I arrive Sunday morning and would like to do something that day. I see that there are wineries around Santiago, but most seem to be an hour or more away (I am staying in the souther part of the city). Any wineries that are close to Santiago that would be open on Sunday?
1 AnswerChile1 decade agoWhat can I do on Boston on business trip next week? Jan 5-7th.?
I'll be at a hotel near the Prudential Center January 5th-8th, and wondering what kinds of things I can do the evenings of 5th-7th? I think the Bruins are playong on the 7th, but are there museums that are open late (I think the art museum is).
Any good restaurants? I can spend a decent amount of money since it's business, and I'd rather avoid the chains like Maggiano's since I have them back home. Heard Top of the Hub is cool - do I need reservations for a weekday in January?
3 AnswersBoston1 decade agoAnyone else excited cause their team is 1 win away from going to the World Series!?
I couldn't sleep last night after that amazing win, and I'm having trouble concentrating at work. Maybe it's because I have tickets to Wednesday night's game and when they clinch it will be awesome!
7 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoAnyone recently hire a band or DJ for their wedding reception?
I'm in a group and we'er looking to play some weddings among other things. We were wondering what the going rate was these days for well known local bands and even DJs.
We had an idea of what bands got before the recession hit, but were wondering if prices had changed since the downturn. Really popular local bands used to command $10,000, but not sure if they get that these days.
I'm in the Philly area.
6 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoAnyone else tired of Real Housewives NJ using being Italian as an excuse for everything?
Guess they can't think for themselves and are overtaken by "Italianness"? cripes. I'm ebmarrassed to be at the beach in SOUTH Jersey right now.
7 AnswersReality Television1 decade agoSqueamish people are more likely to be conservatives? Really?
"People who squirm at the sight of bugs or are grossed out by blood and guts are more likely to be politically conservative, new studies find."
This might be true. My family is all middle of the road Democrats, except for one brother who is a die hard Republican as well as his wife. Neither can stand the sight of the whole turkey on Thanksgiving, they just want to see it in slices. They get grossed out by the red juice on a plate from a steak (and will say so loudly at the dinner table which is more like how a 5 year old acts, but I digress). My brother would die before eating a fresh egg that came from a chicken in the backyard.
11 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoPit bull mix sometimes grabs the leash, tugs, shakes her head violently? How to stop it?
Another question about a ~2 year old female pit mix that I got from the SPCA last week. Tonight for example, we played in the yard (big yard) fetching a rope toy and running for about 30 minutes (play was off leash after she did her business on the leash).
Then we went for a short walk in the woods nearby on the leash, and she played in the creek and got a bit wound up again. Walked her home calmly, and when I stopped to pick up her rope toy, she grabbed the leash, started backing up (kind of in a play bow), shook it violently (like she does with her toy). If I say "No" sharply, it has no effect. I can hardly keep a grip on the leash because she is shaking it so violently. If I try and grab the leash, she will bite my hand (not hard at all) or my shoes, and no voice correction works.
She is on an easy walker harness because it's the only thing that keeps her from pulling during a walk. She just tugs and tugs with a regular collar. With this easy walk harness, the leash is attached to the chest, so the leash is within reach.
If I scruff her, she immediately lies down and stops. I try and keep her there for a few minutes, but then she starts tearing at the grass, and tries to get at my hand, pushes at me with her feet. even when I think she's calm and we start walking again, she starts up. I can't find a correction or activity to get her to stop it and listen to me.
I have one of Cesar Millan's books - she does sit for putting the harness on/off, sits before we go outside (I make her sit) and before we come in, I am the first one in and out of the door. Just the one issue that she is non-responsive to correction.
I need ideas before this gets out of hand. Thanks!
13 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHow to stop a 2 yr old pit mix from running into me when she plays?
I just got this dog a few days ago from the SPCA, and I know there's a learning curve. And she's young and can get overexcited. Most of her outsideplay time involves a rope toy that she fetches, then runs around with and shakes, etc. Sometimes, she gets really excited, drops the toy and runs right at me - either takes my legs out, springboards off me (and leaves little muddy paw prints) or bite my shoes or pant leg.
When I have enough time to see her coming, I put my hand out and say "No" or "Hey" sharply and usually she veers around me. She then runs back to her toy. Should I let her keep on playing or stop whenever she tries to involve me too much?
Any other ideas?
4 AnswersDogs1 decade agoGoing to be in Toronto on business for a week in July - what to see/do?
I'll be in the Niagara district from Sunday night through Thursday night (flying home Friday afternoon). I want to see the CN Tower, but what else can I do during the evenings (after 5:30 or so)?
Any restaurants to recommend? I do have a budget, but it's pretty generous.
4 AnswersToronto1 decade agoAnyone think Oakland shooter Lovelle Mixon brought on his own problems?
His family said he was frustrated that he missed opportunites and wasn't getting any breaks. Um, dropping out of high school isn't going to help you get any breaks dude, number one. Number two, getting caught with crack and going to jail is not going to look good on your resume.
Now tell me, is any of that anyone's fault but his own? Did anyone put a gun to his head and make him drop out of high school? It doesn't cost anything to go to school in this country. Sorry I can't have sympathy for a person who repeatedly made bad choices, instead of trying to improve himself or at least lead a normal life.
Story also goes on to say that he got married while in jail (she must have had high standards for herself) and she left, and he fathered a kid with someone else. Does anyone use common sense or think for a second about the ramifications of their actions???
OAKLAND, Calif. – Lovelle Mixon died at 26, hiding in an apartment, shot by police during a gun fight that left four officers dead and stunned a city already plagued by violence.
Court records show a lifetime of wrong turns spent largely behind bars. Family members, angry and upset after their loss, describe Mixon as an deeply frustrated young man who likely snapped under the weight of opportunities missed or denied.
He "figured his life was over," said Todd Walker, of the Khadafy Foundation for Non-Violence, speaking on behalf of the family outside the Mixon home. "He didn't want to go to back to jail."
Mixon was a high school dropout whose first felony charge came soon after he turned 18. He was arrested in 2000 with crack cocaine and marijuana, and got 30 days after a no-contest plea to the cocaine charge, court records show.
Just over a year later, in 2001, he was arrested again for stealing six PlayStation video game consoles from a Target store and a nearby Toys R Us. That meant another 30 days in county jail.
Mixon applied for a work furlough program through the Alameda County Sheriff's department in 2001 but was turned down. "Applicants' past case of violence could pose a threat to the program, staff and community," records documenting the denial state.
4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoHas the GOP shot themselves in the foot by no one voting for the stimulus?
An interesting point was made on the news last night. The House Democrats made some concessions on the bill to attract Republican votes and give them more of what they wanted - more tax breaks (including corporate tax breaks, which I think we have enough of already), took out some spending, etc.
Even so, the House GOP laid a big goose egge - zero votes.
As one commentator said, "Hell hath no fury like a majority party scorned". Why should the senate Dems keep in any of those concessions if 1) they aren't going to get any Senate Republican votes, as was indicated by at least one Senate Republican, and 2) they can pass the bill without them?
I think the Senate bill will now see more spending for infrastructure, and no corp. tax breaks.
And how do these GOP representatives and Senators tell their constituents that they voted "No" on a bill that is not half bad?? There are actually commercials being aired in some states to get people to call their Senator and tell them to vote for it.
I think they will regret being obstructionists come the next election. It's also pretty sad that they seem to be following Rush's orders to vote no for everything that Obama proposes.
37 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoIs it just me or are other people getting their answers deleted because of?
some minor slight or implied insult? I find it especially funny because the questions I respond to are usually worse.
Are the people (seems men have removed my answers most often) on here turning into little Marys or something? If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade agoSo who really believes Michael Irvin "almost" got carjacked?
But he was spared because the guys recognized him, and were such big Dallas fans that they called him "Mike Irvin". Even Philly fans know he's Michael, not "Mike".
And I might have believed it if he had chased them off by having the hookers in his car throw bags of coke and crack pipes at them until they fled the scene.
7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade agoIdeas for fun on a business trip to Lafayette/San Fran area?
I'll be in the San Fran area - staying in Lafayette and working in Walnut Creek - for 4 days in September. The hotel itself looks gorgeous, and has a nice pool area.
I arrive around 12:30 pm the first day, so I have that day/evening free. I should be done work each day around 5:00 and back at the hotel (or wherever) around 5:30.
My last day there I'm taking the redeye home at 10:30 that night, so after I check out, I'm free till about 8:00 pm.
Would I be able to get to Napa and visit some wineries that last day? Or should I stick to maybe Tiburon and Sausalito?
What can I do the first day? Maybe Berkely or something? What is the Lafayette Reservoir area like? I wouldn't mind taking a jog there. Could I just bring a book and blanket too and hang out?
Any suggestions for dinner any day? (I can't spend more that $65 on dinner - budget reasons).
Thanks everyone!!!
2 AnswersSan Francisco1 decade agoIs this a great story about a selfless 16 year old or what?
Too bad more people can't be this mature, eh?
Sweet 16 Party Without Gifts, Donations Instead
Meg Snowdon does not turn 16 until November, but like most teens with winter birthdays, she wants to have a summer party.
Different from most teens though, Meg does not want any gifts.
Instead, she is asking friends and family to bring donations for 8-year-old Emily Mangione, who Meg met for the first time Wednesday.
Emmie was 14 months old when Kim Mangione of Marlton adopted her from South Korea. Emily suffers from a disease that affects her heart, lungs and immune system.By the time she was two-years-old, Emmie had already suffered cardiac arrest and several strokes, which caused brain damage.
Meg first learned about Emmie through a friend, and wanted to help in any way she could. Her birthday party seemed like the best way to help Emmie's family pay for her health care.
Even with insurance, there are a lot of therapies, medical bills and equipment not cover
3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago