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When is our government going to do something?

That is, something about Exxon Mobile! This corporation is bleeding the life blood from our nation with it's ridiculously exorbitant profits gained by fleecing the American Public! Record breaking $45.2 B profit for the year, even with a 33% decrease in 4 quarter profits from last year? If Obama is so upset with the finance industry in these times of trouble, why isn't he voicing out and doing something about this atrocity?

6 Answers

  • C V
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the reason not much is being done is twofold:

    1) Our elected officials receive lots of campaign money from these enormous businesses; and

    2) There are a lot of people in this country who believe companies are entitled to make as much money as they can.

    As to the first point, with the US slipping into a depression, there will be a lot more pressure brought to bear on politicians to do something about these businesses - perhaps enough to finally overwhelm the power of the contributions. We've seen that when corporations get too large we cannot allow them to fail; it's a risk that we should take very seriously. Someone needs to get in there and pull a Teddy and bust up these massive industries before they tear down our economy.

    As to the second point, I would say we need a massive re-education program in this country to help educate the average citizen as to what a good economic system is supposed to do. The truth is, massive corporate profits are BAD for the economy, because they:

    1) Pull too much money out of the money supply (or, put another way, centralize money in too small a pool so that it cannot be spread around efficiently);

    2) Results in inefficient and wasteful use of resources; and

    3) Results in the majority of people suffering while a tiny minority wallow in money

    The problem is many people in the US believe that the freedoms promised in the Constituion cover markets and largesse (they do not.) Hell, religion's even gotten into the game. Many Christian sects actually claim that if you're a good Christian you'll make more money. By that argument, I guess anyone with a lot of money is a good Christian, right? Wrong.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm already mad, frustraited and sense lost as to what to do to make a difference. balloting won't help, it is rigged. Accounting for our truly is a good sized comedian tale. I filed my taxes for the 365 days previous to the 'conflict'. I have been given my return and caught it interior the monetary agency, motor vehicle broke down, spent maximum of it, then 6 months later i'm getting a letter from the IRS saying that I would desire to pay back the refund plus the pastime it amassed interior the 6 months that I had NO thought that they wanted MY a reimbursement. (innovations you I stay at poverty point, pay examine to paycheck) i comprehend they did it to make funds off the human beings to fund the conflict. A$$HOLES!!!!! i'm questioning myself what it would take to wake human beings up, we would desire to act mutually and the faster the greater constructive, the bigger the greater constructive. specific, a march on DC armed to the teeth, boy does not that be extreme high quality, yet with the Patriot Act in place, we'd all be placed into the domstic concentration camps that have been equipped for us. US, specific us, not them.....I say we positioned them into those centers so as that something human beings can bypass on residing. I too want to interrupt stuff. what's going to truly make issues take place is the human beings who're offended and function funds would desire to hire a %.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you owned stock you wouldn't be pissed Why is it so bad for companies to make a profit now a days Are you going to boycott McDonald's because they also made a huge profit and are probable doing more harm to the people of this country than Exxon

  • Alion
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'm not a fan of the oil industry,but making a profit isn't a crime.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I would be more upset if they were also asking for a handout.

  • 1 decade ago

    He is in bed with lobbyists.

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