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What do you do with birthday cards?

So, I have a habit of keeping birthday cards that people send to me, but they always just end up sitting in a drawer somewhere and taking up space... It just feels not nice to throw them away when people put so much thought into getting them for me. With my daughter's first birthday coming up, I am looking for something creative to do with all of the cards she receives so they don't end up collecting dust. Any ideas?


Thanks everyone for the great ideas! I guess I'll have some work to do after the birthday is over, but I think I can make a cute book that will be fun for her to look at for years to come.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I plan on scrap-booking all of my sons b-day cards, but then again I also plan on scrap booking all of his pictures, and everything and haven't got to that yet. But I PLAN on making a birthday scrap book, putting the decorations, pictures, the cards etc... in it, I thought that would be a cute way to do it... I still have cards from when I was 1 in a box, it's so full, but sometimes its fun to go back and look at them so I can't bare to part with them. So I would just keep them in a memory box or something until you find some time to scrapbook!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm the same way with getting cards for anything it seems like. They are sitting in a drawer right now. Now that my son is here, i'm going to start scrapbooking again and figure out a way what to do with the cards. Probably get one just for his birthdays and do like 2 pages with pictures of the birthday and then put the cards in those pages. Probably can't really scrapbook the cards cause they are so big, but i would probably just leave them loose in the book with the pictures you did for that birthday. Or if you want punchhole the top left corner of the cards and put a nice string through them and make a 'title' page on the front of the cards and make it decorative, like "______(baby's name) 1st Birthday cards from friends & family" and have it decorated cute and then put the cards that your daughter got behind that. and either have a special place to hang it in her room or put it with the scrapbook. I just thought of that, i kinda like it. I guess i'll have to play with the idea a little bit more. hope that helps and you understand what i was trying to say, lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    Scrapbooking is your best bet for creativity. You can also use scrapbs from the gift wrappers she recieves on her birthday as background for each sheet or something. Scrapbooking is so much fun and your daughter will greatly appreciate it when she gets older.

    Source(s): experience
  • 1 decade ago

    how about an album collage? buy a big album and stick all her first years cards along with some pictures of the party, as each year on her bday do the same thing. it will store great memories for you as well as her when she grows up, looking back to all those bday parties you threw for her!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Not so creative, but I kept a few from the grandmas and grandpas, etc. and stuck them in her baby book with her other first birthday memorabilia (An invite, a thank you, pictures..)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do a lot of scrapbooking. you could always scrapbook her birthday party and put the in the back :). Its fun to do, easy to personalise and a great way to keep the memories.

  • 1 decade ago

    make a scrap book out of them. buy i really big one. paste one card one a page and put a picture of the person who gave her the card and that way she has the most beautiful scrap book and memories when she is old enough to look at it.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    When I was young, I took all my birthday cards and taped the backs to the back of my closet door. When I got older, it kept growing. Its cool to look back on the past.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have the same problem-I keep telling myself I'll put his cards in his baby book, but I have been so pre-occupied with my son that I have neglected doing so-his 1st b-day was 12/27! Maybe if you are mor roganized than me you'll make it happen. :)

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