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Is This REALLY why companies are 'laying' off people?

I did a bit of research,...and lo and behold,...I found out that many of the big companies, that are busy laying off good American Workers..are all opening up new factories in where else, MEXICO. and even CHINA..

So lets see, we can close down NAFTA, and stop everything coming in here from other countries...(better come up with something better than that...we will REALLY Have more enemies than we can handle)

here's just a couple...

I have this 'funny' feeling, that all of these big companies, that are laying off people..have something up their today, when I heard that Panasonic, was going to lay off 15,000...I googled Panasonic...and guess what I found?

they are releasing 8000 to 11000 people...


there are more, just look at some of these companies, and google them...or Yahoo them...


you know....what happened to loyalty to AMERICA...

they do not have to pay insurance, 401k plans, nothing, cheap labor, and cheap enough that the people STILL come here to work..

It's a joke the whole thing is a joke..

and klling us.

I somehow feel that the owners are just not poverty stricken

Update 2:

My point is...that everyone is acting like these bloated Millionaires, are so 'broke' that they are forced to go to Mexico...this is not true. They are Millionaires...

they have plenty of money, and their employees HERE are tax write off's..


this is NOT why they are moving, it is GREED

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I lost a job to Taiwan in the late '60's. I went into another field and worked at it through the '70's for one company. Then one day they announced the factory would be closing and that a few of us would be kept on to pack and load the equipment for Mexico. After shipping my old job out of country, I had to travel 800 miles to another job. I started it in '82. In '85, they went to Mexico and Dominican Republic. Between then and 2003, i had several jobs in different fields and most of them moved to some foreign country. When China opened up for business, we lost our hold on the rest of our economy. My last job moved to China in 2003. The reason, they stated is that it was costing $3.27 for us to build a unit here and they could get the same thing built in China for $0.24, and that it could be shipped back here for an average of 11 cents a dozen.

    I think that soon our government may be moving, but not where we want them to go. They are moving from free to slave!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You can thank the doo gooder libs for most of these problems. Every time they mandate something that costs the employers money either the end price goes up or the whole job goes overseas, or both. either way there is no free lunch. Raise the minimum wage? Sounds good to those trying to earn a living on peanuts but it only serves to raise the price of everything to compensate. They start making demands for a cleaner environment and what happens? The work goes where there are no expensive laws. Overtime requirements? Overseas again.The "rich" did not get that way by being stupid or playing "fair" by the libs plans and ideas. We didn't always have HMO's and high malpractice insurance. now we do and the simple cost of going to a doctor for a check up had sky rocketed.A whole bureaucracy to fund. Unions? Same deal. No unions means cheaper products - every time.

  • Bob O
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The Big corporations stopped caring about anything but profit way back in the seventies.In the eighties the door got opened to the cheap labor available in other countries by Ronald Reagan.In the nineties Bill Clinton kicked the door wide open with NAFTA.In the two thousands George W. Bush tore the door off of it's hinges by offering tax breaks to companies taking their work overseas.

    I could NEVER support the rest of his policies but Duncan Hunter did get my attention during the primaries at a Republican debate,when the rest of the Republican candidates were genuflecting to the memory of saint Ronald Reagan,when he said "There are no free traders on Mt. Rushmore.Ronald Reagan was a free trader".

  • Witchy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't think there is only one reason why companies are leaving.

    As a country, we have the highest corporate taxes in the world, plenty of regulation on companies, and the most litigious society in the world. So "if" a company decides to have their business here anyway and pay the taxes, conform to the regulation and try to protect themselves from frivolous lawsuits, AND then they have the nerve to be successful in spite of it all, We Americans insult them constantly by calling them evil greedy companies.

    Then some people wonder why these companies look for a more business-friendly country.

    What---exactly---has the US done lately to appeal to businesses for them to want to be here? Besides selecting a FEW companies and giving them millions in bail out money even though many of their products are made overseas, imported, and assembled here.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I spoke to a lady today whose son works for Pfizer, who just bought out Wyeth, both are bohemeth drug companies.

    This man is very high up in the company and privy to information that others might not be.

    He claims that Pzizer was given money from the bailout. Maybe it was a loan, but this is reducing free markets, simply by ruining competition.

    Oh, btw, Pfizer/Wyeth is now laying off 30,000 more employees.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    William F you cannot have it both ways. Either big business gets all of the tax breaks or we have the highest taxes in the world. Which is it.

    Had anyone put it together the amount of layoffs since the November election? Business knows with the Dems in charge business is screwed. We like to make business the villain but who pays the wages, the benefits etc. We need business. Stop listening to everything the media says and think for yourself.

  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, there should be loyalty but save some of that anger for the libs in congress! Like drwmxwll said, over regulation and over taxation is unnecessary and helps to drive them over seas. Let's just make sure we don't have all our guns pointed in one direction when some of the enemy is right behind us.

    I do agree that NAFTA and China are royally screwing US. I read that China is actually making some of the parts for our guided missile systems! How the hell did that happen???

  • 1 decade ago

    American companies pay a 35% corporate income tax (second highest on the planet)as well as matching the 7.65% payroll tax that they take out of our checks. There are also all kinds of federal regulations that make it more costly for them to operate in this country. Add to that the unions who go on strike for hire wages and more benefits when the company is doing well, but won't make concessions when things are bad. They are pricing themselves out of the market.

    Too much government intervention in the free market that too many politicians don't understand because either they have never actually worked in the private sector(coming up, instead through the Democratic machine) or they have, but since they did they have passed all kinds of laws and tax amendments, that the market has changed from what it was when they were in it.

    The tax code alone is 70,000 pages long and has been amended 16,000 times since 1986. That's 16,000 amendments in 23 years. How can business people make long term plans confidently when CONgress is likely to change the rules on a regular basis.

  • 1 decade ago

    You try doing my job. I run a low end real estate business. I am making about $60,000 dollars a year in profit...running a business. Yet, because my income is over 250,000, I am not receiving a tax cut from Mr. Barack Obama. I used to have 3 people who worked in my office with me. Now, its just me working at home, no more office.

    Taxes are sky high on businesses... ever since Carter, jobs have been leaving America, because it is far too expensive. If Carter, and especially Clinton had kept inflation under control, we wouldn't have to go overseas, we could pay workers 3.00 and hour, and they'd be able to own a nice apartment. Now, we have to pay them $10.00 and give them insurance and other benefits, all while our taxes are going through the roof.

    General Motors employees were getting paid around $40 to play their role in an assembly line. How hard can it possibly be to screw in bolts on a tire. I think after the first 10 minutes, I'd have it down pretty good.

    America claims to be the land of the free, but they are overregulating everything. Loyalty to America? The government can't give you jobs, because for every job they make, they force companies and businesses like me to fire 5 people. I want to see you get off of your ***, and stop working in your pampered office. If it weren't for the fact that the job market is so bleak, I would be working back in an office. Stop crying and get over the fact that you can't give 15,000 people jobs in this economy and pay approximately $250,000 per hour for them, especially when you can pay $50,000 for the same work in the same hour in China or Mexico.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fords are almost all Mexican cars now.

    Most transmissions are made in Mexico.

    Americans need to work for $2 to $4 dollars an hour and the jobs won't leave.

    Last year I made $1.44 an hour.

    I got a cost of living raise Jan 1.

    I make $1.52 an hour now.

    I live on $243 dollars a month.

    So can you.

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