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What is objectionable about this Obama ad?

It was rejected by NBC for the Super Bowl and I think it's a beautiful commercial. I know they were trying to let Peta do a pro-vegetarian commercial but after much editing they decided against it because it was too racy. Do you see anything objectionable about this ad??


EDIT: Bill M, I'm afraid I've never heard such a horrible statement! Saying that if a child has his father leave and the mother struggles to raise him he is 100times more likely to be a mass murderer then great? Since a marjority of low income people in America have no fathers in the home - are you saying we should abort the babies because they are more likely to be mass murderers? Oh that is sick.

What these moms (and babies) need it seems is support, love and assistance. 1 out of every 3 black babies are aborted, that was Margaret Sanger's(founder of planned parenthood) mission. Read up.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that's a fantastic commercial. What does that say about NBC?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gee, it wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that the video of a fetus in a womb *isn't* Obama? So that the commercial is obviously a complete sham? "This child will grow up to be..." But it's NOT "that child." They might have had it approved if they'd changed the text to say, "a child like this" or something similar, but as-is it's deceptive and a flat-out lie.

    By the way, the "potentiality" argument is incredibly weak. Some have already explained why.

    You know, I could make a similar commercial that would be just as valid:

    This child will be born to a good family.

    He will not live in poverty.

    He will be a very religious child.

    He will get good schooling and support.

    He will be a decorated war hero in WW I.


    Then he will brutally murder millions and begin the bloodiest and most lethal conflict in the history of the world.

    This child is Adolf Hitler.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, of course I see something objectionable. I don't think it's necessarily *inappropriate*, but it sends sort of a silly message. That we shouldn't allow abortion because the baby you abort might, against all odds, be great.

    Isn't it just as valid to say that the baby might grow up to be a mass murderer? In fact, isn't that scenario more likely by a factor of about a hundred?

    Edit: I'm not saying ANYTHING about a father leaving, or a mother struggling. I'm saying that, in general, it is a spurious argument against abortion that the person might be great, because the person might just as easily be horrible. I'm not talking about black or white, rich or poor. I'm saying that If talking about potential greatness is fair game, then talking about potential monstrosity is just as fair. Sure you might abort the next Marin Luther King, Jr. You also might abort the next Stalin. That's how it works.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't really know what to make of the ad but the PETA commercial was sleazy as hell. Woman getting off on veggies. It was inappropriate in my opinion.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't see anything wrong with the ad.

    But they probably felt a political ad wasn't so appropriate during the Superbowl.

    Not saying I agree, but that's probably why.

  • 1 decade ago

    thats not an ad for Obama. its an add for Anti Abortion/ Anti-Choice.

    they used Obama as a reason not to get an abortion.

    it was rejected because its to much of a political/religious based ad to be aired during the superbowl.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe it was not objectionable, but maybe the Super Bowl did not want hypocrisy involved in advertising. Obama is for life,and the baby in the womb, then why in the world would he be so pro-choice, or should I say pro-abortion, with the bills that he is signing and wants to sign. I guess he was thankful for his mother's choice!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it is giving people false information. Here is the bottom line: If I do not want to have a child, you cannot force me to. Its my body and If you want the baby so bad, you can carry it in your body them push it out of your body.

    If Catholics would actually EDUCATE their children on Sex properly, abortion would not be such a big deal.

  • 1 decade ago

    The fact that it's Obama's makes it objectionable.

    Why on earth would they put a pro-vegetarian commercial up? How stupid. If they do that, then they better put up some pro-carnivore commercials.

  • 1 decade ago

    it is a religious , pro life campaign

    it uses a " what if " situation

    it is disgusting and I dont want my children being brainwashed while watching superbowl

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