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disappointed in obama?

- i am so disappointed in obama

- three nominees who passed all the vetting turn out to be big-time tax evaders... how many others in consideration were this and worse and were turned away?

- the new head of the IRS is a huge tax evader and cheat

- bush is gone - he is history - the messiah is our future

- yet our future of change is looking ever bleaker and we can't blame the republicans any more, the dems are in full power

- "change we can believe in" is becoming ever more the march of socialism - i am seeing the subtle fingerprint of the changes that came to post-war romania

- step by step the economy is destroyed to "save it"

- the "producers" in our society are stripped and the proceeds dispersed to those who do no labor, because "the rich" owe them a free living

- socialized medicine will guarantee only the bare minimum of stabilizing-care that will have to be augmented by private insurance anyway


Dear slipstreamer -

Indeed, the crux of the matter. All this in only one month...

Update 2:

Dear slipstreamer - Indeed, the crux of the matter. All this in only one month...

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, I'm not disappointed. I knew darn well what he was, and as I remember, I and others like me, warned everyone in this forum exactly what it was that they were voting in..."to great cheers and thunderous applause", to quote Ayn Rand. She wrote Atlas Shrugged in 1958, and isn't it odd that she said it would all start in a factory called 20th Century Motors? We are entering a very dark chapter in American history, and I am quite sure there is no way to avoid it. I highly recommend vacuum sealing your valuables and burying them, buying food and American made clothing in the next few sizes for your kids. Don't forget, those vacuum seal bags are a roll, and fit rifles quite nicely. Plant a garden this spring, if we have that long. Kiss your kids, and enjoy every day as if it were your last. Be ready to fight for your very life, because this has happened before, and get in touch with God like you're ready to fall down at his feet and beg him for forgiveness. Never say nobody warned you ALL of what was coming, because you ALL laughed in our faces.

  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't vote for the guy but I'm willing to givve him a chance. At least he can speak.. He doesn't say any thing but he sounds a little smarter than George. We haven't had a good president snce LBJ

    Save your money, buy American.

    After NAFTA,all the good jobs left the states. Both the dems and the GOP pushed for NAFTA. A lot of big corps. gave every elected official lots of money to vote yes.

    So sit tight and buy American. If we can get more of our own people back to work we can get out of this mess in 4 or 5 years. YES, 4 or 5 years

  • 1 decade ago

    how can you be disappointed in obama just because other people had screwed up? obama didn't do anything wrong, he picked people for their experience. the guy owed money to the irs, yes, but he was a good candidate for the job.

    i don't think anybody should be complaining about him because the last time i checked, he's not bush and he's done a hell of a lot more in less than a month than bush did in the whole 8 years.

    it's not his fault republicans are HYPOCRITES and selfish. he's working his asss off trying to pass the stimulus bill that will help ALL middle and lower class citizens, health care and employment.

    he is trying to change the pay role of CEOs to 500,000 max. i'm pretty sure that's a huge change. be happy he cares. i just don't get HOW ignorant people think his administration is doing so bad when they're trying to save us.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    enable me get this immediately....we are imposing a wellness Care plan written by utilising a committee whose chairmen says he would not comprehend it, handed by utilising a Democrapic Congress THAT HASN'T examine IT...yet EXEMPTS themselves from it; to be signed by utilising a president that still hasn't examine it and who smokes, and the investment would be administered by utilising a treasurey chief who did no longer PAY his taxes, all to be overseen by utilising a doctor typical who's obese, and financed by utilising a rustic that's BROKE. What ought to probable bypass incorrect?? Why might desire to I be upset...Duh !

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am disappointed in Obama but for the opposite reasons you are. You did not vote for him and obviously you want right wing ideology.

    I voted for him and want policies that are as far away from Bush and even clinton as possible.

    I am not happy cause I see him as being center right right now....and I want a center left president. I want aggressive repudiation of bad policies of last 8 years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am reporting you to his holiness, the Barack. For it is written, he that questions him shall be doomed to a life of higher taxes, more government intrusion and bleak prospects. Those that do not oppose him shall receive money from those that work.

  • 1 decade ago

    He put them through the same vetting process that the media used for him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Gee, you didn't even give it a month. To be disappointed one would need to be hopeful or to be optimistic - which you are not.

    Who are you kidding? You obviously were just waiting to find fault and didn't vote for him anyhow.

  • red
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree 100%!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I am disapointed in Obama.

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