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What is God trying to tell me in these dreams?

i've been having a series of 4 dreams. and i am not sure what God is trying to tell me. BTW i have had the first dream and than 2 months later i had the second dream and three months later i had the 3rd dream and 2 months later i had the 4th dream. They haven't occured one after the other, you know what i mean.

1ST DREAM- i am 16 years old now but in my dream i was 5 and my mom was cleaning the house that we have in central america but right now we live here in the U.S. in the dream i asked her why she was cleaning and she said because the virgin MARY was going to come and visit us. In the dream i looked at her funny and thought my mom is going cucu. In the dream with my very own eyes i saw the virgin mary and she told me that she had to tell me something very important. but when she was about to tell me i woke up so i didn't find out what she wanted to tell me.

2ND DREAM- I was dreaming that i was in church and that i was very happy and praying to God and that i heard his voice and that he was talking to me, but when i woke up i couldn't remember what He told me i just remembered that He talked to me.

3RD DREAM- I was in church and there was a nun and a priest. The nun told me to pack my things because i was going to Indonesia with them to help the poor people in their.

4TH DREAM- I was in church and a priest was showing us a video of the people of Haiti and how poor they were. the priest said that we needed to help those poor people.

BTW i am a 16 year old female and i am ur average middle class American. I know that i DO NOT want to become a nun but i always felt the strong urge to help others. How can i help those poor people? what is God trying to tell me??

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Interestingly enough your four dreams came over a period of seven months and in God's Holy Word, the number seven points to divine perfection, or completeness. It would seem to me that in the first dream you are being told to prepare, or clean your spirit for a visitation by God's Holy Spirit. In the second dream, once the Holy Spirit has arrived God intends to speak to you in the Spirit as He often does to those he has chosen to remain Holy (holy means set apart), in your dreams cleaning means not giving in to sin, or remaining clean that is to say holy (set apart) so that God's Holy Spirit can continue working through you. In the third dream you are again in church and you are told prepare your things as you are going to do missionary work with the poor. By the way, I should mention that the word church or iglesia does not refer to a building or structure but rather is a translation of the Greek word "ecclesia" which means called out ones. And it is generally understood by students of God's Word, that we are called to be holy, or the called out ones are set apart. It is when we remain set apart or holy that we are able to function as God intended mankind to all along and that is righteously. So, by your third dream it is clear God has called you out to do missionary work. By the fourth dream this idea of being a servant of the poor is reinforced when in your dreams you and, if I'm not mistaken, an entire group of missionaries, because you use the word "us", are being shown a video in which a case for helping the poor is once again being made. Finally, let me remind you that you don't need to become a nun in order to do God's will, and because you are only 16, you don't need to travel outside the U.S. to serve the poor or those who are in need either. Right now there are probably many people in dire straights in your own neighborhood who would benefit from your time and help. You might consider volunteering at a local shelter, or soup kitchen. The point is I believe your heart is sensitive to God's word, you want to do his will, and in response He is asking you to give up worldly things that lead to sin and corruption in order to serve Him and those who are in need. Pray about it, and I hope God's Holy Spirit will continue to speak to you and show you the path you should take. If you want to be complete remember, we should endeavor to walk in His way always, God Bless You!

  • 1 decade ago

    God is teling you that you should draw close to your mother and that there is much need for help in the church and within you own people. Also to not follow your dreams but that which your heart tells you and you know to be the truth Jesus Christ True God and true man is trying to break through your wall of deception. Try attending mass with your family for starts! God bless all.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    He must be attempting to get the message throughout to you that in case you do good, you will stay a rich and good life (via telling the clerk that somebody grew to become into stealing, you're doing good, and in case you do different good issues, you're able to have cool events and characteristic a great homestead. yet, so some distance as i comprehend, in the different dream you weren't doing something good, so which you get carry of a bad homestead). that's my opinion on it if God is attempting to show you how to already know something.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think He wants you to go help Hatians & Indonesians and other less fortunate in developing countries. and take care of them in like a motherly way since you're a girl ( I think that's what Mary symbolizes.)

    idk. heh.

    Source(s): the symbolism of dreams that i've had.
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  • 1 decade ago

    He is calling you into some sort of service, missionary, evangelist only you can know for sure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you obsess a little too much about your religion

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