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Why are the histories of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.......?

filled with violence and hatred? Why is it that eastern religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Confucianism, Taoism, etc have no trouble getting along with each other?


All societies have violence, I am strictly speaking of violence in the name of God or a religion. The answer has to do with the role of the ego in a religion (or lack of).

16 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Wow. You really don't know much about eastern history.

    In comparison to much of that, Jewish history isn't all that violent. Yes, the Tanakh has plenty of gruesome moments. That's been the style of history writing for millenia. And when you compare it to its contemporaries, Judaism is consistently more humane, a modifying and reducing of existing practices.

    And for the last 2,200 years, the only violence that Judaism has been associated with is resisting attempts to annihilate us.

    This is yet another case when lumping all of the 'Abrahamic' religions together is misleading and erroneous.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's perhaps your relative familiarity with the history of Judaism, Christianity and Islam means you know more about their murky bits. I think it's a bit unfair to say 'filled with', because there has been an awful lot more to those three religions' histories than violence and hatred. In fact, I'm not entirely sure where you're seeing that in Judaism (I can't think of any specifically RELIGIOUSLY inspired violence since biblical times). But Hinduism has certainly been violent, and even Buddhism has at times. I can't claim to know enough about Jainism but it's so strongly predicated on not harming any living creature than I can believe it hasn't initiated war or violence. Confucianism and Taoism are more philosophies than religions.

    Samian - Judaism doesn't claim exclusive truth. On the contrary, we believe that everyone who leads a good life has an equal place in whatever world there may be to come.

  • 1 decade ago

    Awasis……you have hit the nail on the head – Eastern religions have co-existed peacefully subject to certain stray exceptions. I can see from the answers that many people have taken the stray and rare incidents as a rule (like some Christian missionary being attacked by Hindus or VHP etc.) to defend their “inherited faiths”.

    The Sri lankan conflict Tamils V/s Singhalese is not a religions “Hindu versus Buddhist” conflict, but an ethnic conflict. These sorts of answers are dishonest red-herrings.

    The eastern religions did not have concepts like – Pagans, Kafirs and Heretics. They were open and did not demand total submission. They respected knowledge and ascetics whosoever they maybe. The moral behaviour in Eastern faiths does not depend on any fear or commandment of GOD.

    Indian/Eastern religions especially Jainism have concept of multiplicity of truth..called Anekantavada. Jainism holds that truth is multi-facted and no one philosophy can stake claim over the truth. Jainism holds that other philosophies other than Jainism are right in their own right way and it is possible to attain heavens and even salvation by members of other religions. To understand the inclusive and pluralistic approach of Jainism, check out the following link:-

    To understand Jain Philosophy check the following link –

    Source(s): Various scholars and Wikipedia
  • 1 decade ago

    Well when you think you are the exclusive universal truth and need to get everyone else in line with you they have found that the best way to do it (well back then anyways) is to do it by force via "god's direction/blessings"!

    Now they have learned (well the older religions) that it's better to go about things covertly via "peace", love, emotional appeal, psy ops, etc. instead of the overt way of war, force, the sword, etc.

    Right now Islam is still in need of learning such though in certain countries as they are still trying to do like their brethren did back in the early day.

    I love how ppl think Judaism and Christianity are the ultimate truth when both were spread via plagiarism, sword, force, social pressure, manipulation, lies, and serious deceit! How can such been made such a reckoning force via ungodly acts but yet be said to have been started and spread via god?

    Source(s): Church History, History, Religious Study, Scripture!
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  • 1 decade ago

    Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Confucianism, Taoism have no trouble getting along... did you say? Interesting...

    Have you heard about the Tamil Tigers where you have Hindus against Buddhists -- and do I really need to mention that is violent as violent can get -- the Hindus on one side have killed countless innocents, including one assasination. The Buddhists on the other have killed as many innoncents, as well.

    How about the 2nd Sino-Nippon wars -- Buddhists against Shintoists (a form of Buddhism)?

    And Tibet -- Buddhists against Communism?

    And India -- Hindus against <take your pick>, including Muslims, Buddhists and Christians?

    There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism while deeply influencing the other have remained rivals, political and ideological.

    And I am guessing that you haven't heard about the "Vishwa Hindu Parishad", short of actually calling itself an army, it is the militant wing of an Indian political party -- alleged members have burnt Christians missionaries working in leper colonies, the kind most people shun. For legal purposes nothing about what I said about the Vishwa Hindu Parishad is on paper or can be proved in a court of law -- but we know what we know, right?

    All I am asking is that you get your facts straight.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I agree, that wasn't honest. in case you learn one faith for the historic attitude, you will desire to learn the different international religions besides. yet i do no longer think of everyone seems to be frightened of asserting/doing something against Islam. have you ever been on solutions long? human beings say undesirable issues dozens of situations an afternoon.

  • Faith
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Ok, we know we don't create each other and we don't come to this world from nowhere because when we die we must be going somewhere as well, hence there must be God, if there were many Gods, they would have fought over what to be created and what not to be, probably over who to die and who to live at the same time... so it's gotta be one God... if that God created us then there must be a reason... could we figure it out on our own? God made it easy and sent us messengers and prophets to show us the way and tell us why... so all the messengers and all the religions are from the same only God, so they've got to be complementary to each other, not opposing each other!!! then God must have said His final words in the last message, what is the last message? and how do we know it's the last one? I guess that would be the religion that believes in all messengers and all books equally... is there such religion? actually yes, Islam does :)

    A True Muslim (man or woman) gets his reward for obeying Allah's orders (Allah means The God in Arabic) by going to heaven, where he/she are indulged forever in all the good things that were on earth and more, things no one ever dreamt of or heard about. The Holy Quran tells Muslims (men and women) there will be good food, good wine and sex in heaven for all, but not in the bestial way you may think of, but rather in a way that is satisfactory for everyone and better than what was on earth. Heaven is no heartbreak or injustice land.

    True Muslims are no terrorists, and Islam never calls for that, Islam means peace, it bans violence unless you were fought so you fight back, it only doesn't require Muslims to be cowards, and true Muslims understand this very well and never attack civilians.

    Islam is the only religion that accepts freedom of religion and asks men to treat women gently like queens.

    It's all in the Holy Quran and the right teachings of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

    If some people behave otherwise, then it's because people behaviour doesn't necessarily reflect the rulings of their religion always, for example, we can't (and don't) judge Christianity by Hitler or Madonna.

    And that is another reason why there is heaven and hell after we die, heaven for the obedient and hell for the disobedient and/or oppressor, it's all going to be decided on the day of resurrection and judgement.

    To be a Muslim, you must believe God is only one with no spouses or offspring, believe in his angels (servants not males or females), believe in all his religions, messangers and books equally, the day of judgement, heaven and hell and that everything is in God's hands and because of his will (good or bad).

    Muslims believe God is the only divine who never dies, the creator who deserves to be worshiped, all prophets who came to earth are human messangers sent by him.

    Muslims don't deny christianity, judaism, Jesus or Moses. They believe in them as the noble prophets and messangers of God, love and respect them so much.

    We believe the birth of Jesus (messanger of God) was a miracle from God to us, being born by a mother only and with no father. God is the creator, he can do anything.

    We believe Jesus (peace be upon him) is NOT dead till today; he wasn’t even murdered or crucified as most people think. God (most glorified) made the man who betrayed Jesus be killed instead by switching their looks for a moment. Jesus was left up to live in heaven until the end of days when he will come back to earth again, with no new teachings or messages but just to make justice prevail instead of oppression, fight the imposter who will claim to be God and (most important) to perform his last prayer with the Muslims announcing he's too a follower of the last prophet (Muhammad) as all people should... then he really dies like other Prophets and be buried (peace be upon them all). So we're waiting for you Jesus, Messenger of God, to bring the world peace and pray with us. That’s what prophet Muhammad told us and this is what I believe in, I’m a Muslim

    so how do we know it's true? what is said in the last message and what should we do? read the following, and you'll figure out for yourself:

  • Gary D
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    All of the religions you mentioned encourage peaceful works between cultures. The religions themselves don't teach it. It's the interpretation of the original books that encourages hatred and violence.

    Speaking of hatred and violence...what's with all the thumbs downs all of a sudden?

  • 1 decade ago

    There are false Christians. Often things were done in the name of Christ that weren't from Christ. Politics mixed with religion and took it over and compromised it. True Christians do not do such things as Christ says you will know them by their fruit. It is the devil bringing deception and causing God to be falsely blasphemed.

    As for the other religions they also have histories of problems. Today many Christians are being killed by Hindus and so forth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I have never seen Chinese trying to sell me their religion.

    I have seen black men trying to sell me Christianity and Islam not africanism or something.

    The more control a particular religion exert on their captives, the more so called like minded and the more partner in trade and wealth accumulation.

    Ever cross your mind why Africans are so backward while Japanese/chinese thrive.

    Africans have been brain washed to think they and their cultures are not good. So, they embraced other religions of the good people and from their on started selling their own as slaves etc.

    Most Blacks i observed hates blacks in reality because nothing in culture to hold them together.

    Japanese,Chinese stick together and to their cultures.

    That is why Chinese/Japanese or Indians are able to ignore all the negatives that are hauled at them in the name of religion and have self pride.

    It is all about monopolization of the mind.

    Religion is just a feel good factor meant to fools the weak/vulnerable.

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