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If Obama is convinced that the stimulus bill needs to be passed immediately, why won't he compromise?

He said today that if the bill isn't passed like RIGHT NOW, the country may slip into a crisis so deep we can't get out of it. He also has promised in the past to go through any bill line by line and get rid of any pork. But if you look at the bill, it's about 2/3 pork. Money for the National Endowment for the Arts? Money so that gov't employees can drive hybrid cars? Money to build new schools? Money for school lunches? Money for NASA to study global warming? Why doesn't Obama do what he promised and strip all that nonsense out? For that matter, why didn't he sit down with Republicans and write the bill instead of letting the Democrats write it by themselves if he's so non-partisan, as he said he'd be. His rhetoric is getting increasingly extreme yet I see no move on his part to compromise. Why did people vote into office a man with no experience writing or passing bills, or working with people to get bills passed?


Edna obviously hasn't actually read what's in the bill like I have. It's about 2/3 spending and 1/3 tax cuts, and needs to be the other way around. Edna, do your homework before you answer next time.

Update 2:

Dr. Obama, I'd take offense at your calling me a liar, but you obviously have not read the bill either, so I have to conclude that you're ignorant, and it's hard to take offense at an ignoramus - or in your case an ignoranus.

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The urgency is just to whip it past the voters eyes. If everyone actually knew the content of that porkulus bill they would be pretty angry. It's losing in public opinion by 37% favor to 43% disfavor or so right now.

    The bill has what is really important to the democrats, which is not stimulating the economy, it's consolidating special interests and bought and paid for voting blocks.

    This is why Obama stopped anyone but Union's from profiting from any stimulus ... in fact his late night Friday executive order bans all non Union companies from getting any federal contracts at all.

    I'll tell you what, Obama Won the election, but he didn't win it telling people this was what he was going to do. He won it obviously by lying.

    The people in the US never voted for this garbage, that is for sure.

    INFORMATIONAL NOTE: While the government can borrow 1 trillion $, cause interest rates to go up and kill chances to start up or expand business and create jobs, wait for it, wait for it

    The public can bring forth MANY TRILLIONS IN INVESTMENT. It is a huge resource, that will stay locked down if the interest rates go up and investing becomes a bad risk.

    There is no way the government can stimulate the economy in a meaningful way. All the government can do to access what can absolutely make all the difference, is to make changes to policy that make the conditions for people investing in the economy likely to pay off. Then the huge force in the US economy will be unleashed, as it always has been. Not by government stimulus, but by an environment conducive to gains to the true force in the economy, the people, through their investment.

    This package locks down the huge forces our economy can unleash. We should be letting them run and do what they do best, by unleashing them through favorable conditions, which means the government stays OUT OF THE WAY.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's making the mistake of being hasty and asking americans to be hasty with him. Whether or not you like the stimulus, logic dictates that an incomplete stimulus plan passed now will not work as well as a complete stimulus plan later.

    They should take the time to get it right because they won't have a second chance.

    I do not know much about the economy. I do think it is obvious that since our economy has been so bad for so long that being bad for just a bit longer won't be the end of the world. If we get the plan right (say after a few weeks or months) we can really improve the economy. ruin

  • Power
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Where are you looking at it at cause I don't see pork unless I am looking at Rush Limbaugh's head. Oh, Ok, you think everything is pork cause you don't understand that a good education is hard to get when you haven't had lunch & because you have always had lunch you can't put yourself in anyone else's shoes. Your question is about you not about pork. He has an almost 80% approval rating yet no one on this site seems to understand any of it. OMG, I just read you think he has no experience writing or passing bills. I think you can go to & scroll down to a section in the middle to find out how many bills he has written & passed. You can find the list of things he wrote & what there status is. Until you find out the truth there is not point of trying to answer your question so you get what you should as an answer. I will say this, he has no reason to compromise. He is very insightful & what he is doing is giving the republicans the opportunity to co-operate or to look like obstructionists. This is going to ruin the republicans in the future & so he is being patient he doesn't need them but he is giving them the opportunity to show themselves to the country.

  • bwlobo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Also, in this bill is the refusal to make any money available to college campus buildings which allow any kind of religious gatherings. There goes the informal Christian Bible Studies or the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

    This bill will also refuse medical treatment to senior citizens if the treatment is far more costly than what the statistics show that the cost won't be offset by years living. There goes your grandmother and grandfather, your mother and father, your aunts and uncles... and it won't be too long before it will be you!!!

    Now, what do these stealth social agenda policies have to do with stimulus.... Call your senators. Call, call, call. Tell them to start over with a bill that can actually stimulate the economy!

    Source(s): bwlobo
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  • 1 decade ago

    He's the president. Odd as it sounds, that's not his job. Members of the Congress and Senate alter and debate bills. Obama can't actually change it. The only thing he can do is try to get support for it, which is why he met with the Republicans and why he's stressing the urgency of it so much.

    In fact, writing and passing bills, and working with others to get them passed, is pretty much all of his experience.

    This is the job of the Congress and Senate. Unfortunately, our 'honorable' representatives aren't thinking about anything except themselves, and the next election.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For those saying "because he's the president". Read the constitution.

    Mr. Obama only holds 1/3 of all United States Power. His is mainly for military purposes anyway.

    If he had all the power, then it would be considered dicatorship.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama has never shown any interest in working with anybody who doesn't think exactly like he does. That's who he is, and who he always will be.

    Obama is a horrible combination of ignorance, incompetence and arrogance. He has no idea what to do, he can't implement what he decides and he thinks he's a god and doesn't need to listen to people who actually know what they're talking about.

  • Obama is a filthy, stinking liar. He is a puppet and if George Soros ever removed his hand from Obama's butt he would collapse in a heap on the floor.

  • 1 decade ago

    because then he can get things past that are not in the best interests for this may seem not so big of a thing,or be very small.but its things that will really ruin our country and destroy its moral structure. he is that sneaky and slimy like that.cause inside hes a very liberal minded person with evil intent.lord help us all.

  • 1 decade ago

    you do understand the fundementals of a stimulus bill, right?

    it's to put money into the economy. we need all those things you call "nonsense" in order to spend the money we borrowed from china. if we just sit on the money it wont be spent, wont go into the economy, wont help anything. the whole point of stimulus is to spend, spend, spend.

    comprimising on the bill would just let it not work as well as it should. and if you're gonna do something, might as well do it right.

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