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  • Why are democrats opposed to child support reform and custody reform?

    Over and over I've seen it - whenever a bill comes before state legislature concerning child support reform and/or child custody reform, for the most part the democrats are opposed to the reform. Why is that? In my home state of Georgia, for example, when a child support reform bill came up for a vote, every democrat voted against the bill, even when it was shown that the original child support formula was intended solely for unemployed mothers (it was based on the Wisconsin formula from around 1960), and it was based on fathers who never saw their children. Only the father's income was used to figure the amount. It didn't matter how much the mom made, or how much time the children spent with the father, the father's income was all that was taken into account. That had a terrible impact on all divorced dads, white and black, who lived in Georgia. The child support awards in Georgia were around twice what they were for every state around us.

    So, when it's obvious that the laws creates situations unfair to the non-custodial parent, why is it that democrats are opposed to reform? And why would ANYONE be opposed to the presumption of joint custody when custody reform is being discussed? Provided, of course, that both parents are fit parents with no abuse, addiction, or any other serious flaw.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why do people have a problem with Promise Keepers?

    In light of Sanford's affair coming to light, I've seen several questions here making fun of Promise Keepers. Here are the 7 promises of Promise Keepers. Other than those who object to Christians in general, what do people see here to object to?

    Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper


    A Promise Keeper is committed to honoring Jesus Christ through worship, prayer and obedience to God's Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.


    A Promise Keeper is committed to pursuing vital relationships with a few other men, understanding that he needs brothers to help him keep his promises.


    A Promise Keeper is committed to practicing spiritual, moral, ethical, and sexual purity.


    A Promise Keeper is committed to building strong marriages and families through love, protection and biblical values.


    A Promise Keeper is committed to supporting the mission of his church by honoring and praying for his pastor, and by actively giving his time and resources.


    A Promise Keeper is committed to reaching beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity.


    A Promise Keeper is committed to influencing his world, being obedient to the Great Commandment (see Mark 12:30-31) and the Great Commission (see Matthew 28:19-20).

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • The Recovery Bill will cost each US citizen $10,692, or $817,500 per job saved or created. A good plan?

    current population = 305,809,962

    cost of recovery bill - 3.27 trillion

    The cost per job saved or created will be $817,500

    3.27 trillion divided by 4 million jobs BO says will be saved or created.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • which is worst, the cost of the Iraq war (less than $600 billion) or the Recovery Bill ($3.27 trillion)?

    The $3.27 trillion price tag comes courtesy of the Congressional Budget Office.

    By my estimate, the recovery bill will cost nearly 5.5 times than the entire Iraq war.

    Bear in mind that the vote to go to war with Iraq was unanimous. So far the voting on the recovery bill has been completely partisan.

    33 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Which of these items will actually stimulate the economy? Which will most egregiously NOT help the economy?

    This is what's actually in the Recovery Bill.

    $24 million for construction and repairs to US Department of Agriculture facilities

    $22.5 million for the USDA Inspector General for oversight on the stimulus bill

    $176 million for deferred maintenance on US Agricultural Research Service facilities

    $50 million to modernize and maintain the IT system of the Farm Service Agency

    $290 million for "Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations"

    $50 million for "Wastershed Rehabiliation Program"

    $1 billion for rural housing direct loans

    $10.4 billion for rural housing guaranteed loans

    $2.5 billion for rural distance learning, telemedicine and broadband

    $100 million in grants for National School Lunch Program equipment assistance

    $150 million in agricultural commodity assistance

    $1 billion for the Census Bureau

    $4.7 billion for "Broadband Technology Opportunities Program" which includes $350 million for the

    development of a "broadband inventory map"

    $650 million for Digital TV converter box program

    $220 million for Scientific research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

    $360 million for Construction of scientific research facilities

    $230 million in extra budget money for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    $600 million for NOAA "Procurement, Acquisition and Construction"

    $225 million in grants for programs to combat violence against women

    $2 billion in state and local law enforcement assistance grants

    $225 million in grants to improve the criminal justice system

    $225 million in law enforcement assistance to Indian Tribes

    $100 million for the "office for Victims of Crime"

    $125 million in law enforcement assistance for rural areas

    $50 million in state and local grants to combat internet crime against kids

    $1 billion for the COPS program

    $400 million in operations budget money for NASA

    $150 million for "Aeronautics" at NASA

    $400 million for "Exploration" at NASA

    $2.5 billion for research at the National Science Foundation

    $100 million for NSF "Education and Human Resources"

    $400 million for NSF "Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction"

    $1.4 billion in Army "Operation and Maintenance"

    $657 million in Navy "Operation and Maintenance"

    $113 million in Marine Corps "Operation and Maintenance"

    $1.09 billion for Air Force "Operation and Maintenance"

    $98 million for Army Reserve "Operation and Maintenance"

    $55 million for Navy Reserve "Operation and Maintenance"

    $39 million in Marine Corps Reserve "Operation and Maintenance"

    $13 million for Air Force Reserve "Operation and Maintenance"

    $266 million for Army National Guard "Operation and Maintenance"

    $25 million for Air National Guard "Operation and Maintenance"

    $75 million each for Army, Navy, Air Force "Research, Development, Test and Evaluation"

    $400 million for "Defense Health Program"

    $2 billion for Army Corps of Engineers construction

    $375 million for Army Corps projects on the Mississippi and tributaries

    $2.07 billion for Army Corps of Engineers "Operation and Maintenance"

    $100 million for "Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program"

    $1 billion for Interior Department "Water and Related Resources"

    $50 million for Central Utah Project Completion Act

    $50 million for California Bay-Delta Restoration Act

    $10 million to inspect canals in urban areas

    $16.8 billion for Energy Department, "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy"

    $5 billion of that goes for "Weatherization Assistance"

    $4.5 billion to improve the nation's electricity grid

    $3.4 billion for "Fossil Energy Research and Development"

    $483 million for "Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup"

    $390 million for "Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund"

    $1.6 billion for "Science"

    $6 billion "Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program"

    $5.12 billion for "Defense Environmental Cleanup"

    $7 million for oversight of "Making Work Pay" tax credits and payments in this bill

    $80 million to implement health insurance tax credit plan

    $5.5 billion for the "Federal Buildings Fund"

    $300 million to buy energy efficient vehicles for the federal government

    $200 million to consolidate the Department of Homeland Security Headquarters

    $100 million for hi tech border security technology along the Mexican border

    $420 million for construction of US Customs land border ports of entry

    $20 million for tactical communications equipment for immigration enforcement

    $1 billion for Aviation Security (explosive detection equipment)

    $98 million for improvements to Coast Guard shore facilities

    $142 million for "Alteration of Bridges"

    $150 million in FEMA Public Transportation Security Assistance grants

    $150 million for Port Security Grants

    $210 million in grants to upgrade non-Federal fire stations

    $125 million for Bureau of Land Management activities

    $180 million for Bureau of Land Management construction

    $15 million for Wildland Fire

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • The national debt went up 4.7 trillion under Bush. That's terrible, isn't it?

    When that news came out, everyone blamed Bush for being a terrible leader. But the current version of the "recovery" bill has now been estimated by the Congressional Budget Office to be 3.27 Trillion. If the 4.7 trillion deficit under Bush was bad, how bad is BO's 3.27 recovery bill?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • BHO promised to post any bill on the internet for 5 days before signing. Was he lying?

    In my list of 173 promises BHO made during his campaign - compiled from his speeches, his web site, and from newspaper articles covering him - promise #3 was that he would post any bill on the internet for 5 days prior to signing in order to allow the public to review and comment. Seeing as how the Congress is trying to ram this Economic Stumulus (read: spending) bill through less than 48 hours after they wrote it, was this qualify as a broken promise on his part?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Obama is convinced that the stimulus bill needs to be passed immediately, why won't he compromise?

    He said today that if the bill isn't passed like RIGHT NOW, the country may slip into a crisis so deep we can't get out of it. He also has promised in the past to go through any bill line by line and get rid of any pork. But if you look at the bill, it's about 2/3 pork. Money for the National Endowment for the Arts? Money so that gov't employees can drive hybrid cars? Money to build new schools? Money for school lunches? Money for NASA to study global warming? Why doesn't Obama do what he promised and strip all that nonsense out? For that matter, why didn't he sit down with Republicans and write the bill instead of letting the Democrats write it by themselves if he's so non-partisan, as he said he'd be. His rhetoric is getting increasingly extreme yet I see no move on his part to compromise. Why did people vote into office a man with no experience writing or passing bills, or working with people to get bills passed?

    27 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Repeat question - water heater pilot light won't stay lit?

    I asked this question last week and am asking now with additional details.

    The pilot light in my water heater will not stay lit. The thermocouple has been replaced. The water heater is in an enclosed crawl space - no drafts. The flexible gas line to the water heater has also been replaced. The gas furnace works fine, so it isn't a gas problem. My local Lowe's said that it can't be the thermostat (the box on the outside of the heater with the temperature button, etc.), so I'm scratching my head. On Friday I lit the pilot light and waited for it to finish heating the water. When the burner went off, so did the pilot light. At that point, I could relight the pilot light, but once the I let go of the pilot light button, the pilot light would go right out.

    A new water heater is expensive, along with the expansion tank that is required and the permit to install which is also required in my county. I'd rather not replace the tank - especially since I'm not 100% confident that the problem originates with the water heater.

    I'm not sure what to do next. I'm rather tired of having to crawl under the house every time we need hot water. If it's not the thermocouple, not the gas line, and the unit is venting okay, what could it be? Faulty replacement thermocouple? Should I take the new one back and try to exchange it?

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My hot water heater pilot light keeps going out - what can I do?

    I have to crawl under the house every time we need to take a hot shower or wash dishes. It seems to work for only one cycle - this morning, for example, I got up and relit the pilot light, waited 30 minutes, then got my son up to take a shower. By the time he was done, the hot water was all gone. I waited another 20 minutes, but the water never got hot again. This has been going on for over a week and I've already paid to have the thermocoupler replaced - what else could it be? I'm tired of crawling under the house twice a day!

    13 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • North Carolina ski recommendations?

    My wife wants to give me a ski trip for my 50th birthday next month. I think she's trying to kill me. I'd like some recommendations for good places to ski in North Carolina, as well as any places to stay. What I've seen online is pretty expensive. We'll be driving up from Georgia with my 13 year old son, who will probably snow board.

    Can someone help me find a good place that's affordable?

    2 AnswersSnow Skiing1 decade ago
  • What horror movie from the 50's/60's is this?

    When I was growing up in the late 60's and early 70's, there was a TV station in Dayton, Ohio that every Thanksgiving would play an old horror movie where aliens came to earth and started killing humans. At one point, the lead alien male figure had his arm cut off, and he harvested an arm from a human to replace his. For the life of me, I can't remember the movie name and would love to see it again. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Why would Time Magazine name Obama as Person of the Year?

    All he's done - all he's EVER done - is get elected. He didn't vote most of the time in the senate, he hasn't accomplished a darn thing yet, all he's done are made a bunch of promises that he's already started to backpeddle on. Shouldn't Time have picked someone who's actually accomplished something?

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Each and every American on the hook for over $23,000 in bailout money. Where will this come from?

    According to CNN/Money ( the current bailout total is over $7 trillion. That's $7,000,000,000,000. Taking that number and dividing it by the current US population of 301,139,947, that's over $23,000 each that the government has promised to use in order to rescue banks, housing, and manufacturing corporations. Do you a) think this is fair, b) where will the money come from if not from taxpayers, and c) do you think it will make things better or worse? John Stossel ( says it only makes the economy weaker in the long run. What do YOU think, and why?

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Where's the best price on turkey?

    Here in Georgia, I've seen it for 69 cents a pound at Kroger and Publix, and 68 cents a pound at Ingalls - does anywhere have it cheaper?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to stop sites from timing out?

    My company requires me to log in to their secure website to retrieve email, enter time, etc. I am in a small, secure facility in a secure area. After about an hour of inactivity, the websites time out and I have to go through the process of logging back in, which includes using a triple-A token. Is there a firefox extension or other way to have my open browser periodically visit each site in the background while I continue to use my computer for other work? It's really annoying to constantly be having to log back in.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • How much is the $750 billion bailout going to cost citizens?

    Since the US has been doubled the deficit over the past 8 years (thanks, George, helluva job), it's obvious that the money will have to come from taxpayers, won't it? I mean, where else WOULD it come from? According to my math, if the $750 billion bailout was split evenly among every citizen of the US, we'd each have to cough up almost exactly $2,500 in taxes! But everyone knows that nearly 40% of working Americans don't pay taxes (after you figure in all the deductions), and not every American works. Can someone smarter than me figure out how much money those of us who pay taxes are on the hook for?

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Does anyone besides me worry that if Obama loses we'll have riots?

    The fact that Obama is running and could win the race for the Presidency shows that we are not a racist country, yet I worry that if he manages to lose, we'll have race riots and the black community in particular will say that he lost because of racism. I fear that him losing may cause some major problems which it will take years to recover from. Does anyone have the same fears? I'd almost rather him win and then be the disaster I think he will be.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why do we tolerate this?

    Between the two candidates, nearly 1 BILLION dollars has been spent on the election. Just think how many people who are about to lose their homes could have been helped, how many small businesses could have been started, how many hungry people could have been fed. Both sides spend hundreds of millions of dollars to get elected while telling us that they will be frugal with our money. Why do we tolerate this? Why can't we put an end to campaign advertising and expenses and just make our decision based on the debates and what their platform says?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago