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BHO promised to post any bill on the internet for 5 days before signing. Was he lying?

In my list of 173 promises BHO made during his campaign - compiled from his speeches, his web site, and from newspaper articles covering him - promise #3 was that he would post any bill on the internet for 5 days prior to signing in order to allow the public to review and comment. Seeing as how the Congress is trying to ram this Economic Stumulus (read: spending) bill through less than 48 hours after they wrote it, was this qualify as a broken promise on his part?


Secular Humanist - sorry, but no. Try to keep up. The Senate version that was passed was different than the House version, so they had to come up with a brand new compromise bill that had some new stuff and jettisoned some old stuff. The current version of the bill has NOT been online for five days.

Update 2:

Wildfyr, the current bill is nothing like the bill that's been debated. That's why the Democrats cobbled together a compromise bill - while shutting the Republicans out of the process - to address the differences. And despite YOUR opinion, only 37% of Americans support the bill, while 43% oppose it. I suspect that if the 37% actually read the bill (I read the previous versions and was appalled), they wouldn't support it either. Except maybe die-hard Obamacons.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Once this bill gets passed, it's as good as signed. There is no way he is going to wait 5 days. He will sign this within 24 hours or less. He didn't post the other bills for 5 days before he signed them.

    Besides, you don't really expect him to remember all the promises he made, do you?

    A couple of Dems want to have investigations into possible crimes by Bush and Cheney because they commissioned a poll that said 36% of those polled thought it was a good idea (that would represent the hard Left base).

    We now have 70% of the people saying this bill stinks. Yet these same politicians are cutting line to see who can sign it first.

    They should be tarred, feathered and ran out of town on a rail.

    For those who say the bill has been out there for over 5 days, NO IT HAS NOT. Those are different versions from the House and Senate, but they are versions that 70% of the public does not like.

    The final version will not be available until AFTER both Houses vote. We will not be able to study it for 5 days until it becomes law.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When is a politician lying? When his lips are moving. So therefore anything he promised during the campaign was simply there to give the frustrated voters some HOPE about CHANGE. It is basically going to be more of the same democratic crap.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the three issues you suggested weren't costs handed below Obama. a million. quickly and furious - grew out of undertaking Gunrunner, an ATF sting operation to seize "gunwalking." That grew out of yet another operation began in 2006 referred to as extensive Receiver. No indictments handed off as a results of those form of sting operations at the same time as George W. Bush became in place of work. After Obama took place of work, there have been some indictments. All decision making became made with the help of the ATF and the branch of Justice below the path of the White abode. there have been no costs. This became the continued artwork of the ATF began in the time of the George W. Bush administration. there became no longer something for Obama to post. 2. Solyndra - the mortgage assure given to Solyndra to spur option power growth became approved with the help of the ability coverage Act of 2005. George W. Bush signed it into regulation. The bill approved the ability branch to grant mortgage ensures. Solyndra utilized in 2006. It became working its way in the time of the ability branch till 2009 while the mortgage became certain below law that had already been handed. there became no bill for Obama to positioned on the internet internet site. It had handed 3 a million/2 years previously he took place of work. 3. We by no ability declared conflict on Libya this is why that by no ability have been given mentioned. We by no ability went to conflict with Libya. It became a civil conflict. The UN handed a determination in the risk-free practices Council. the U. S. Air rigidity applied a UN mandated no-fly zone. In March of 2011, US Air rigidity bombers dropped bombs on a hundred aims in Libya. In June, US bombers killed 9 civilians in Libya, which comprise 2 squaddies. Our involvement in that conflict became airplanes in basic terms. We by no ability had boots on the floor. Obama did no longer mislead us in 2008. I won't accuse you of mendacity yet your accusations at the instant are not actual. noticeably once you accuse Obama of no longer liberating information on a bill that became handed at the same time as he became nonetheless in the U. S. Senate.

  • 1 decade ago

    Can you imagine if FDR would have waited five days to sign a Declaration of War after Pearl Harbor was attacked?

    Get real. This Bill has been debated and worked on for two weeks. Every clause of the bill has been posted on the Internet and analyzed to death. America wants action and we want it now.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Of course he was lying. This liar has continuously said one thing, done another, and will continue to do so. You don't have any chance of getting a bill written by extreme left wing loons passed if you allow people to read it.

  • 1 decade ago

    One smart Liberal said the Republicans had read it in its entirety before hand and agreed to it then reneged.

    They said we should all have read it by know.

    It shows they have not even tried to read it their selves, these children do not realize how transparent they are.

    See Secular below :she hasn't even tried to read it has she they are such LIARs. Perfect EXAMPLE of what I said.

    wyldfyrd another prime example how Obots do Bray lies.

    A day after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., announced agreement had been reached between the White House and congressional negotiators, the measure still had not been revealed in full late Thursday.

  • He did say the FINAL Stim Pack would be transparent and the people could see it for 48 hours before they vote on it. GEE- that didn't happen either. No wonder why Obama is traveling around giving away houses- it makes him look good so most people think he is good. Man thats so devious!

    The lady that got a FREE HOUSE ON US. QUIT HER JOB! MOVED away without having another job! GIVE ME A BREAK! HOW DUMB IS THAT>

  • 1 decade ago

    The proposed stimulus bill has been online for more than 5 days. Obama didn't promise to e-mail it (to you)!

  • rwb13
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    he probably didn't realize how long it would take to type in more than 800 pages especially when the pages keep sliding off the desk and the keys get greasy from the pork fat on them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Did he say that before or after the entire economy collapsed?

    I guess in this case he'd say that we're in the middle of a crisis and there's no time to wait.

    He also said he wanted this bill ready to be signed on Inauguration Day... looks like someone's been dragging their feet.

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