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Dom asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

PLEASE help us with our cat!! PLEASE!!!!?

My fiancé and I adopted a one year old Ragdoll/Persian male mix, he is a “Kitten” but he just HATES us to no end, he won’t let us hold him, he won’t sit ON our laps but instead NEXT to us on his bed, he won’t let us cuddle with him, he wines constantly at us if we don’t let him outside (we don’t because it makes him sick, he poops blood from eating the grass and throws up a lot after being outside a lot) so we don’t let him. At night when we go to sleep, he’ll sleep for about an hour or two but after that he just does EVERYTHING he can to scratch up everything we own, scratches the bed, couches, clothes, anything he can to get our attention, but its 12am!!!!!! What are we supposed to do!?

We are thinking about crating him at night, but we need help understanding how to train him to be OK with that? Have any of you had experience with a cat from hell!? We do everything we can to make him know we love him, we give him lots of love, belly rubs, brush him, play with him, feed him, all of the above and he just HATES us. We call him Louie the little asshole because that’s what he is!! Please help us!! What can we do!?!?


Just a side note, we have had him INSIDE for a week and he hasn't pooped any blood, the vet said that if he has blood in his stool it could be from sharp blades of grass he's eating, he likes to go out and munch on grass and chase bugs, but like I said, it makes him sick.

Ever since he's been inside he's been fine from those things, but we have done EVERYTHING to make him stop being so descturctive, sprays, double sided tape, foil EVERYTHING, what else can we do!?

Update 2:

Sorry I didn't include this, he IS fixed, and his poop has now become normal, he hasn't had blood in it for over a month now, just saying that since he's been inside he's been a lot better.

We only love him a lot because the vet told us to do that to get him to come around to us.

Update 3:

Sorry ANOTHER side note, he has 4 scratching posts around the house, he only scratches our things becuase he knows we will get up to make him stop, and boom , he gets his attention.

IT's a catch 22 cause we know it's bad to reward bad behavoir with attention, but then again I don't want a giant hole in my couch either....

Update 4:

You guys are all giving such great answers thank you so much, it's gonna be hard to pick a best answer!!

To the last two posters, he has more toys than I do lol, so he does play with them but he would rather we play with HIM, and we do, but he wants to play when we are eating, being intimate, sleeping, anything that's not playing wih him he doesn't like, which is when he acts out, it feels like we can do nothing but tend to him the entire time we are home, and we won't do that we are tired, need to eat dinner, do laundry, etc, we do play with him but not every minute of every hour, which is what he wants or needs from us somehow.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Some cats do not like to be held. Plain and simple. They may feel confined, and cats do not enjoy that sensation. Cats are also very adept at picking up people's feelings and the more anxious you are about your cat's "negative" behavior, the more likely it will be that he will not warm up to you in the way you feel he should. He is sitting next to you because he enjoys your company, otherwise he would not approach you at all. Some cats are just not lap cats, they are "sitting near you" types. Try to accept your cat's personality the way it is, and not try to change him. The more you accept, the more he will appreciate and love you.

    It sounds like your cat needs more exercise to release his pent up energy. He is very young. Ragdolls and Persians are famous for great dispositions, but they mature very slowly. Kitten energy can be quite aggrevating for some folks, but with age, he should mellow. Get some interactive toys, such as feathers on a pole (feline feather flyers) a laser pointer ( used very cautiously not to get the beam into the cat's eyes- you can blind them),some furry mice toys and also a cat tree at least 5 feet tall, made of sisal and carpet,with shelves and tunnels. Just know that all scratching posts are not created equal. Cats need to be able to stretch out their entire bodies for the post to be appropriate and used. Carpet only covered posts are useless.

    Before you go to bed, play strenuously with your cat for about 15 -20 minutes. Feed him a bed time snack afterwards. A full belly makes for good sleep, and hard play will tire him out as well.

    Indoor cats live a lot longer than those that are permitted outdoors unsupervised.

    But mainly, I think your kitty is telling you something, that he feels somehow, unaccepted. Crating a cat really is not a good idea. They are not dogs, and do not feel secure crated. They only feel confined.

    I would recommend that you purchase a book on feline behavior. Pam Johnson's books on the subject are excellent. She has several that are really worth the read.

    Hope this helps,


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Freelance writer/blogger for

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Thats gotta be a male... and an unfixed male.. Trust me you can never keep them home.. they will go where the food is and where the ('scuze me ) where the pussy is.. they are wanderers.. thats a fact.. male cats unless fixed and well fed dont really belong to anyone person.. they are community cats.. LOL (I laugh but its totally serious) Male cats (even neutered ones) are VERY territorial and have a specific pecking order... (the one that can kick every other males *** estabilishes his territory.. no thats not a joke) Younger male cats are notorious fighters.. and establish a range of territory fixed or not.. and like real life.. if there are femals involved.. well fixed or not.. they will fight and establish a range... house cats have about a 5 block range.. Cougars have a 30-100 mile range.. cats are cats.. what can i say? and males are males... Really thats not unusual at all... just better keep yer eye on yer husband LOL they arent much better (again semi serious.. better feed him good hehehe) There is an old saying.. Dogs have owners.. CATS have Staff...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow. This is a tough one. First of all take him to the vet and get this pooping blood thing checked out. Also, he may be stressed or upset about something. Have you changed his litter? Have you changed his food? Was he just recently taken away from his mother? Now for him hating you he may be concerned that you're going to hurt him. When you're with him do you move a lot or crouch down and get up a lot? It scares cats when someone moves a lot. If you just ignore you're cat and pay no attention to him whatsoever, he will start trusting you more. Hope this helps. :D

    Source(s): Owns 6 cats.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's great you haven't given up on him yet! He may still come around and be the best pet ever! As far as toys go, have you tried a laser pointer, my guy was always wearing me out with his constant desire to play! I bought him a laser pointer and he loved it more than anything else (Careful not to shine it in his or YOUR eyes though!). I could sit around a watch TV while shineing the pointer on the floor/walls. The cat would go nuts trying to catch it until it would just be so worn out and tired, it would just go right to sleep.

    Also, if you are uncomfortable having him declawed, there are other ways to deal with the scratching. Even a declawed cat will still want to scratch the's instinct. It is now considered by many as cruel to have them declawed, but you can have tiny, bead-like things glued to it's nails to prevent the scratching from damaging your furnishings. It is near impossible to stop the "scratching-post" behavior though.

    Good Luck!

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  • Laurie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    if Louie is "pooping" blood for any reason, he needs to go to the vet. If he is uncomfortable because of a physical ailment, he won't be in the best mood.

    He needs a scratching post or scratching pad. He needs to be left alone because you are irritating him. Some cats are not lap cats and prefer to sit next to you and let you pet them. Let Louie be himself. He does not hate you at all. He loves you.

    Just read your additional comments. Sorry, I had to laugh. This is one really needy cat that know how to get YOUR attention. He's smart too!

  • 1 decade ago

    Good for you for not just throwing him out on the street.

    Ditto on taking him to the vet immediately. My cat goes outside and eats grass but she doesn't poop blood. This could have something to do with his mood.

    If he's been like this from the start ask the people you got him from if he was like this to them. (At least you it isn't just you.) Also find out if he was socialized before you got him. If he was in a shelter or pet store they might have just left him in the cage and never played with him. If he was from a breeder then they should get in trouble for breeding cats and sending them to owners unsociable.

    I'm not sure what kind of toys you've gotten him. But you could try a bunch of different toys and see what he likes. My cat likes the mice that you can get about a dozen for a couple of dollars. And strings, boot laces, etc. It might be he has a lot of energy he needs to get rid of and it just comes out as aggression.

    Is he neutered? Sometimes cats will calm down once they are fixed.

    You can also find a treat he likes. and bait him closer to you until eventually he's on your lap. Even then let him sit there until he is extremely comfortable, (that may take a many many times of letting him sit on your lap, if it even gets to that point)make an attempt to pet him.

    This may also be just a cat that just doesn't like to be rubbed, etc. I've had one who was one of the types she would let you pet her when she wanted to but as soon as you rubbed her one too many times she scratched and ran off your lap.

    I hope everything works out. I bet he is a beautiful cat.

    Source(s): lifetime of cats
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If he is not neutered then he should be. Please keep him inside. An indoor cat is happier, healthier and a better companion.

    Also, you might consider that he needs a friend. Perhaps he is bored and friend might be very welcome. A older kitten male or female would be a good choice.

    Our young male was really getting out of hand until we brought home "Grace Kelly". Now Tommy is too busy having fun with Gracie to be a problem.

    good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    From what I've been reading from the other contributors, Your cat seems to be very bored. The maturity level of Persion's is evident also.I hope for the best.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well my one cat i had would just hide under the bed all day and night. (she has alittle feral in her) So we just lured her out with food and pat her and kept her happy and healthy but she ended up running away... she went up a tree and wouldn't come down then we had to go to sleep (it was late) and she was out of the tree and never to be seen again... sad really

  • 1 decade ago

    Crate training, you're kidding, right?

    Put some soft paws on him to save your couch.

    Get a dog if you want to cuddle.

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