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Has anyone felt like switching prenatal doctors?

I hate my doctor... she does not really communicate with me. I have had two appointments so far and during the second one, I was kept in the room waiting for 45 minutes only to have her come in and ask if I was feeling any pain, and then listening to the babies heart beat. She said she did not need to measure me (which I thought was always expected at each visit). Am I being too hard on her? She also didn't tell me any of the results of my pap (so I am assuming everything is fine). I am already 20 weeks according to ultrasound, or 18 weeks according to doctor no personality.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should interview other doctors and midwives if you don't like yours for whatever reason. If you need someone who will be more personable and will give you time and attention, you should consider hiring a midwife for your prenatal care and birth. After all, low-risk women who hire midwives have better outcomes and less intervention, in general, than low-risk women who hire OBs or family practice doctors.

    It's actually not uncommon for some doctors to make you wait such long times, but I wouldn't put up with it. I don't like feeling like my time is so worthless to them. It's not necessary for them to measure you at every appointment, but I'd expect a few more minutes of time or to be seen by a nurse or something if all they were going to do is what your doctor did. Why pay such a high price for care that isn't all that great and doesn't give you much anyway. She should have at least mentioned your pap. Usually they only CALL if there is something wrong, but they will tell you the results at your next meeting regardless of the outcome.

    I switched providers at about 7 months because I really didn't like the practice I was working with. I switched to a midwife who took my insurance, worked with one of the best doctors in the city, and who would actually meet me at the hospital and stay with me throughout labor. This is pretty rare, even for many midwives, but doctors NEVER do this. A doctor usually shows up 20 minutes or so before you push out the baby and charges you lots of money for consulting with your nurses over the phone. I wanted to know who was going to be with me. Maybe you can find a midwife who is like this?

    Good luck! It's almost never too late to switch providers, especially if you don't like the one you're with. After all, this is your birth, you're only going to do this a few times in your life. You might as well make the best of it by making sure you have a good provider.

    Source(s): childbirth educator, doula, mom, pregnant with #2 and chose my midwife very carefully this time.
  • 1 decade ago

    Actually what she did is normal. They dont start measuring until the third trimester (some may do it a little early, some a little later). All your visits with almost all doctors will be the same. They do your weight check, urine sample, blood pressure check, listen to heartbeat, ask if your in pain, and thats it. It will be that way until your almost due. If she didn't tell you any of the results of your pap and you didn't get a phone call or anything in the mail, then that means everything is fine. It's if they say anything or call you about your results is when things may not be fine. If you have a question then ask. Your doctor will not guess what you want to know, you have to flat out ask. If you dont ask they assume you know or are not interested so they wont say anything. Do not be afraid to talk to your doctor.

    Your ultrasound may say 20 weeks, but you still need to go by what dates your doctor gave you. It is expected for due dates to be off up to two weeks in either direction since nobody knows the moment you ovulated and concieved. Ultrasound dating is very inaccurate after the first trimester. Babies start to grow at different rates and you will continue to measure different (even when they measure your belly). Something as simple as position of baby can cause measurment to be off. You may measure two weeks ahead right now, but next time you may measure a week behind. It is all very normal.

    But if you really do not feel comfortable with your doctor then start looking for another one you will feel comfortable with.

  • MS
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If your not comfortable then you should switch doctor's. Leaving you for 45 minutes that is crazy. You should feel comfortable and relaxed with your doctor. I had a doctor with my first and she was okay, but made me wait 18 extra days to induce me, then I got stuck with a student doctor who was awful. This time I'm going with a midwife and a different hospital. I would rather have a doctor that listens to me and tells me everything I need to know. Surprised she became an O/B and have no personality.

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep in mind, this is your body and you can direct who you will having poking and prodding it. With most doctors, no news is good news, but I still understand why you are a bit frustrated.

    I was 30 weeks and changed my doctor because he had no bedside manner and seemed to disregard my concerns with two word answers. I DID NOT like him and I got a referral to another doctor who I love!

    If you don't feel comfortable, by all means change because you are going to want someone you feel comfortable with, and plus, its your money and you can pay who you want. Go ahead and change now.

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  • 1 decade ago

    IM switching mine as well because Im 21 wks, have yet to have my pap done or have any other exams other than my blood pressure and a few questions. So change if you want, or try to ask more questions of your doc

  • 1 decade ago

    I am switching now actually. I am not comfortable with my doctor, and I am 28 weeks. If you are not comfortable, change. There is no reason this needs to be an unpleasant experience for you. IMHO. =o)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You don't need that much done at this stage. If you don't like her switch. I did in the 8th month to a midwife that would do a home birth. It was a good idea.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yea i would switch, im switiching mine because im not told about any of the results from my ultrasounds, blood tests, nothing. she talks to fast and wont let me get a word in edge wise.

  • Morley
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If you really feel that negatively towards her you should switch if you can. This is the woman that will likely help deliver your you really want her there if you hate her?? I wouldn't.

    Good luck.

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