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How do you all feel about it?

Out of all of the Yahoo!Answers divisions I've visited, the Senior Citizen Department has the most feeling of Community. As I get to know the regulars better (you know who you are), I like it here more each day.


I've gotten so many great answers, it will be hard to pick just one. What a nice bunch you are!

I have been a Y!A member for a few years...I stay around as long as it's interesting to me, then leave for awhile.

This Senior group has a hold on me!

Some of you mentioned squabbling; I only notices that with one particular trouble-maker, who really ticked me off. Haven't heard much from him lately. Every "Family" has it's bad apples.

I aquired the name Wise over 67 years ago. I come from a long line of Wise Men. ;)

43 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As you can tell by all the "answers" this "Community" is more like a chat room than a Questions and Answers Forum. Unfortunately, like chat rooms, it is dominate by the few. They attempt to run the forum as they see fit and whine like stuck pigs when they get their feelings hurt. Then they accuse people falsely like your typical pcers often do.

    Most of the questions have simple answers. Most answers are really opinions or experiences. Few questions offer any challenge. However, I stay and will continue to stay. This is my fun and relaxing forum. You would not believe how silly some of these people, Seniors, can be.

    Best of luck. Yes, I thought it might be your real name.

    Edit: I do not have a negative view of the forum. See how silly you are. What in my answer even remotely implies I am. There is nothing in my statement but reality and truth. Sorry if that bums you out. I am NOT a pcer, that behavior is disgusting.

  • janet
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I found the Senior Citizen Department about 2 months ago and it is my favorite -- first thing I bring up when I go to Y!A. There are always a few grouches out there but fortunately they are way, way in the minority. And, they do provide a diversion and make you realize how nice everyone else really is.

    I usually find interesting sites by looking at the general questions, then when there are some really neat questions, I check and see what site they are from and then go to that site. That is how I found the senior citizen site.

    I don't think I've been blocked by anyone yet. I try to give honest answers and not be sarcastic but some questions do bring out my sarcasm at times!!!

    And wouldn't you love to know who gives everyone a thumbs down on here? They must be a real joy to be around. Yuck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Couldn't agree with you more. Although I don't call myself a regular as at times I am not here to come on I still feel 'at home' when I return. I am not an oap for 8 days yet but just love when someone asks a questions that I can related to my childhood and indeed this often happens. I loved Current Affairs until the sad case of the disappearance of Madelene McCann........those on there were really scarey and at times very, very, sick in their postings. Only thing I don't understand is Yahoo themselves. They repeatedly seem to give Violation Notices because someone has clicked a button and don't take the bother to read the details.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have found the Q&A's here to be informative, witty, fun, and there is something useful to be derived from every Q & A. Overall, this is a great community with individuals who have "lived it," and have so much to share with not only our peer group, but for anyone who is seeking answers from people who have "been there & done that!"

    It's too bad though that there are certain individuals who have a need to constantly "flex their muscles" in order to have a sense of empowerment that they otherwise probably do not have outside of Yahoo Answers. (Ok, I'm ready for my TD now!)

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  • Dinah
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I come here first. I'm 62 and enjoy age peers. But often, there are so few questions I look elsewhere too, especially when I can't think of a question to ask. I go to current events, politics, home and garden, beauty and style, the disabled, and have asked in autos and transportation and elsewhere. I like the group here -- the honesty, satire and wisdom.

  • Lynn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I feel that way also. I have been a regular on this site for almost as

    long as I have been on YA. I have seen alot of changed avatars since

    my beginning. And I got used to knowing who everyone was. Now

    there are just a few who post under an original avatar, and I know

    they are not going to be troublesome, trolls or reporters. For the most

    part anyway. I feel relaxed as if there is family here. And all of those 65

    and older, I feel I have something in common with. I have seen the

    squabbles, with the younger set who also make Seniors, their home

    base. I refer to some who are in the 55 group, according to original

    info on them. And I know the older listers, like myself, don't have the

    patience for game playing, or being snide, rude, and crude. Having a

    similar mind set, is also something I appreciate and can often rely on.

    I'm glad you've joined us, and are here to stay.

  • CJ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, absotively and posolutely this is the very best Y/A! site - I have been hanging around here for about 18 months now, and have made a lot of really great friends. Most people who visit here are friendly, warm, caring, compassionate, educated and intelligent. I have learned a great deal in the past 18 months!


    PS: Have a star!

  • 1 decade ago

    After reading 40 answers, there is just one individual with a negative view of our community here. Yet that one self-admittedly will return to us for a "fun and relaxing forum" (even after ripping on us for being "Simple" and"Silly" and said we "whine like stuck pigs"!!!) That should be the Best Recommendation for the "Chat Room " style that you all contribute to here, BRAVO SENIORS! Even Your Toughest Critic Give You All Good Reviews !

    EDIT: want to guess who gave all those TD????

    Source(s): me=open-minded, observant
  • Peapie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I agree that Seniors is the best division in Yahoo. Just because one doesn't visit often doesn't mean they haven't and know how wonderful the community is.

  • DeeJay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Wise Man - You probably chose your nick name because you too know who you are.

    I love it here - I joined in July of 2006 and mostly answered in Psychology, Sociology, Book and Authors and Quotations.

    After a year, I happened onto the senior section. Now I'm usually here or in quotations - occasionally take a stroll through other categories. Both my husband and I have collected quotations, writings and poetry. He really isn't interested in Yahoo!Answers.

    Welcome and glad to have you aboard.


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