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Pete O
Lv 5
Pete O asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 1 decade ago

Why does Israel do this?

It is a wonder Palestinians get angry with Israel.

ISRAEL has ordered hundreds of Palestinians to leave their homes in annexed east Jerusalem, warning their houses are illegal.

"The owners of 80 houses in the al-Bustan neighbourhood have received eviction notices saying that the structures will be destroyed because they are illegal," said Hatem Abdel Kader, an official responsible for Jerusalem affairs in the Palestinian government.

He said 1500 people were living in the threatened houses in the neighbourhood abutting the Old City.

He said several of the houses served with demolition orders were built before 1967, when Israel captured east Jerusalem from Jordan during the Six Day War but numerous extensions have been built since.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "He said that several of the houses served with demolition orders were built before 1967, when Israel captured east Jerusalem from Jordan during the Six Day War but that numerous extensions have been built since."

    During 1967 Israel capture land that was occupied by the Egyptian arabs and the Jordanian arabs. Anybody who wishes to build a settlement or building in east jerusalem, Jewish or Not needs a notice. There is a reason for this. During the wars, many Jews were kicked out and ethnically cleansed from these locations. Jordan told many arabs to settle in these places where Jews lived. You do not see the Jewish villages from before because they were taken down by Jordanian forces.

    Therefore this is not where you should have been looking in the article. READING IS FUNDAMENTAL.

    ""I built my house a year and a half ago," he said. "I asked for a permit but never received authorisation.""

    Here is the line you should have told us. Clearly Israel does not want an arab majority in these areas or the Arab population to GROW in these areas.

    "Israel, which considers the whole of Jerusalem its "eternal, undivided" capital rarely grants building permits to Arab residents of east Jerusalem, which the Palestinians want to make the capital of their promised state"

    Another line you should have used. A fight between peoples for a capitol.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They never answer questions directly. They either claim that its an invalid source "arab propaganda" or they throw it back at you by asking a dozen questions. Forget about every other nation in the world right now, we are talking about Israel. Answer the question simple and truthfull- why does ISrael do this? Because they need more houses, because their population is increasing and they need to expand, because they want to make the most of it now before any sort of peace process or land exchange.

    Why does Israel do this? Because there is nobody to spank her for it thats why.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The asker states, "It is a wonder Palestinians get angry with Israel."

    You have it wrong. The Arabs get angry with Israel because they just will not tolerate a Jewish presence in the Middle East.

    The Arabs will not be satisfied until they have driven the Jews into the sea.

    Any other claim is merely a pretext for their hatred.


  • 1 decade ago

    In fact, Israel regularly demolishes the homes of Jews that were built without permits.

    This is a very rare occasion, when Israel applies the law equally to Arabs, who are ordinarily treated with kid gloves and are not subject to punishment for their violations.


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  • John
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Why do they demolish illegally built buildings?

    Because the buildings were built illegally. The Israeli Government is enforcing the law.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because they can. Do you think that the Arabs would behave differently if the situation was reversed? Probably. They'd kill all the Jews. I'm not saying it is a righteous thing to do, but what do you expect from a government that wants all the land it can grab before a Palestinian state is declared.

  • 1 decade ago

    How would you answer these?

    Why is there no protest over the historical reduction of Eretz Israel,The British Mandate,The Balfour Declaration or the proposed boundaries at the 1919 Paris peace conference - all were significantly larger than the resultant boundaries of 1948?

    Why is it acceptable for the Palestinians to arbitrarily want to return to the borders of 1967?

    Why not the borders as first envisioned in 1917, or why not borders based on pre Roman conquest?

    Why even cede any territory to the so called 'Palestinians'? Why aren't they absorbed by their ever so caring Arabic neighbours? (Who refuse to pay the Palestinian Authority the pledges they have made.)

    Let Egypt have that basket case called Gaza, let the 'west bank' Palestinians move to Jordan.

    Why is it valid to ignore the historical Jewish territorial area but valid to accept 'historical' Palestinian claims?

    Why is the State of Palestine solely made up of area under Israeli control?

    (Gaza was formerly under Israel's control)

    Why isn't Trans Jordan, Egypt, Syria or Lebanon obliged to relinquish territory to this mythical state called Palestine?

    Why are there no border disputes between the Palestinians and the other Arab States?

    Why not take arbitrary amounts of land from each neighbor including the other Arabic states?

    Is it because Palestine is simply a vehicle to deny Jewish ownership?

  • 1 decade ago

    I am close to fuming when I see the lack of knowledge demonstrated by my Jewish brethren!

    It is all part of the Masonic plan! The ones who TRULY rule Israel are not even Jewish! They're bloody Kabballah Satan worshipers!

    It is a sad day when Judaism is being hijacked by Satan and his followers

  • 1 decade ago

    The Arabs living there are squatters. Please name one sovereign country in the world where tenants would be allowed to move into a neighborhood without purchasing the land and build dangerous structures without receiving the appropriate municipal authorization. [Imagine getting away with that in London, Paris, Madrid, Washington, D.C., NYC, Dallas, Amman, or any world capital.]

    Incidentally, you neglected to mention the former residents of Kfar Shiloach / Silwan, the site of al-Bustan. This area just happened to be "available" to the squatters after the Yemenite Jewish owners who settled there from 1881 were massacred between 1936 to 1939. The Jewish survivors of the Arab pogroms fled the neighborhood, but their communities still own the properties, including the sites where Yemenite synagogues once stood. It's their right -- and not that of the Muslim usurpers -- to decide what is done with the land. In Israel, the Jews are not your dhimmi.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't forget that Israeli soldiers enter Palestinians house and live there for a few days, leave then come back. Sometimes they dont even the kids enter when they;re coming back from school. Its crazy

    Tell this to America, Israeli will start crying and be like "No one cares about us...waaah!"

    Source(s): Sick of Americas and Israels actions
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