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How many people think that the government is responsible for the current problems in the USA?

I contend that the people are the problem. We as a populace do not hold our Politicians accountable for there actions.(Both sides of the aisle). They make mistakes, but since we do not hold them accountable, they feel they can do what they want. When reelection comes up, we send them back to office.

WE are responsible. And all this started 40+ years ago, who agrees?

8 Answers

  • imaxkr
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately that is correct. If there we so many problems with the government, every incumbent should have been voted out of office.

    Problem is, the two main parties 'set the rules' for the elections; debates, campaign finance, and such. These 'rules' make it prohibitive for any third party or independent to compete. Just voting for the 'other' major party does not solve anything, as has been proven over and over again.

    If just 10% of congress was from a third party then neither major party would be able to control government. Therefore productive debate would actually happen rather than the 'lip service' the controlling party gives the voting public.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree, we do not hold people accountable once they are in office.

    But I would hasten to add that we also don't hold each other accountable. Class warfare is the thorn in my own side right now. I see it on too many posts here, and from both sides.

    Folks here seem to prefer class warfare over intelligence. The most common case is this mindless assault on the "rich". If people put all that energy into educating themselves, they could become rich. But instead, they take the low road to self-righteous poverty.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course, this is why every political office should have term limits and get rid of career politicians. And the Fair Tax to further take away their power.

    But there are a lot of stupid people that always feel that it's not their guy in office that's the problem, I'm looking at you Pelosi supporters out there.

    "Once the people realize they can vote themselves money the Republic is over." -- Ben Franklin

  • gdsb
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    People are the problem and or people are the solution. All elected officials are a products of their times and it is very rare that any one individual creates the mood of their times. It certainly has gone on since we became a Democratic Republic. Forty years is the news generation, it is just reported more often.

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  • 1 decade ago

    it's not a problem that is easily fixed. i really don't think obama is acting as though he's concerned about being re-elected, beyond that, with all the pork he's passing, i'm sure he'll be "taken care of" down the road, like other politicians are

    it's a corrupt system, mccain was the best chance we had for ceasing the corruption.

  • 1 decade ago

    Agreed, but it really got started back around W Wilson's time

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are correct. In a democratic society, it is ultimately the people who are responsible for the rise or fall of the nation.

    The problem is these brain dead, willfully ignorant, hopelessly uninformed, greedy, narcissistic, self-righteous, self-absorbed, morally degenerate "Baby Boomers." These people were handed everything and struggled for nothing, so they applied that to government.

    Basically, it can be boiled down to their very simple motto: "I WANT IT MY WAY! DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah. I gotta agree.

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