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Anonymous asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Drinking alcohol can cause enough people know?

There is no doubt that alcohol can cause seven types of cancer.

The more you cut down on alcohol, the more you reduce your risk of cancer.

There is limited risk if you only drink a little - such as one small drink a day for women or two for men.

You don’t need to be drunk to increase your risk.

Drinking and smoking together are even worse for you.

The consequences of drinking too much alcohol go well beyond the evening’s embarrassing antics or the morning’s hangover. Scientific studies have confirmed that alcohol can also cause cancer.

Obviously, not everyone who drinks will develop cancer. But on the whole, scientists have found that cancer is more common in people who drink alcohol than people who don’t.

...So you gonna give it up altogether?



What do you think... do you drink alot.. does itmatter to you?

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was looking at a site today,where a scientist who has studied cancer for years, said that if normal cells were starved of oxygen by 35% over a period of 48 hours,those cells will turn cancerous.

    There are so many different reasons for cancer,that if we took notice of all of them,we wouldn't eat or drink anything.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Everything causes cancer these days! I can't sweeten my tea, go out to the park on a nice day, or even get accidentally bumped in the chest in a crowded place without someone screaming about how I'll develop cancer.

    Drinking, like most things, have consequences. I like to get drunk every now and then. Usually once every 2-3 months. And I will occasionally have a drink with dinner or something. I know the risks, and I do it anyway.

    It is good to be informed, but we can't live in cancer free bubbles.

  • Rosina
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The best way to stay healthy is to ignore all the health warnings. Only a few weeks ago we were told that a glass of wine a day was good for you, but a few weeks before that it wasn't. Now we are back where we started!

    IIgnore it all, everything in moderation is the answer. You are far more likely to get cancer by worrying and obsessing about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depending on which scientific study you read you get different results

    If you eat meat you get cancer but you also get cancer if you dont ,If you smoke you get cancer but you also get cancer if you dont

    Even things like lettuce ,eggs and everything else can give you cancer/

    The ONLY fact to date is they still havent found a real cause

    You last sentence "Obviously not everyone who drinks will develop cancer " My Question : WHY??

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  • 1 decade ago

    See, there's a problem right here. Lots of people know. And most of them don't care. My wife works for a brewery; government campaigns against alcohol do not affect sales by more than a single percentage point of annual sales.

    The problem is that little three letter word 'can.' File it along with 'might,' 'may' and 'could.' You might get cancer. You could damage your liver. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow, but you don't live your life as though each day might be your last, do you?

    And incidentally, it's Friday night, and this little can of Heineken sitting near the keyboard says I'll give up alcohol completely when I'm dead. And if there's any sort of afterlife the beer better be bloody good.

  • sophia
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    My Dear every thing causes cancer these days. But its only when some scientist does some reasearch then people believe it. But do they also tell you that some food can cause cancer, and then there's all the personal care products, and cleaning products, that have some very dangerous chemicals in them. No.

    How comes many people who have never drunk or smoked in their lives get Cancer. Think about it.

  • faizah
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They give you so much Pro and Con information that you don't know what to believe. The people in France have lower rates of heart disease because of their alcohol consumption and not higher cancer rates.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many things will increase a persons risk of getting cancer, its a case of everything in moderation, when we gonna get that?

  • 1 decade ago

    O.M.G., here we go again, blame is put on just about everything ! In the past it has been rare cooked meat, potato skins, fatty foods, car exhausts, now we've got to alcohol. O.K. I'll hold my hands up, every now and then I have a pint to many, yet I never remember anyone telling me that too much work was harmful !

  • 1 decade ago

    So? Lots of things can cause cancer. I certainly am not giving up drinking over that. I think drinking is far more dangerous for liver disease than cancer.

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