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If God knows everything and that includes the future, then wouldn't he have known?

First off, I am a Christian. Just throwing that out there. So I'm not some atheist trying to bash away at Christian ideals and ideas.

When God was creating the heavens and the earth and all that is and was, then wouldn't he have known from the very get go that his creation was going to be flawed to a degree? By that I mean that the humans that he would place upon the earth would 'soon,' (whatever amount of time that is) disobey him and fall from grace. From there sin would enter into the world and then we would get to where we are today and in order to correct this problem he would have to sacrifice his only son for our salvation.

However, since God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, wouldn't have be able to know the future and see that there was going to be that problem? It seems to me that it was irresponsible of God to continue on his way and make the world, even though there was going to be flaws in it. Along with every other artist, would not God want his creation to be perfect? The Lord even took the 7th day to rest, after pronouncing that 'It was good.' Would he not have wanted it to stay good?

Technically any correction would not have infringed upon the whole free will thing because God would have been able to make the changes before our free will or even humanity itself came into existence.


And for all of you who are saying that it was just so God could send his Savior, wouldn't it be easier to simply make it so there was no need to be saved?

Going off on that, assuming that it was in the plan to send a savior, it appears that God didn't fully want to send a Savior, because since Jesus is true God but was still asking if there was some other way that the whole salvation thing could be accomplished, thus showing reluctance, then God didn't fully want to send a Savior. The savior himself even had some second thoughts about it.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ah, but any correction would have infringed upon the whole free will thing. Free will is about choice, and humans have the choice to do evil, so bad things happen. Biblically speaking, the world exists as a proving ground to see if there are any souls capable of following God without ever being forced to. Were the world perfect, there'd be no point to it, and all souls would be in heaven. There'd be nothing to prove. So the world "is good" because it allows for evil, not in spite of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    good points. I am not an atheist, nor do I ever seek to bash Christianity as a whole; I merely take issue with poorly-behaved Christians because of the disproportionate influence they tend to wield.

    I think it is a good thing that Christians can asks these questions; too often we see many things taken as unquestionable within the club.

    I think that positing any omniscient, omnipotent, interventionist and benevolent single-god poses inherent logistical problems. I'd like to see the issue debated intelligently rather than people automatically reacting negatively.

    Of course, removing the interventionist aspect is the easiest, but it kinda makes participation in a religion for such a being problematic. The "why do bad things happen to good people/good things happen to bad people" dilemma remains an obstacle whenever an interventionist single-god is posited.


    Source(s): pagan
  • 1 decade ago

    This is the exact same question I have been asking for years. You can even take it one step further and wonder why did god create Lucifer if he would have known that Lucifer would rebel against him. Also your concept of free will is a little flawed. Man was not originally created with free will. God never intended us to have free will. It was only after the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was eaten that free will came into play. How can you have free will with no concept of right and wrong?? You can't. You cannot have the free will to choose between right and wrong if you have no concept or understanding of right and wrong. God explicitly told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so god never intended us to have free will. However since Adam and Eve had no concept of right and wrong, and no concept of death, how could he have expected them to realize the consequence of their actions? He set them up for failure on purpose. Also you stated that it was irresponsible of god to continue with his creations once he realized there were flaws. I will take this a step further and ask you how is it possible that a PERFECT creator make something with flaws in it? Would not an all powerful omnipotent and omniscient god not only be incapable of making a mistake, but if he had indeed intended for his creations to be perfect would it not be impossible for them to be anything other than perfect? The only explanation that can exist is that either god does not in fact exist, or that god is not all powerful, all knowing and perfect. The only other option is that god did this on purpose and is a sadistic creator who enjoys watching the misery he has created and is in fact the evil one, and Satan is the good one for rising up against an egomaniacal and tyrannical creator. Either way, I prefer to believe that god does not exist, because the concept of an inept creator, or an evil creator are just too much to handle, lol.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    NO...Just as creation is a free act so is Atonement. He could have atoned by a quite different way.

    Creation is inherently imperfect too !! The creature is limited and cannot even sustain its own being, as Paul says, quoting a Pagan :

    In Him we live and move and have our being.

    And the free will thing is the worst of your errors. God created out of love. He wanted it to stay good but He loved it nonetheless (Sounds like you would have shelved the whole damn thing -- Thank God, you aren't God ) so He perdures in the reason He created, Love.

    Your reading of Genesis is very bad.

    The Pentateuch as Narrative

    by John Sailhamer.

    Naturally speaking the fall of the angels would have happened BEFORE creation so perfection can't be the aim AND it probably happened because God revealed to the angels the plan of Incarnation and the response was "Damn, we have higher natures than they will, Why not incarnate as an Angel ?" -- So your data and reasoning are scary wrong.

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  • Dena
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    When God created the Heavens and the Earth, he did know beforehand the downfall of mankind. But that is why he sent the Savior of the World, to take upon our sins. Thru him we found our redeemption.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes He knew all the flaws of humanity beforehand - that is precisely why we needed our Savior Jesus CHrist - otherwise we would be eternally lost. HE is that bridge between our flawed selves and the perfection required to live in God's presence again.... THAT is the epitome of His grace, mercy & love..... It's all part of the Plan

  • 1 decade ago

    Great question.

    there are a couple i would ask that stem off of yours.

    if go was all powerful why would he have to rest?

    if God was all knowing why would he make me knowing i would not believe then send me to hell? would that not mean he created me just so i would go to hell for eternity? how is that an all Loving God?

  • 1 decade ago

    Since you believe in Him, you already know He knew.

    So we have drama going on, and God is proud of His children who overcome. Who stay faithful even when death is on the line.

    God wanted to see it happen, and so it is.

  • Greg
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If humans were flawless and without the possibility of sin, we would be sheep. If humans were flawless, how would they prove their faithfulness to God?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its all a big experiment to God. Its all planned and this is how he is letting it play out.

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