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Please tell me one thing and that's how are The Obama Administration destroying the U.S. ?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Whatever you been hearing, is mostly just opinions from whinny little Republicans.

    Source(s): We're in a deflation. So we can print as much money as we want and it will not have a immediate effect on the value of our dollar. Until many years later, that is unless our economy becomes as strong as it once was.
  • 1 decade ago

    Causing a financial meltdown with billions of wasteful spending. Bringing us to socialism by using fear tactics, Socialist governments always use fear tactics because fearful people are always easier to control. They haven't even began to figure out the financial issues yet and now they are putting their hands back into the cookie jar to mess with our health care, Yet they don't tell people that this "free" health care is not so free. Taxes will be sky high just as they are in Europe and Canada to cover it. Obama has gone back on several issues that were his main campaign targets like "No lobbyists will have a job in my white house" and then signs a waiver allowing it. Several of his cabinet appointments didn't even get their chair warm before we find that they were cheating on their taxes. Now how can we listen to a president that preaches "truth" and "transparency" when there is none.Obama is taking this country places it won't want to be and convincing people they will "enjoy the trip" People need to stop with this "cult" like "obama can do no wrong" behavior and start asking some cold hard questions before we all wake up and find that the "history making" Obama was talking about was our freedom.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) Raising taxes during a recession. Carter tried this and it was a disaster.

    2) Open borders and a welfare state spells economic disaster. It's pretty easy to do the math on this one.

    3) Trillions upon trillions of spending which will put our children and grandchildren into severe debt.

    4) Gutting the military while deploying our troops to new and dangerous areas.

    These are a few of the no brainers. In addition, I personally feel concerned about:

    1) Socializing health care. The problem began when we brought in government inspired HMO's. I don't see how adding more of the thing that caused the problem in the first place will solve anything.

    2) More gun control. The bad guys will still be able to get whatever they want. Law abiding citizens won't. Again, the math is simple.

    3) The whole partial birth abortion thing bugs me but I'm even more bothered by the bill that Obama held up in Illinois which would have provided medical care for babies who were born alive after botched abortion. These little babies were left to die alone in a utility room. The bill he refused to sign wouldn't even allow pain medications or comfort from medical personnel. This speaks to morality and the value we place on human life.

    4) His Global Poverty Act worries me. He wants to spend over $800 billion on this program FOR STARTERS. Americans will foot the bill to end global poverty. It's a noble goal but the problem isn't that there's not enough food. There's plenty of food to go around. There are governments which will not allow us to get the food to the people. If we're going to solve Global Poverty it means we'll be at war with a LOT of people for a very long time.

    5) His lack of experience. I know there are a lot of smart folks in Washington giving him advice. But this is the president. I'm worried that he will not know how to handle things.

    6) His voting record - not to mention attendance record - from the U.S. Senate indicates a sort of recklessness and indecision.

    7) His lack of experience with foreign policy and his uncanny ability to offend people. By attending a church with a minister who repeatedly declared "GD America" he offended a lot of folks. The "guns and bibles" statement didn't go over so well. Throwing grandma under the bus, the lack of hand over heart during the national anthem, refusal to wear a flag pin until it was obvious it was having an negative effect on his bid for the presidency. If he can't even be diplomatic with Americans, how will he pull it off in the global arena. He's already offended England.

    Need I go on?

  • Bryan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I won't say the administration is destroying the country. This is because I do believe the country will survive as it is greater than any one man or administration. What I do believe they are doing is following a financially irresponsible course which will further damage the economy and create an unmanageable debt load. This in turn will hurt many Americans.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I will try to explain this as simply as possible. This is called Obamanomics

    You have a $1.000.00 in the bank.

    You spend $1500.00.

    To cover the $500.00 shortfall you write yourself a $1000.00 check and put it in the bank.

    Now you sit down and write out check to pay all your bills, total $1000.00, and on your way to the post office you stop by the bank and check your balance and is shows you have $500.00.

    You say to yourself "Great I have paid all my bills and I still have $500.00 in the bank I can going shopping".

  • 1 decade ago

    So many to pick from.

    I'll go with retarding medical research in order to keep costs down. Better we should leech our selves to get rid of medical ailments then a new drug.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not so sure that they are destroying the U.S. but it I certainly do not like it them helping out the greedy housing flip floppers while taking from the responsible consumers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    BO is spending this country into oblivion. We are broke and he just prints more money! Your grandkids will be paying off this horrendous debt!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say Obamas bushlike lust for war and expansion of government. Obama, McCain, Clinton, Romney, all would have done the same.

    - he keeps putting of the iraqi exit date from 6 months to a few years now

    - he wants to expand the wars in the unwinnable country Afghanastan

    - he has illegally bombed Pakistan no less than 2 times in his first 2 weeks

    - he has spent as much as bush did in 2 years in 2 months

    - he fights to expand government power and size like bush, which directly limits personal freedom and liberty

    - his lust to expand militarism abroad, results in expanded police state tactics here at home

    - Obama has to pay back the international bankers and lobbyists that funded his campaign

    - direct lies to the people, saying he wont appoint lobbyists, and then appointing more than any other president in history

    When people hold a human being (a politician) up as a god, they refuse to acknowledge his faults. With such powerful of a following, he can get away with things one which was unpopular could not ever go near. This is exactly what makes him so dangerous.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well if the Republicans damaged the economy with runaway spending then the answer is letting the Democrats also do runaway spending? See a problem with that logic.

    To the people that thumbs down me please explain how the Democrats doing exactly what the Republicans did is going to have a different result.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Edit: Matt:

    Take a shot at reading the CBO report -- I know there aren't many pictures, but certainly paints a very clear picture of the man you blindly support. Welcome to reality're on the train to your own demise and you don't even know it. Reminds of the kids stoked about going to the Carnival in, games, candy -- everything you ever wanted -- and isn't it a coincidence they were all turned into Donkeys while basking in their own euphoria? I think not....


    "So we can print as much money as we want and it will not have a immediate effect on the value of our dollar. "

    More democratic policy that weighs heavily on the short run. How'd that work out for you guys with:

    1. Social Security

    2. Medicare

    3. Welfare

    4. Ethanol endeavors

    5. CRA

    6, Fannie/Freddy

    The quick-fix isn't always the right fix. There is a short-run...and a long-run. They're highly correlated as in that what you do in the short run has a lasting impact on the long run. When CBO says the economic bills being passed do more harm in the long run...what should your immediate reaction be?

    This policy gouging w/ no causal analysis is reckless. Every decision has a CAUSE/EFFECT relationship and the very idea that the people who back the policies run on "hope" will be those most devastated by it in the long run. Something to mull over.


    They're ignoring conventional wisdom in their analysts (the people we pay to make sure the government doesn't squander our money) and pushing their bills on "hope".

    CBO stated the bills passed thus far will do more harm in the long run.

    www. cbo. gov

    They're printing money like we've never seen before in this Country at a time when the value of our debt comes into question. Falling value + more bills backing that value = inflation.

    His policies hurt the very people that elected him into office.

    The price of food will go up if he cuts farm subsidies -- not to mention the unemployment rate as farms scale back or close their doors to compensated

    The price of consumer goods will go up b/c of the Cap and Trade policy -- unemployment might go up to compensate

    All three of these diminish the purchasing power of every American -- but the very people it hurts most are those people who need jobs and need to be able to stretch their dollar when they go to the store to buy necessities.

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