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What is one of the most interesting natural disaster that a lot of people don't know about?

I would like one though that I can find information on. I am doing a website on natural disasters and I was going to compare two disasters, but that is going to be too hard, so now I want to focus on just one. Thanks!


A specific one.

Update 2:

A NATURAL DISASTER make sure it is one.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounded by the bright blue Mediterranean Sea is the remnant of Stroggli, an island that literally blew up somewhere around 1500 B.C. Now known as Santorini, the volcanic explosion (and the undoubted associated tsunami) virtually eradicated the wonderful Minoan civilization. Unlike Pompeii, the population may have been warned of the impending disaster because few bodies have been found. Plato himself clearly referred to Santorini as the site where the city of Atlantis disappeared under the waves

    Considerable evidence exists for a major global paleoclimate event that happened around 3000B.C. It appears to have affected sea-level changes, vegetation and much surface chemistry. There is speculation that this event is in fact the Biblical Flood of the Old Testament. Scientists naturally avoid equating 'natural' disasters with 'Acts of God', but in this case the time coincidence is very suggestive

    The Strangest Disaster of the 20th Century.

    On the morning of August 22, 1986, a man hopped onto his bicycle and began riding from Wum, a village in Cameroon, towards the village of Nyos. On the way he noticed an antelope lying dead next to the road. Why let it go to waste? The man tied the antelope onto his bicycle and continued on. A short distance later he noticed two dead rats, and further on, a dead dog and other dead animals. He wondered if they’d all been killed by a lightening lightning strike – when lightening lightning hits the ground it’s not unusual for animals nearby to be killed by the shock.

    Soon the man came upon a group of huts. He decided to see if anyone there knew what had happened to the animals. But as he walked up to the huts he was stunned to see dead bodies strewn everywhere. He didn’t find a single person still alive—everyone in the huts was dead. The man threw down his bicycle and ran all the way back to Wum.

    One of the first important clues was the distribution of the victims across the landscape: The deaths had all occurred within about 12 miles of Lake Nyos, which some local tribes called the “bad lake.” Legend had that long ago, evil spirits had risen out of the lake and killed all the people living in a village at the water’s edge.

    Both the number of victims and the presence of fatalities increased as the scientists got closer to the lake: In the outlying villages many people, especially those who had remained inside their homes, had survived, while in Nyos, which is less than two miles away was the closest village to the lake, only 6 of more than 800 villagers were still alive.

    But it was the lake itself that provided the biggest and strangest clue of all: its normally clear blue waters has turned a deep, murky red. The scientists began to wonder if there was more to the legend of the “bad lake” than anyone had realized.

    Lake Nyos is roughly one square mile in surface area and has a maximum depth of 690 feet. It’s what’s known as a “crater lake”—it formed when the crater of a long-extinct volcano filled with water. But was the volcano really extinct? Maybe an eruption was the culprit: Maybe the volcano beneath the lake had come back to life and in the process suddenly released enough poison gas to kill every living creature over a very wide area.

    The theory was compelling but problematic: An eruption capable of releasing enough poison gas to kill that many people over that wide an area would have been very violent and accompanied by plenty of seismic activity. None of the eyewitnesses had mentioned earthquakes, and when the scientists checked with seismic recording station 140 miles away, it showed no evidence of unusual activity on the evening of August 21. This was backed up by the fact that even in the hardest-hit villages, goods were still piled high on shelves in homes where every member of the house-hold had been killed. And the scientists noticed another mysterious clue: The oil lamps in these homes had all been extinguished even the ones still filled with plenty of oil.

    Source(s): for more on the strangest disaster of the 20th centry go to
  • chen
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I undergo in suggestions listening to in the 60's or 70's we've been dealing with a time with little or no volcanic activity in comparison with earlier circumstances and that there might in all probability be a upward thrust. on the grounds that on the subject of the time of Mt. St. Helens in 1980, there have been greater volcanic eruptions than in my youngsters in the 50's and 60's. this is no longer marvelous there's a volcano erupting in the seismic energetic zone of Iceland, although this is in effortless terms this stoppage of air site visitors grow to be exceptional. Earthquakes take place daily, someplace in the international, in many circumstances 3 or under. there have been bigger ones and nearer jointly in time this 365 days, although this is no longer all that unusual. As for tornadoes, collectively as this has been a coarse week or so, and at times, tragic one in the Midwest, there have been fewer tornadoes earlier in the 365 days than extensive-unfold. climate comes and is going in cycles, chilly winters have been variety of happening much less for some years, yet this grow to be greater 'universal' in some places. warmth waves might or would possibly no longer be via international warming. and of direction there is 24/7 information. some people blame fairly some issues on the media. i do no longer, yet we are promptly conscious of issues right this moment and so failures in many aspects of the international are customary approximately as they take place in fairly some circumstances. As for 2012, I actual have predictions. there will be a US Presidential election, i don't comprehend who will win or lose. there will be Olympics in London and with a bit of luck no terrorism or something. there will be a Superbowl, international sequence and different issues. As for December, 2012, the only prediction I actual have is very some people could have a chuffed Christmas and fairly some people gets under the impact of alcohol on New Years Eve celebrating the commencing up of 2013. in line with risk a number of them won't make it.

  • 1 decade ago

    1556 The Shensi Province, China, earthquake killed an estimated 830,000 people, the worst disaster recorded to date

    Source(s): I recalled having read about this disaster some years ago, and checked it out here
  • 1 decade ago

    1976 earthquake in Guatemala= 30,000 deaths

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  • 1 decade ago

    earthquake in Gujarat India, where 400000 people died in 2001

  • 1 decade ago

    Learn about Tsunami.

    It was about 6.30 am when the telephone bell rang. It was a call from Mr. R. Murugaiyan,( Ph- +914426162636 ) retired executive engineer from Tamilnadu electricity board. He asked me, if my earthquake instrument sensed any warning. I said that “No, however; I will adjust the sensitivity and see”. He said that he could see cups & saucers moving on the table. Around the same time, my daughter-in-law came from the second floor and said that she felt her cot shake. I was adjusting the sensitivity of my instrument fixed in my hall. Again another phone call from Mr. Gopal (Ph +919884062661) a former project engineer of M/s Enfield, India; from Annanagar. He said he was able to see water in the bubble top water filter shaking peculiarly. Most of my friends used to call me to get the clarifications on earthquakes. I replied “I am adjusting the sensitivity of my instrument, I will contact you later”.

    My instrument then started sensing the waves and it raised an alarm sound. But there was no ground motion felt by us. As, there was no ground shaking I have disconnected the sounding device and I was observing the flickering of the light in the quake alarm. Since, the frequency of the earthquake (0.5 to 15 Hz) is lower than the capacity of our vision I was able to see the flickering of the bulb. Although, I have 4 early warning instruments in my house (two imported from U.S.A. and the other two were designed by me), only my latest simplified design was adjusted to sense the earthquake on that day.

    The warning signal stopped at about 6.42 A.M I.S.T. So the total warning time was 12 minutes. I never heard in the history of earthquake that the signal lasted for 12 minutes. Generally, earthquake produces shakings for a few seconds to one or two minutes only. The earthquake shakings sensed by my quake alarm for 12 minutes is very high. I was upset for a few minutes. I just thought of the concept of Richter scale. If the amplitude of shaking is low and the time of sensing was for very long time it is also equal in magnitude if the amplitude is high and the shaking is for shorter time. Therefore, I came to a conclusion that the magnitude of the earthquake sensed by my instrument is very high and should be from far away distance. As my eye was operated, I was unable to move out of my house.

    Mr Chandrasekar from Ambattur ( +919884032977 )called me over phone and asked about its effect. I explained him that the sea water may rise to a great height. I brought the Xerox copies of earthquake behaviours from USA library. In the book named “why earthquakes” written by Mr Bruce Bolt, it was clearly mentioned what should be and should not be done before, during and after earthquake. It reads like this “Stay away from beaches and waterfront areas where Tsunami could strike even long after the shaking has stopped”. That day was also full moon day. The seismic activities will be more on that day. Therefore I informed the door darshan and to Sun T.V. to broadcast the alert message at 6.45 a.m. itself. One Mr. Chellappa attended the call at Door darshan T V station. He has asked me to bring the instrument to prove my claim. I explained to him my inability to move from the house. He ignored my warning.

    In Sun T.V. my call was redirected to Sun news section. I explained about my past history and I told them that I have appeared in Sun T.V. for four times and I have appeared on T.V. of other countries like Singapore and London to explain about my instrument of warning systems. But they also ignored my warning. At last the disaster took place at around 8.45 a.m. If the use of my quake alarm was properly tested and certified by the nodal agency my warning would have received its due merit.

    People were unaware of the changes that took place before the earthquake that is barking of police dogs as reported by the Chennai police department; the water receded in the sea shore before the Tsunami attack at Kanniyakumari. Water in small tanks and ponds near Nagappattanam spilled out and the water became muddy. The fisher men in Malaysia got heavy catch of fishes 2 days before Tsunami attack.

    Source(s): My research work in early warning systems.
  • 1 decade ago

    comet hitting earth

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    in isreal in 2001 a floor collasped durring a wedding and killed ALOT OF PEOPLE! you can check it out yourself!

    Source(s): youtube
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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