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Georgia School Principal Making Students Pledge Allegiance to Obama - What does this remind you of?

Did any of you hear the reports on the Georgia School Principal who informed her student body that they were NOT, in fact, pledging Allegiance to the United States of America BUT directly to Barack Obama.

I heard it on Neil Bortz (?) this afternoon - a program I don't usually listen to. He followed up that a child told his mother, who then called the School Board and Bortz. When Bortz tried to talk to the Principal he was referred to "the County."

She stated that ALL the students, or maybe 99.9% of the Student Body, favored Obama so now they would pledge their allegiance directly to him.

Today, the following day, she announced to the entire school that there was a "snitch" in their midst and this information should not have been shared with parents. "What happens in school - stays in school."

You can't make this stuff up.

Does this bother anyone other than me?

Hitler. The War in Europe dragged on and on because the Generals swore an oath directly to the Furher. Their Prussian pride wouldn't let them disobey him.

What do you think about this?


If anyone made it up, it was Bortz. Why would he?

Update 2:

Thank you, Rupert, I hadn't known that. I'll definitely look into it as early-20th Century Germany is my specialty.

Update 3:

For all you haters ou t there who are calling me names and demanding cites: I don't have one. I told you up front where I heard it. The man is a right-winger, but I do believe he knows better than to tell outright lies on his program.

Your vehemence suggests that you DO believe such nonsense is taking place in our Government Schools and you know it to be WRONG.

Update 4:

Butterfly, I agree with you. I do NOT think Obama put this Principal up to it. But - beware, crap LIKE this is going on all o ver, I've just never heard it being done so blatantly before. And the "snitch" label is SO wrong.

Update 5:

SunStarr-He didn't mention the race states or the race of either the Principal or the child who told his mother. I wasn't going to sit in the car any longer to see if he did. I think I already know.

Update 6:

Sergeant, Sir, I don't believe any of the Board members knew - they are typically WAY too P.C. If they did know, or put her up to it - they get thrown out, or, perhaps prosecuted. If it were my kid there'd be hell to pay.

Update 7:

Tubby - I know you don't know me, but I don't lie. I get a little hepped up every once in a while - but I DON'T lie.

I'm a Career Prosecutor. We CAN'T lie!!

Update 8:

So-Called Anglo- WHO CARES??? I CARE!! Coming soon to a school near you. Wait 'til you have kids and have to send them to a Government School.

Update 9:

Thank you, Tubby. I glanced at some of them and it might very well be a hoax. I'll delve more deeply tomorrow, or, hopefully that birdbrain Hannity will say something. Have you noticed Friday night TV s@cks?

Update 10:

Bozieu - I DO believe you - stranger things have happened!

Update 11:

Tubby take a look at the Snopes site. It infers that it DID happen. I believe it. I did a presentation at a Middle School last year & a kid asked me to read a sign he couldn't see from the back of the room. I did so - it had the word N*gr0 in it. Three little girls attacked me with nasty words and pop bottles-I sent them to the Office. They returned with the Principal who asked ME to leave. I'm #3 in the County in Western New York State. I should've had the little b*1ches arrested. I'll never do that again.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would say it is right on schedule.

    Of course it sounds like Hitler, and Mao and Mugabee. Any dictator, you name it. That's how it is done.

    If you want to have a little fun, research the "Know Nothing Legislation" That brought mandatory public school education the USA.

    It had Prussian roots. (Okay, blame it on Napoleon) The Prussians couldn't believe they were hammered by the French so they swore "never again" so they instituted the mandatory public education of the masses. (not the elite) They were determined to create a nation of obedient workers and soldiers.

    Many scholarly historians blame the first and second world wars directly on the German Public School System. The system we copied to integrate the Catholic immigrants.

    It is interesting research. While you are at it, research John Taylor Gatto, multiple winner of Teacher of the Year in New York. He quite teaching because he no longer wanted to harm children. He is a dedicated fan of home education now.

    Lincoln said,"what is taught in the schools today will be government policy in twenty years."

    Who is teaching your children? And what the ****are they teaching them? Most of them are practically illiterate for crying out loud!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would like to see a link to this. No one has a right to have anyone pledge allegiance to anyone or anything but the flag. If this is true, then it was not Obama who made this happen. It was a nutty teacher. Also, no teacher should call a child a snitch. That is street talk, and doesnt belong in the school. The teacher is wrong, if this is the case, and should be suspended at the very least.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For ounce I agree with the SFC. Disgusting! Although I cannot find anything about it on snopes or Yahoo or Google.. Just as bad, you know in Texas teachers were teaching creationism as if it were science and they are pushing to get it put into text books. I guess just to save parents that want that as part of their childrens' education the trouble of attending Church to learn it.

  • Tubby
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Boy, if only you had a source for this info, I'd believe you. I'm not claiming that you lied, but I'm sure you were lied to.

    Here's a site that says the story came from Nevada, not Georgia. Urban legend, anyone?


    Source(s): It's nice to read and think for myself!
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  • bozieu
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It badly recall us in Europa how they let vote the poeple at east inder the communist or socialist boot.

    You have to trust nurse she knows this countries better than me.

    The general secretary has been elected with 99% of voices and the other candidate has been poisonned with orange stuff

    Please it's not a joke.....

  • 1 decade ago

    I find it remarkable how quickly a free country can descend into socialism in two months. As long as Obama's in office, I do not give my loyalty to him, but rather my great State who refuses Obama's unemployment "stimulus" package. Its nothing but cheap money with strings attached to it to make the states conform to socialism.

  • 1 decade ago

    If this is True then every member of the school district that had knowledge of it should be fired and banned from ever teaching in the USA again.


    US Army


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is nothing more than an Internet hoax, being circulated by the hate-filled Right Wing freaks.

    If you truly heard it on a radio show, I wouldn't listen to an idiot that fell for that kind of thing, and reported it as news.

    Cause they obviously aren't real journalists.

  • 1 decade ago

    You know I love me some Obama- but I have to wonder how that person became a Principal when they don't understand the pledge.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm curious to know the race stats at that school. I have a pretty good idea, though.

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